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Namjoon was doing work when he got a phone call
He answered it
"Namjoon, you gotta get over here right now." Namjoon heard a familiar voice
"S.coups? What's wrong?" Namjoon asked
"I think it's time our new groups learn what a traitor is.." he said sternly
Namjoon was concerned who was the traitor
"We'll be there soon.." Namjoon said
Namjoon hung up and walked outside
He whistled loudly and saw everyone run downstairs
"We need to go to Seventeen's house." Namjoon said
"What's wrong?" Jin asked
"S.coups and I need to give our groups a little lesson on what a traitor is. I honestly don't know where this lesson is going but I guess we'll find out when we get there." Namjoon said
They all left the house in multiple cars for obvious reasons
"Hyung... does someone think we are traitors?" Jungwon asked
"I don't think so.." Namjoon said
"You really don't know.. do you?" Heeseung asked
"Nope, he gave me no context so we'll find out the same time." Namjoon said
Enhypen all looked at each other

{Arriving At The Seventeen Household}

Each car pulled up at the same time
They all saw the same thing
All three groups standing in front of the house
S.coups was standing next to Eunchae smoking
The three other groups got out their cars and walked up to them
Namjoon walked up to S.coups
"Why are you smoking next to the child?"
S.coups looked at Namjoon and blew the smoke in his face
"Did you know?" He asked
"I can't know what you are talking about when you gave me no context. I'm not a mind reader." Namjoon told him
S.coups sighed
"How was your morning Namjoon because mine was fucking hell!" S.coups said and threw his cigarette at the groups
Namjoon looked at him calmly
Beomgyu step on the cig
"Just because you are mad doesn't mean you get to take it out on me. What happened?" Namjoon asked
"Look at all these groups. Tell me when you see it." S.coups leaned against the house
Namjoon looked around he didn't notice anything until Soobin said
"Where is Garam?"
Namjoon looked twice at Le Sserafim
Eunchae looked nervous
"She is a traitor? How? Why?" Namjoon asked
"We don't know, I thought this would be a great learning experience for your groups." Jeonghan said in a cocky tone
"Eunchae.. what happened.."
She looked at Namjoon then at S.coups
He nodded
She looked back at Namjoon
"This morning we heard screaming from Chaewon noona's room so most of us that heard it ran to her room and when we got there she was bleeding on the floor with Garam on the other side of the room also wounded.. we didn't know what happened so Seventeen oppa's both locked them up separately and called me to do my job as a people reader and their stories were not the same and and and..." she was getting nervous
"Garam.. wanted to kill Noona so she could be leader... she tried doing it the cowards way... she tried to do it while she was sleeping.." Eunchae said and looked down
Yujin was rubbing her back
Kai looked at Chaewon
"Where are you hurt?"
She hesitated but took off her shirt
Her chest was wrapped up
"From here to here she sliced me.." he dragged her finger from the top of her shoulder near her neck down to the side of her ribs
"We stitched her up already.. she didn't cut her too deep.." Jiwon spoke
"Where is Garam.." Jungwon asked
"The basement." Mingyu said
"Shall we?" S.coups asked
Namjoon nodded
Every group went inside the house
They followed seventeen down to the basement
The stairs led to a door and it had a small window that was tinted from their side but they could see into the basement just not the other way around
They all heard screams from the other side of the door
She was banging on the door
They could see and hear Garam bagging on the door
"GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!" She screamed
She kept jiggling the lock and slamming her body against the door
Namjoon looked at S.coups
The two men were the ones that were gonna walk in first
Namjoon grabbed the lock for the door knob and unlocked it
She jiggled the knob again and realized it was unlocked
She swung it open but fear rushed through her body when she saw Namjoon, S.coups and the other groups behind them
She gasped and stepped back quickly
The boys walked in and had everyone follow after them
TXT closed the door behind them
Namjoon was looking around as S.coups cornered her
Namjoon saw something and nodded
"Soobin. Beomgyu. Grab her." Namjoon ordered
The boys listened
The boys walked up to her and grabbed her by her arms
She screamed
Namjoon was standing next to shackles that were hanging from the ceiling and ones connected to the wall
"DK. Mingyu. Help." S.coups ordered
They listened to their leader and help them shackle the girl
She resisted but she was weak compared to them
She had her back against the wall facing everyone
Her ankles cuffed to the wall and her hands raised above her head from shackled that hung from the ceiling
"SHE TRIED KILLING ME!!" Garam screamed
"Why would she try killing you in her room?" Kazuha asked in a annoyed tone
Garam looked insane
She looked like she was sweating buckets
If her eyes could glow red they would
She looked feral
All the groups stepped back and just looked at her
"What are we gonna do with her?" Eunchae asked
"Kill her.." Jay told them
"What?!" Eunchae reacted
"No! We can't!" She started to panic
Chaeyoung looked at her
"Honey we have too.."
"Eunchae!! Eunchae please!! Don't let them kill me!! You know I'm innocent!! Your noona would ne-" Garam was cut off from a back hand to the face by Woozi
"Shut. It." He growled
"AUGH!!!" She screamed from frustration
Eunchae was confused
Garam was like one of her sisters but she tried to hurt them.. she was conflicted
"Noona.. you hurt Chaewon-ah.. I can't.. I can't trust you..." she said timidly
If she wasn't shackled she would charge at her
Eunchae jumped
Kazuha walked up to Garam
"I screamed because my leader was under attack. I heard banging and things breaking from the room next to mine. It's a normal reaction to want to check on someone. I didn't think I'd find my members trying to kill my leader." She said sternly with her arms crossed
"YOU RUINED IT ALL!!" She screamed
Kazuha spit in her face
Garam gasped
Sakura pulled her back
"Why'd you want to kill her?" Niki asked
"Are you fucking stupid?! To be leader!! To be in control!!" She said crazily
"The whole time we trained they only focused on Chaewon! I was a side character!" Garam growled while looking directly at chaewon
She just stared at her blankly
"What makes you think if you successfully went through with it.. we wouldn't kill you?" Jiheon asked
"You don't have the guts!" Garam said with a crazy smile
Saerom walked up to Garam and socked her in the nose hard
She screamed
She then grabbed Garam by her hair and made her look her in the eyes
"We have been on more missions than you can count. We have made many bodies drop to the floor, you haven't had your first mission yet and neither your first kill. No one respects someone who tries killing someone the cowards way." She growled close to Garam
Garam's breath was shaky but her angry demeanor didn't chance
"I'm. Not. A. Coward." Garam growled
Saerom smirked
"Says the little pathetic girl that tried killing someone in their sleep~" she let go and walked back to her group
"Gosh that lady is scary.." Niki whispered to Hoseok and he nodded
S.coups looked at Le Sserafim
"This shall be your first mission." He told them
Kazuha smirked
Eunchae looked like she was panicking
"Eunchae I don't think you should be Le Sserafim anymore. You should just leave your group." Soobin said
Her head whipped towards him
"Huh?! Why?!"
"You are scared. This should not scar you. You are not cut out for this." He said and shrugged
"I am!! I'm not scared!! It's just... she was like my sister..." she said in a sad tone
"I would never hurt you Eunchae!! Please!! Help me!!" Garam yelled
"Eunchae." Soobin said her name
Eunchae looked at Garam then back to Soobin
"A sister would not hurt another one of their sisters that didn't deserve it." Soobin told her
Eunchae finally felt a rush of realization rush over her body
She looked at Garam
"We... we... we have to kill you..." she said while looking Garam in her eyes
Garam yelled
"Now that's ugly." Seungkwan said
Chaewon cleared her throat
They all looked at her
She walked up to Garam
"I never trusted you. You always gave me bad vibes and I should've trusted my gut when they said I just had to put this girl in my group. You are the most useless member I've ever had. You were the one holding us back. You are deadweight." Chaewon told her
Garam was shaking from anger
Chaewon smiled
"You are too young to know what real hate feels like but me.. I hate you, I hate you so much. I hate you enough to tell our trainers to focus on you less. I hate you so much that I would purposely ignore you. I hate you so much that I never let my guard down around you. I hate you so much.. that I wanna be the one too kill you." Chaewon told her
Garam looked like she was crying
"But not yet~ you deserve the worst of the worst so~ I'm gonna ask everyone to torture you because you deserve it." She said then stepped back
"Would everyone like a go at the test dummy?~" she asked with the sweetest smile
"I swear... she's never looked hotter than right now..." Dino whispered to Vernon
He laughed
Fromis_9 took her up on her offer
"Now what should we do to you?" Saerom smirked
Hayoung smiled
"Can I do something?"
"Of course~" Chaewon smiled
Hayoung was adorable even in times like these
She walked up to Garam and pulled out a pocket knife
She flung it open
Garam tried looking tuff until Hayoung stabbed her in her hip and left the knife there
"AHHHH!!!" She screamed
Hayoung giggled
She walked to her side next to Garam and hip bumped into the knife making Garam scream again
She laughed and so did the rest of Fromis_9
She left the knife in her
Namjoon looked at Enhypen
"Go for it."
The boys looked at each other
"Mr. S.coups... do you have any weapons?" Sunghoon asked
"There should be a chest over there of random things. Have at it." He pointed to the chest
The boys went to the chest and opened it
They found a veil
It said acid on it
"I want to do it!" Jake said
Heeseung handed him the veil
"On her cheek." He told him
Jake skipped over to her
Heeseung was behind him
Heeseung grabbed her hair and tilted her head for him
"NO! NO!" She screamed
Heeseung tapped his leg against the knife and she yelled
Jake popped open the veil
"This is gonna hurt~" he poured a good amount on her cheek
The boys backed up and she tried pulling at all the shackles but nothing happened
It looked like she was having a tantrum
"That was hot." Kai said
Sunghoon nodded
Yeonjun laughed at them
Tae whispered to Namjoon
He pulled out his gun and handed it to him
Tae smiled as he took it
He walked up to Garam who was still trying to act hard
"Have you ever been shot?"
"N-No.." she said timidly
"You're learning a lot of new feelings today~" Tae said scarily
He put the gun against her thigh then shot her
She screamed
He cocked the gun and put it against her arm and fired
Her screams got louder
He finally put the gun in her mouth which freaked everyone out
"Taehyung!" Jungkook barked
"Relax!!! I'm not!!!" He said
He positioned the gun where it's pressing the inside of her cheek and fired
She screamed and cried
She had been shot in the cheek
He backed away
"Next group!" He said happily as he handed Namjoon his gun back
She wasn't so tough anymore
Kai stepped up
"Can I?"
Soobin nodded
Kai smiled devilishly
He pulled out a butterfly knife
He started to swing and flip it as he got closer to her
He lifted her shirt and she was obviously wearing a bra
He caught his knife and quickly slashed her
It was too quick for anyone to react besides her
She yelled
She had a slice just like Chaewon's
"Thank god you aren't a masochist or this wouldn't be very much fun~" Kai said then walked back to his group
Garam looked worn out
Chaewon looked at seventeen
"Sir~ your turn~" she smiled at S.coups
He chuckled
He snapped his fingers
"Seungkwan. Wonwoo. Go." He told them
The two smiled
Seungkwan walked up to her
She looked defeated
She was sweating and breathing heavily
"This is for trying to flirt with my man" Seungkwan grabbed the knife that was in her hip and shoved deeper and twisted it
She yelled loudly
Wonwoo walked up and socked her in the mouth
She gasped
He broke something because she was bleeding more from her mouth
"That's for trying to always hug my man."
Wonwoo kneed her in the stomach
She hacked
Seungkwan took the knife out
"Let's just even this out a bit"
He walked to her other side and stabbed her other hip and twisted it
She was begging for him to stop
"I like what noona did sooo!" He stood next to her and hip bumped into the knife making her scream
Hayoung clapped because it made her happy
Wonwoo grabbed her by her hair
"I never liked you."
Seungkwan stood with him
"Neither did I."
He (Seungkwan) socked her in the throat
She gasped and started to choke because it cut her windpipe for a second
The boys stepped back
Mingyu and Vernon high fived
Wonwoo walked up to Mingyu and grabbed his hand
Seungkwan walked back to Vernon who put his hands on seungkwan's waist
"Le Sserafim. Finish the job." Jeonghan told them
"Girls. Do what you want." Chaewon said
Kazuha took that statement with pleasure
She pulled her knife out and walked up to her
"You can't do anything I haven't experienced." Garam growled
"I know but I can add to the experience~"
She swung her up and sliced Garam's face
She yelled
Eunchae walked up
Garam laughed
"You can't do anything because you are too scared"
Eunchae groaned then decked her in the nose making her nose break
She yelled
"Coward." Eunchae said and walked back
Kazuha laughed as she walked back
Yujin walked up to the bloody girl
"Deadweight then.. deadweight now."
Garam growled at her statement
Garam's legs were shaking
"Kazuha knife" she held her hand out
Kazuha put the knife in her hand
Yujin crouched down and carved a L in her left leg and a S in her right
Garam screamed with the little voice she had left
"L S. Le Sserafim." Yujin walked back
Sakura and Chaewon walked up at the same time
They pulled out their own knives and reached up
They started at her wrists and dragged the knives down her arms to almost her elbows
She screeched
"STOP IT!! STOP!! AHHHHH!!!" She yelled
Chaewon backed away
Sakura put the knife on the side of her neck
"You deserved every moment of this." She said and sliced her making her yelp
Sakura stepped back
Chaewon walked back up
"Traitors lose everything. Their groups. Their allies. Their independence. Their rights. But they do gain one thing. You know what that is?" Chaewon asked
"What." Garam croaked with the little voice she had left
Chaewon got close
"A fuck tone of new enemies." She growled then stabbed Garam in the stomach
She choked as she gasped
Chaewon twisted the knife then dragged up
Garam's eyes were spilling tears then it finally happened
Her body went limp and the only thing holding her up were the chains
Chaewon was huffing
"Le Sserafim." The leader of Fromis_9 said to them
All the girls looked at her
"Congratulations on your first official mission" she smirked and started to clap
Her group started to clap
Then Seventeen
Then BHM
Then Enhypen
Then TXT
The girls looked at each other
They walked to each other and put their heads together because they were exhausted
"Hoshi. Jun. get rid of that." S.coups said and gestured at Garam
"Yessir" the boys said
"Jungkook. Hoseok. Help." Namjoon ordered
"Yessir." They said and went to help
Namjoon and S.coups walked up to each other
"Did your morning get a little better?" Namjoon asked with a smirk
S.coups laughed
"Meh, I could still use my morning coffee"
The two men laughed
{A/N: Hi my loves, I'm sorry I was gone for so long :((( I had a lot of work for summer school and I was in a writing slump 💔 I hope you all enjoy this!! I can't promise I'll be updating frequently because I go back to school next week but I will try not to lag so much! I Love You All And Stay Safe 🫶✨}

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