~Public School Pt. 2~

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It was Tuesday morning
Sunoo helped him cover his hand bruises with makeup so Namjoon wouldn't notice
The car ride to school was quiet
Kai was in the front with Namjoon and Niki was in the back
"Why is everyone so quiet?" Namjoon asked
Kai was actually nodding off
"Sorry, I'm exhausted" he sighed
Namjoon glanced at the cup holder quickly
"Drink my coffee, I don't want you falling asleep in class" he said
Kai smiled
Niki was staring out the window
"You okay Niki? Was yesterday a bad day or something?" Namjoon asked
"No it was fine I just... really.. don't like public school..." Niki said
"Is someone messing with you again? If they are I want you to tell me." Namjoon said
Niki looked at the rear view mirror and smiled
"Everything is fine~"
Namjoon saw him then nodded
He dropped the boys off at school
Kai was drinking the hot coffee as they walked to through the school
Niki was enjoying the nice breeze
Kai was gonna go for another sip until someone snagged the cup out his hand
"Hey!" It was the kid from yesterday
He quickly took the lid off the cup and splashed it in Niki's face
"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!" Niki yelled
"Holy Fuck!" Kai turned to Niki
The kid laughed
"That's what you fucking get." He growled
"Nice one Jiyun!" One of his little "minions" said
"IT BURNS!!" Niki yelled
Kai didn't have time to worry about the other guy
He grabbed Niki's wrist and dragged him to the bathroom
He got paper towels wet and started to pat off Niki
Niki was crying hot tears
"Is my face okay?" He asked with his eyes closed
"No blisters thankfully just very red" Kai said
Niki put his bag down
"Sunoo Hyung sent me here with foundation... can you help me put it on so it can cover the redness?" Niki asked
Kai agreed

{Jump To Gym - Third Period}

Kai was barley walking into the locker room
He checked to see if Niki was okay and he was so he thought to himself that he'd use the bathroom before he got changed
Niki pulled his shirt off and started to unfold his P.E. Shirt
He was fine until he felt a hand on his back right where the print was
"Wow it caught my exact hand size, I wanna see if it will do it again~" he smacked Niki's back harder than the time before
Niki gasped
He arched his back and pressed onto it
It was something that hurt so bad you had to gasp for air a few times
"I'll check on it later~" Jiyun said then walked away
Niki looked around and saw Kai walking over to his locker
He quickly pulled his shirt over his head

{In The Gym}

Kai was sitting with Niki as they watched people play basketball
Kai looked at Niki
"You look uncomfortable..."
"I'm just tired that's all..." he said
"I'm gonna go to the vending machine, you want a canned coffee?" Kai asked
Niki nodded
"Okay I'll be back" Kai got up and left the gym
Niki knew that they were waiting for Kai to leave because he saw them staring at him from across the gym and as he guessed, once Kai left they all started to walk towards Niki
Niki sighed and just braced himself
Jiyun and his three little "minions" were now in front of Niki
"What do you got on you, Nishimura?" Jiyun asked
"Nothing." Niki said
Jiyun shook his head
"Search" he snapped his fingers and his minions seized him and found nothing on him
"Nothing." They told him
"Where the fuck is your phone." Jiyun asked
"My dad took it away.." Niki said
"Dad? I thought you were a fucking orphan?" Jiyun was confused
"I was adopted... kai is my adoptive brother..."
Niki explained
"I don't understand why anyone would want a fucking loser like you." Jiyun insulted him
Niki looked down
"I don't know..." Niki said
"You're worthless. There isn't anything to gain from you." He kept hurting Niki's feelings
Jiyun was then struck in the head with a can
"What the fuck?!" Jiyun yelled
Niki looked up quickly
"Your mother never loved you, she never will and she thinks day and night how do I get this useless fuck out of my life." Kai said as he approached them with two more cans in his hands
He handed one to Niki and then he held the other like he was gonna beat Jiyun with it
"I'll help her out by getting rid of you for her." Kai said
"You won't do shi-" he was cut off by being struck by another can that hit him across the face
"Leave him the hell alone." Kai said as he got close to Jiyun
"Stop trying to attack him when I'm not around, I saw his back." Kai growled
Jiyun didn't even say anything and just walked away
Kai went to go get his extra coffee he threw at Jiyun's head
He walked back and sat next to Niki
"When did you see my back?" Niki asked
"When you did your stretching on the bar and went upside down, your shirt lifted and I saw a new mark." Kai said as he popped open a can
"Sorry I didn't tell you... I didn't want you to get mad..." Kai said
Kai shrugged
"I'm to tired to deal with people today" he said and drank his coffee

{Jump To Lunch}

Kai and Niki sat down to eat there lunch
Kai felt like they were being crept up on so his guard immediately went up
Niki obviously didn't even notice
Then someone put their hand on the back of Niki's head and shoved it down into his tray
Kai put his forearm in front of the tray and Niki hit his head against Kai's arm
Kai quickly got up and picked up his own tray
He turned and obviously saw Jiyun
He threw the food at Jiyun and it was hot
"FUCK!" Jiyun yelled
Kai grabbed the tray and swung it smacking Jiyun hard with it
He stumbled and put his hand in the table
Kai grabbed Niki's fork and stabbed Jiyun's hand
"AHHH!!" He yelled
Kai shoved Jiyun back and he fell
"Stop Trying To Fuck With Him!" Kai yelled
Niki grabbed Kai's sleeve and tugged on it giving him a concerned look
Kai looked at him and groaned
"The staff here is fucking terrible!" Kai yelled
He grabbed Niki's bag and his own
"Grab your lunch and let's go." Kai said and started to head out the cafeteria
Niki followed
They sat out on the outside stage where others were sitting as well
Kai sat and leaned against a pillar
Niki sat next to him
Kai sighed
Niki was quiet
"Why aren't you eating?" Kai asked
"You don't have food now... and you said today was tiring for you... I don't want you to starve..." Niki said
Kai sighed
"I'll be okay"
Niki grabbed the bowl of fruit off his tray and handed it to Kai as well as the water they gave him
"Please eat it or I won't be able to eat..." Niki said
Kai chuckled
"Okay I'll eat this but start eating before I change my mind"
Niki smiled softly then started eating as well as Kai

{The End Of School}

Kai was in the front waiting for Niki
Jiyun walked up to Kai and pinned him against the fence
"The fuck is your problem?! I'm not fucking with you!!" Jiyun growled
"You are fucking with my brother therefore you are fucking with me, you are also on my fucking nerves!" Kai shoved him off
"You're gonna get really hurt if you keep interfering!" Jiyun growled
"I can hold my own unlike you who needs little fucking minions, too much of a bitch to fight your own fights? Target the kids that don't want to fight back because they are modest unlike you?!" Kai snapped
Niki walked up to them
"You alright Hyung?" Niki whispered
"Everything is fine, just putting a bitch in there place." Kai said and looked at Jiyun
Jiyun tsked
"You're gonna fucking regret that." He said and walked off
Niki put his hoodie on to cover his wounds from the other day
"Won't tell Appa?" He asked
Kai sighed
"Yes I know I know"
Namjoon's car pulled up
They got in
Kai sat in the front
"How was school?" Namjoon asked
"Tiring! But I didn't fall asleep in class!" Kai said
"Good." Namjoon replied
He glanced in the mirror
"Niki? How was school?" Namjoon asked
"Good, I have a project that's due tomorrow though so can someone help me with that?" Niki asked
"I'll see if Taehyun can." Namjoon said
"Thank you!" Niki smiled

{At Home}

"I'm gonna start my homework!" Niki yelled as he ran upstairs
Namjoon was about to shout
"Yes I'll show you it after!" Niki shouted at the top of the stairs
Namjoon chuckled
Niki ran to his room and took off his shirt
His back was stinging probably because he was sweating and it got to his wound that hurts way more than the other one
He tried looking at his back in the mirror
Sunoo walked in and closed the door
Niki jumped
Sunoo just looked at him without saying anything
"I'm... Sorry..." Niki said and looked down
"Why don't you fight back? You have the ability!" Sunoo said as he walked to Niki's bathroom to get the stuff to help him
"I don't want to... I don't like fighting at school..." Niki said
Sunoo walked out and was holding a warm wet rag and big bandaid patches
He walked over to Niki
"But you are getting hurt... a lot..." Sunoo said as he wiped down his back
"Good thing this is the only one today" Sunoo said as he started to put patches on his back
"Uh... it's not..." Niki said
"What? Where is the other one?" Sunoo asked
Niki took the rag and whipped down his face and neck
Sunoo gasped
"What happened?!" Sunoo asked
"He splashed hot coffee in my face..." Niki said
"Did you put water on it immediately?! If not it's gonna scar!" Sunoo said worriedly
"I did but my neck was the last thing to get treated..." Niki admitted
"Yeah... it looks like it's gonna scar.... It's kinda cute though! It looks like a little heart right here!" Sunoo smiled
Niki chuckled
"Come come, let's put ointment on it." Sunoo grabbed Niki's hand and led him to the bathroom not noticing Niki's blush once he grabbed his hand and intertwining their fingers
{A/N: Stream BTS Proof Album!! I Love You All And Stay Safe 😌🤍✨}

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