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The time was 10:30
Jin, Tae, Yoongi, Yeonjun, Taehyun, Kai, Jungwon, Jake and Sunoo were standing in front of their significant others whom were sitting down on the couch
Jin had his arms crossed
"We are all going out, we will be back in two hours, keep this house clean and behave yourselves" Jin said
"This is my house" Namjoon said
Jin give him a scary look
Namjoon nervously laughed
"Hehe... kidding... I love you honey..." Namjoon said in a nervous tone
"Like I said keep the house clean and behave yourselves. We might bring you guys back something, who knows." Jin said
Everyone nodded
"We'll be back later!! Bye!!"
Kai said as he was the last to walk out
The boys stayed sat
Namjoon got up and peeked out the window
He saw them drive off
"Okay they are gone"
"I'll get the glasses!" Jungkook said as he ran to the kitchen
"Glasses?" Jay asked
"Shot glasses" Hoseok said with a smirk
"Ah yes!" Beomgyu said excitedly
"Follow me" Namjoon said and went to the kitchen
They all followed
"Wait Niki too?" Heeseung asked
Namjoon looked at him
"What?! He's 16!" Sunghoon said shocked
"17 next month!" Niki smiled
"See, early birthday present" Namjoon said
"You didn't let Kai drink when he was 17" Soobin said
"My ways of parenting have changed" Namjoon said with a sly smile on
"He knows where you sleep at night" Heeseung said
"And I have a gun, we are all prepared in different ways" Namjoon said then nodded
The boys all shrugged
Jungkook slid everyone a shot
"Everyone ready?"
They all picked up their shots
Namjoon tapped his against the counter and downed his
Everyone followed his actions and took their first shots
Niki started to cough
"Why is it spicy?!"
They all laughed

{An Hour Later}

Everyone in that house was hammered
Soobin and Hoseok were once again playing Rock Paper Scissors on the kitchen counter with each other
Hoseok somehow lost his right shoe and his blazer
Soobin was wearing his tie around his forehead
Jay was watching tv, the movie Snow White was playing
"Why would you walk into a random house you found in the forest?!" He yelled at the tv
Sunghoon was face down on the ground
His shirt was gone
"The ground is so cold... so nice...." He smiled
Beomgyu was in the bathroom throwing up
Namjoon miraculously got a blanket downstairs and had it wrapped over him
He was watching tv with Jay
"Whistle while you work~" he sang with the tv
Jungkook was in the kitchen having half of his body out the window
"The fresh air is refreshing..."
"Hence the word fresh... idiot" Hoseok said
"I win again!" Hoseok laughed
"You are cheating!! I know you are!!" Soobin said
Niki ran past Namjoon, Sunghoon, Heeseung and Jay
"I'm gonna throw up!"
"Go to a different bathroom!! Beomgyu is already in there!!" Heeseung yelled as he was slumped over one of the couches arm rests
"YOU GOOD BEOMGYU?!" Hoseok yelled
"NEVER BE-HURRR!!" He started throwing up again
"OKAY BUD!!" Hoseok yelled
They then heard the heart dropping sound...keys...
"Everyone pretend to sleep!" Jungkook yelled
The door opened
The boys walked in to three boys on the couch pretending to sleep
One on the floor trying not to laugh
One hanging out the kitchen window
Two laying on the counter trying to not laugh and two missing
"They did not..." Yeonjun said
"Yes... they did..." Yoongi sighed
"What's wrong?" Jake asked
They all walked in
Jin walked up to Heeseung
He grabbed his chin and pulled him up slightly
He took a deep breath in
"Out dummy"
Heeseung chuckled then blew at Jin's face
"Seriously Namjoon?!" Jin let go of Heeseung and he dropped back down over the couch arm
"Play dumb" Jay told him
"Who's Namjoon?.."
"Not that dumb!" Hoseok yelled from the kitchen
Jin looked around
"Where is Niki?"
"I'M OVER HERE EO-HURRR!!" Niki was in a different bathroom throwing up
"You did not give the child alcohol!" Jin said and ran looking for Niki
Sunoo ran after him
"That's not fair at all!! You wouldn't let me drink when I was 17!! He's 16!!" Kai complained
"His birthday is soon..." Namjoon said
"His birthday isn't for a whole month!! And he'll still only be 17!!" Kai said
Namjoon thought about it
"You have a very compelling argument" Namjoon nodded
Tae walked to the kitchen and patted Jungkook's back
"Honey.... You can't pretend to be asleep as you are halfway out the kitchen window..." Tae said
"Am I halfway out the window? Or halfway in the house?" Jungkook asked
Soobin sat up and looked Jungkook with wide eyes
"Beomgyu?!" Taehyun shouted
"HURRR!!" He was throwing up
"Again? Really?" Taehyun stepped over Sunghoon and walked to the bathroom he was in
Jungwon walked over to Jay
"Wonie move!! She's about to eat the apple!!" Jay was trying to look around Jungwon to see the tv
Yoongi was next to Hoseok
"You reek of soju"
"It's peach flavored~" Hoseok smiled
Jake crouched next to Sunghoon
"Hoonie... why are you on the floor?" Jake asked
"It's nice and cold down here, best of both worlds" he said simply
Jake giggled
Kai walked to Heeseung
"Have I been stressing you out that much you had to get wasted?" Kai asked
"No darling!! I was given a opportunity to drink and I took it... experience was a solid 6 out of 10 don't feel too bad about it"
Kai laughed
The sober boys gathered all the drunk boys up on the couch
They were all sitting properly on the couch
Jay and Namjoon were watching the tv
Hoseok and Soobin were still playing together
Niki and Beomgyu looked like they were gonna throw up on each other
Sunghoon and Jungkook were sweating and Heeseung looked exhausted
Tae turned off the tv
"Heyyy!!" The two boys whined
Jin clapped his hands loudly and got everyone's attention
"Please don't clap so loud... my head is pounding" Heeseung whined
"Let's start with the obvious. What's the one thing we hate that you guys do?" Tae asked
"Get drunk...." Hoseok answered
"And what did you do?" Yoongi asked
"Got drunk...." Jungkook answered
"I said don't dirty the house and I see several bottles of beer on the ground, Hobi's shoe, four blazers like three ties and Sunghoon's shirt" Jin said and crossed his arms
They all let their heads drop in shame
"And let's not forget the big one!! You gave the child alcohol!" Jin pointed at Niki
"It wasn't me!!" Namjoon said
They all looked at Hoseok
"It was Jungkook I swear!!" He held his hands up like he was surrendering
They looked at Jungkook
"Namjoon allowed it!!" Jungkook argued
They all looked back at Namjoon
"But his birthday is next month..." Namjoon pouted
"Okay let me put it like this, his birthday is still a while away and if we still don't let Kai drink what makes you think we would let the 16 year old drink?!" Jin asked
Namjoon let his head drop again
"We are gonna do what we did last time. You are all sleeping downstairs and in the morning you get to clean up your mess!" Jin smiled
"What?! Downstairs?!" Sunghoon whined
"Try walking up the stairs" Tae said
Sunghoon looked at his legs
"I don't think I can walk in general"
"If any of you wanna attempt to walk up the stairs then be our guest~" Yeonjun smiled
All the boys shook their head
Jin looked at Niki
"You are grounded for the next week for drinking and you are in more trouble later once you are sober"
The two boys reacted the same
"But Honey!!"
"But Eomma!!"
"Argue with me, I dare you" Jin crossed his arms again
The two boys stiffened up and stayed quiet
"That's what I thought, figure out how you guys are gonna sleep. Goodnight!~" Jin said and left upstairs and the rest of the sober boys followed
The boys all stayed quiet until Namjoon ran to the L shaped couch and took the longer side
"This is mine!!"
Hoseok ran to the other side of the that couch and claimed it
"Move! This is mine!" Soobin kicked everyone off the couch they were sitting on
"I call dibs on the chair!" Heeseung jumped to the chair
"I'm chillin with the cold floor" Sunghoon said and sighed once his bare skin hit the cold floor again
"Me too" Jungkook sighed
"Man!! I hate sleeping on the floor!" Jay whined as he grabbed a pillow
"Move your legs and share the couch!" Beomgyu tried to cram himself into the couch
"Fuck off It's mine!" Soobin kicked him off onto the floor
"Imma sleep in the bathroom" Niki said and went back to the bathroom
{A/N: another filler, I'll try making the next chapter about txt or enha! I Love You All Stay Safe🫶✨}

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