~Public School~

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Namjoon walked into Niki's room
"Niki we need to talk about something." Namjoon said
"I didn't break it!! It was Jake!!" Niki said almost immediately
"Break... what...?" Namjoon asked
"Uhh b-broke my h-heart!" He said nervously
"I-.. Anyways. I need to talk to you about something I think you won't agree to." Namjoon said
"Is it getting shot? I don't wanna get shot again!! It's painful!! I bleed!!" Niki was stating the obvious
"No no, I wanna talk about you going back to public school for a week, we can't have working devices in the house right now because someone is trying to hack our whole house and Hoseok can't figure out how to find them. I don't want you and Kai falling back on school work so I need you two to go back into public school for at least a week." Namjoon explained it all
"But... you saw what they did to me when I was there before..." Niki said nervously
"But it will be different this time!! Kai will be with you and you are stronger so if anything happens you'll be able to defend yourself!!" Namjoon was trying to show Niki the brighter side
"... if it's necessary... I suppose..." Niki said timidly
"I'll fix whatever you broke and won't tell Jin about it." Namjoon said
"Okay! I broke eomma's vase again!" Niki said and booked it out the room
"I JUST FIXED THAT!!" Namjoon shouted

{~ Two Days Later - Monday ~}

It was Niki's first day back and Kai was at another new school
Namjoon dropped them off
The two boys walked in and Niki tried playing it cool
Kai was fine, he was looking around at how big the school is until Niki got shoved into him
"It's Bitch Boy guys! He's back!" Some annoying kid said
Niki stumbled into Kai but caught himself
"Sorry.." Niki apologized to Kai
"That's the kid that ran away crying after getting jumped!" Some other annoying boy said
Niki kept walking
Kai did too but he kept glancing at the kids

{Jump To Gym - Third Period}

Niki was changing in the locker room
Kai wasn't far from him
They were changing peacefully until a locker slammed shut and Kai heard Niki scream
"AHHHH!!!" Niki yelled
Kai looked over quickly
He saw two guys holding Niki's hands to his locker, another guy pushing the locker shut into his fingers and another standing behind Niki
"Wow, you haven't changing a bit!" He said and smacked Niki's bare back hard since he was shirtless
"AHHHH!!!" Niki screamed louder
Kai rushed over to them and shoved the kid that smacked Niki's back and then kneed the other kid who was pushing the door onto his fingers in the crotch
Niki snatched his hands away from the other guys and stumbled over to Kai
"The fuck is your problem?!" Kai yelled at them
"Slam his fucking fingers into a locker?! I'll slam your fucking head into a concrete wall!!" Kai yelled
Three out of the four boys looked scared but the one that smacked Niki didn't look fazed at all
They heard a loud whistle
"Aye! Stop fighting and get to the gym already!" The attendant yelled
The four boys left
Kai looked at Niki then his hands
"I'm fine..." Niki sighed
"Your hands are purple Niki..." Kai said
Niki grabbed his shirt
Kai saw his back already welting from how hard the smack was
"They'll heal... they have the last six times..." Niki said then headed out the locker room

{Jump To Lunch}

Kai was with Niki in the line
They got their food and sat down
Niki heard people talking about him all day
Him and Kai were about to eat when someone swiped Niki's tray off the table, stole the fork out his hand and stabbed it into the back of his hand
Niki smacked his hand over his mouth
Kai saw it all
He snatched the fork out the kid's hand and got up quickly
He grabbed the kid by the shirt and put the fork to his neck
He noticed it was the same unfazed kid from the locker room and the same one that called him bitch boy that morning
"Wow Riki, didn't know you were such a bitch that you had to have someone protect you" the boy smirked but it soon went away because Kai dug the fork deeper into his throat
"Back the fuck off, you don't have no bitch ass posy anymore so I wouldn't be so brave." Kai growled
The boy closed his eyes as the fork went deeper into his skin
People were watching
Kai got closer to his ear
"Keep fucking with my brother and I will kill you." Kai shoved the kid away watching him fall onto the ground landing in the food that Niki was gonna eat
Kai sat down with Niki
He slid his plate over to him
"Eat." Kai told him
Niki looked over at him with concern for him
"I said eat Niki" Kai pointed at the food
Niki nodded

{Jump To End Of The Day}

They were standing in front of the school
Actually only Niki was, he was waiting for Kai to come out since his class was on the other side of the school
Niki was leaning against the fence with his eyes closed... that was a immediate mistake because then someone socked him just right in the stomach that made him fall over since he got winded
He was on the floor gasping for air
The kid crouched down to Niki's level and grabbed his hair
He was still trying to gasp for air
"If your quote on quote brother embarrasses me like that again, you're fucking done for it. Got it Nishimura." He growled
Niki attempted to nod and the other kid knew
He shoved Niki's face against the fence then walked away
Niki looked to the ground and finally caught his breath
Kai walked out and ran to Niki
"Hey! What happened?!" He helped him up
"I tripped... sorry to worry..." he sighed
Kai sighed
Niki pulled out a hoodie
"Please do me a favor and not tell Appa... please.." Niki begged as he pulled the hoodie over his head
"Niki.. this isn't something you should keep from him..." Kai said
"Please... don't tell him..." Niki had worry in his voice
Kai sighed
"Okay... I won't tell"
Niki bowed
"Thank you"
A car finally pulled up
The two boys got in the back
Namjoon was driving and Jin was with him
"How was school boys?!" Jin asked happily
"It was good eomma!" Niki smiled brightly
"I'm glad you had a better time my dear! What about you Kai?" Jin turned to Kai
Kai looked at Niki then at Jin
"It was good~"
Jin smiled
"I'm glad~"

{Back At The House}

They all walked through the door
"I'm going to my room to do homework.." Niki said and ran upstairs
"Show me it when you are done." Namjoon said
"As always!" Niki said from the top of the stairs
Kai sighed
Heeseung walked up to Kai
"What's wrong?"
Kai looked and saw Namjoon wasn't far from them
"I can't tell you..." Kai said
"But-" Kai cut off Heeseung
"It's not for me to tell... please understand..."
Heeseung sighed
"I understand, darling"


Niki was so exhausted he just wanted to change
"Niki! I heard you were home!"
Sunoo said from the hallway then opened the door to be met with Niki's bare back since he didn't have a shirt on
Niki jumped
He turned around quickly
"What happened to your back?!" Sunoo went into the room and up to him
"Nothing!! I swear!!" Niki tried to convince him but obviously was failing
Sunoo grabbed his arm and saw the stab marks
"What even was that?!"
He was holding Niki's hands and saw his bruised fingers
"Niki!!" Sunoo said worried
Niki ran to the door and shut it quickly
"Im fine really!! Please don't be so loud!!" He whined
"I'll scream if you don't tell me what happened" Sunoo threatened
"Don't!!" Niki pleaded
"Okay!! I got bullied!! They slammed my fingers into my locker and someone smacked my bare back then the same guy who smacked me stabbed my fork into my arm..." Niki explained
"You have to tell Mr. Kim!!" Sunoo told him
Niki dropped to his knees and put his hands together
"Please!! Please!! Please don't tell him!!" Niki begged
"Niki..." Sunoo said with a broken heart
"Please Hyung..." Niki said
"I only have four more days and I'll be fine... Kai Hyung knows but I told him not to tell... please... do that for me?" He begged
Sunoo sighed
He walked to Niki and helped him off the ground
"I won't tell... but I'm checking on you everyday after you come home from school... okay?" He said gently
Niki agreed
"Let me help you with your injuries.." Sunoo grabbed Niki's hand and led him to the bathroom

{A/N: I'm out of my writers block!! I'm very excited about this little saga!! I'll try uploading these chapters closer together!! I Love You All And Stay Safe 🤍}

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