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Jungkook walked into the living room and sat down with Namjoon and Hoseok who were watching TV
"So... how y'all doing?" Jungkook asked as he folded his legs and held his knee
"Just because the boys are on a mission without us doesn't mean you can be annoying because Tae is gone" Namjoon said without looking at him
"What if I just wanted a nice conversation with my best friends?!" Jungkook asked
"You saying what if sounds like it wasn't your initial intention.." Hoseok told him
Jungkook was quiet
"Man fuck y'all!" He said and got up
Namjoon and Hoseok laughed
They grabbed his wrists and yanked him back down
"Watch the stupid show with us" Namjoon told him
Jungkook smiled and did so

Jungwon walked into Niki's room
"Hey Niki have you seen my makeup bag I can't find it and Sunghoon said he saw you with it la-..." Jungwon saw Niki with his bag of course but also with a fuck tone of hickeys on his neck
Niki turned around quickly
"I can explain!!"
Jungwon was trying not to laugh
"MR. KIM!!! PLEASE COME UP STAIRS!!" Jungwon yelled loudly
"NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Niki said in a panic
Jungwon walked into the room and snagged the bag
"You took my stuff without asking! If you would've asked for help then I wouldn't have done that but you didn't so haha!" Jungwon taunted him
Namjoon walked into the room
"What's wro-.. why are they so fucking dark?!" Namjoon said and stared at his son's neck
Niki was embarrassed
"He's pale sir" Jungwon said and walked out the room
"What am I gonna do?!" Niki whined
"Uhh nothing?" Namjoon said as if it was a stupid question
"What do you mean nothing?! What if eomma sees this?!" Niki groaned
"Niki we live in a house of GAY COUPLES." Namjoon stated the obvious
"Jin isn't gonna care, you are a teenage boy with a boyfriend. You are bound to do freaky shit." Namjoon told him
"We haven't done anything like that!!" Niki said
"Oh so the fucking vacuum gave you those?" Namjoon rose his eyebrow
Niki blushed
"Okay.. we haven't gone all the way.." Niki clarified
"And we wouldn't care if you did just as long you are responsible about it." Namjoon reassured him
"I'm still worried about these.." Niki said and rubbed his neck
"Don't be. Everyone has a hickey now and then. It's not that big of a deal Niki. You'll be fine." Namjoon told him
"But my classes! My teachers make us have our cameras on!" Niki whined
"Turtle neck" Namjoon smiled then walked out
"APPA!" Niki yelled
Namjoon laughed as he went back downstairs

Kai and Heeseung were cuddling in Heeseung's room
"Hee baby, how come you don't like PDA?" Kai asked suddenly
Heeseung looked away from his book
"I have never been one for PDA in general, why do others need to know we are together by kissing in public when I can just hold your hand?" Heeseung asked
Kai hummed
"...does me not liking PDA as much as you do bother you?" Heeseung asked
"It doesn't bother me and I respect your boundaries but... sometimes a little kiss while we are out doing stuff wouldn't be so bad..." Kai said
Heeseung knows Kai loves affection wether it's in the privacy of their own home or if they are in public
There are times where Kai does try to kiss him in public but Heeseung just offers his cheek so Kai has other ways of kissing him when he knows it's not what Kai wants
"I can change.." Heeseung said
"Baby I don't want you to change I'm okay with you not liking PDA like I do! I just wish you wouldn't dodge me every time I try to kiss you when we are shopping or at a restaurant. I like kissing your cheek and forehead but a kiss on the lips in public would make me happy every now and then.." Kai told him
Heeseung nodded
"I can do that."
Kai smiled
He kissed Heeseung on the cheek
"I'm also okay with you suddenly needing PDA when you get protective in public~" Kai smiled
Heeseung blushed
"How else am I gonna show them you are mine?" Heeseung asked
Kai smiled
"Holding hands" Kai mocked Heeseung
"Okay okay I get it" Heeseung rolled his eyes
Kai laughed and so did Heeseung
He leaned over and kissed his boyfriend

Yeonjun walked downstairs
"Have you guys seen Soobin?" He asked
"I know where he is but I was told not to say" Namjoon said
"I know where Mr. Seokjin keeps all his sexy outfits but I was told not to say" Yeonjun said and crossed his arms
"...he's in the training room" Namjoon glared at Soobin
"In your walk-in closet under all the shoe boxes it's a big pink box" Yeonjun said and walked away
"THANK YOU!" Namjoon yelled
Yeonjun walked to the training room
He opened the door and saw Soobin punching a punching bag
Yeonjun leaned against the wall and watched with his arms crossed
Soobin stopped to catch his breath
He turned around to head for his water but saw his boyfriend
"AH!" He yelled
He held his chest where his heart is
"Announce yourself please!!" Soobin pleaded
"We all agreed no working for two weeks! That includes training!" Yeonjun told him
"But training isn't working!!" Soobin argued
"What are you training for" Yeonjun raised his eyebrow
"To... to work" Soobin rolled his eyes
Yeonjun nodded
He snapped his fingers
"Let's go"
Soobin rolled his eyes
"Yes dear" he said and followed Yeonjun out

{A/N: I'm sorry I've been gone lately!! I've been so caught up in school and this book isn't one of my top priorities I'm sorry :( I will continue to upload just not regularly. I can't tell you the next time I'll upload because I don't even know myself. I hope you all wait for me! I love you all! Stay Safe 🫶✨}

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