~Don't Worry~

722 24 1

It was the next day
Niki walked downstairs and turned the TV on
The news was on
"We have an update on the Lee Jiyun murder that occurred at *** High School!" The news reporter said
Niki sighed
Niki noticed he was by himself so he just sat down
"Autopsy reports say that his death occurred during the time period of eight forty five and nine A.M., students report that the main suspect Huening Kai was on time for class and didn't leave the classroom until nine twenty five. Other students have reported that Huening Kai's younger adoptive brother Riki Nishimura never showed up to class and security has reported that he saw Huening Kai and Riki Nishimura jump campus fence and flee."
Niki looked at the screen with wide eyes because he saw his school ID photo
"Oh shit.." Niki said
"Investigators have had no luck with tracking either of the children down. That's all the News we have on this incident. Next-" Niki turned off the TV then heard the front door open and saw everyone walk in
"Ah you're finally awake!" Taehyun smiled
"Why do you look pale?" Heeseung asked
"The news... said that Kai Hyung wasn't the main suspect anymore and that I was... they showed my school ID photo..." Niki said in a scared tone
Enhypen gasped and looked at BHM
Namjoon and Yoongi looked at each other and they started laughing
"What... is so funny?" Jake asked
Soobin chuckled
He walked to the tv and turned it back on
He connected his phone to the TV and searched up Kim Namjoon
"There are thousands of articles about Mr. Kim and there are millions of photos of him out there!" Soobin said and showed it all
"We've been doing this for years and we've yet to be officially caught, don't worry about one stupid photo." Jungkook said
Soobin turned off the tv
Niki sighed
"I was worried"
Jin walked over to him and ruffled his hair
"For nothing, we aren't gonna let anything happen to any of you." Jin said and looked at the other two groups
They smiled at jin and everyone went to do their own things
Yeonjun walked over to Soobin who was next to Beomgyu
"Wanna go upstairs?~"
Soobin smirked
"Do you have protection?~" Yeonjun asked as he grabbed Soobin's hand
"Of course~" Soobin said
"The fuck is upstairs that you need protection for?!" Beomgyu asked in a scared tone
Yeonjun looked at him with a what the hell face and Soobin was laughing
Taehyun whispered to him what they meant
"Really? Ew.. just say co-" Taehyun put his hand over Beomgyu's mouth
"Handsome, there is a child here remember?" Taehyun asked in a nervous tone
"Oohhhh!!!" Beomgyu said as he understood everything
"He killed it, I'm over it." Yeonjun said and walked upstairs
"Damn It!" Soobin said in a defeated tone

{Later In The Loft}

Enhypen was in the loft doing their own things
Watching TV, Doing work, Doing homework and just playing on their phone
Sunoo got bored
He threw his head onto Sunghoon's lap
"Tell me Im pretty~"
Sunghoon smiled and started to caress Sunoo's hair
"You're pretty... fucking annoying~" he said in a gentle tone
Sunoo rolled his eyes
Jay and Heeseung laughed
"Be nice!" Jake hit Sunghoon's arm
Sunghoon chuckled
"I was joking!!"
Niki walked into the room
"Jay Hyung, I love you"
Jay looked up from his phone
"If you want money, ask Heeseung"
Niki was quiet
Jungwon was about to say something then Niki said
"Heeseung Hyung, I love you"
Sunoo almost choked
Jake was laughing
Heeseung sighed
"...how much?"
The other boys laughed


"Soobin!! Soobin!! Guess what I'm about to get!!" Beomgyu said as he ran up to him
"On my nerves?" Soobin asked without looking up from his phone
Jungkook and Namjoon snorted
"Even worse! Boots with spikes on them!" Beomgyu showed him
Soobin looked up
"No" He told him
"You can't tell me no!" Beomgyu said and crossed his arms
Soobin stood up and got a little closer to him
"No." He said sternly
"Huh... I guess you can tell me no... but whyyyy!!" He started to whine
"Last time you were putting dangerous shit on your shoes, you put fucking holes into the god damn trainees." Soobin said
Beomgyu rolled his eyes
"Fine!!" He said and walked off
"It's like I'm raising a child here!" Soobin said and sighed
"And I'm supposed to be the father here" Namjoon said with a smirk

{30 Minutes Later Upstairs}

Jay walked into the loft with Jungwon
"Is anyone d-" everyone started to cut off Jay
"Drained?" Sunoo asked
"Depressed?" Heeseung asked
"Dumb?" Niki asked
"Dead inside?" Sunghoon asked
"Disliked?" Jake asked
"-done with your work... what is wrong with you people?" Jay asked with a what the fuck face on
Jungwon laughed
"I'm finished" Heeseung said
"Me too!" Niki said
"Same here!" Jake said
They all handed over their work
"Ask me again in a hour" Sunghoon said as he typed on his computer
"I'll be done in fifteen" Sunoo said

{With Namjoon}

He was in his office
He then heard a knock on his door
"Come in"
Taehyun walked in
"Sir... on a scale from one to ten... how much would you bet that Hyuka and Soobin are fighting and Soobin has him in a headlock.... And we don't know how to make him let go?"
Namjoon sighed
Taehyun nervously giggled
"Woop woop... you're right"
Namjoon got up and went looking for them
He found them in the kitchen
"LET GO!!" Beomgyu was trying to rip off Soobin's arm
Kai was trying to wiggle out
Namjoon just watched then finally cleared his throat
Everyone stopped and looked him
Soobin kept Kai in the chokehold
"Kai can you breathe?" Namjoon asked
"Okay so why do you have him in a chokehold?" Namjoon asked
"My paper work! He spilled ink all over them!! On purpose!!"
Namjoon looked at Kai and saw him smiling
"Are they in the office room?" Namjoon asked
"Yes" Soobin said
Namjoon walked in and grabbed them
He came back and showed the papers
They were fine
"Kai bought invisible ink last week" Namjoon said
Soobin looked at Kai who was looking up at him with a smile
Soobin let him go and smacked him upside the head hard
Soobin took the papers from Namjoon and walked away
"I thought he was gonna kill him..." Beomgyu said
"We were so close to being down a member" Yeonjun said
Kai chuckled
"Give me the ink" Namjoon said
"What?!" Kai said
"I said give me the ink, you can't have it anymore" Namjoon said
"But Appa!!" Kai whined
"Oo we are using Appa now?~ Haha still no, give me it now." Namjoon held his hand out
Kai whined as he handed over his ink
"Now go away" Namjoon said
Kai pouted away
Taehyun was laughing at him

{With Hoseok}

He was doing work on his computer
Heeseung was now sitting next to him
Kai walked into the room and smiled
He looked up from his computer
"Yes Hyuka?"
"Are you a keyboard?" Kai asked
"No..? Why?" Heeseung was confused
"Because you're just my type~" Kai smiled
Heeseung looked unamused
"Are you a software update?" Heeseung asked
"No why?" Kai asked
"Because, not now."
Hoseok started to laugh
"Kai when I said go away! I didn't mean annoy other people!" Namjoon shouted
"You guys are no fun!" Kai shouted back and went upstairs

{A/N: I'm sorry I've been gone for a minute:((( here is a little filler for my absent time! I Love You All And Stay Safe 🫶✨}

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