~Public School Pt.3~

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It was Wednesday Morning
Sunoo was in Niki's room helping him look "normal"
"You think you'll be okay today?" Sunoo said as he patted his beauty blender against Niki's face
"No... but it's only three more days..." Niki said
Sunoo sighed
He put the beauty blender down
"You're all done, be careful okay?" Sunoo told him
Niki nodded
He grabbed his bag and headed out the room

{At School}

Kai and Niki were walking to class
Niki was holding his project that he and Taehyun spent all night working on
"Kai Oppa!" A girl yelled
Kai turned his head and then someone tripped Niki
He gasped as his project hit the floor
He didn't even notice he was hurt
"No no no!!" Niki got up quickly and tried putting it together
Kai looked
"What happened?!" He got down with him and tried helping him
"I-I?!" Niki was to focused to form a sentence
Kai then heard laughing
Jiyun walked up to them and started stomping on the project... well... what was even salvageable
"No!!" Niki shouted
Kai shoved him off the project
It was ruined... there was no saving it...
Niki just sighed and let his head hang low
Kai got up and grabbed him by his shirt
"He spent all night making that bullshit!!" Kai yelled
"I was just doing the teacher a favor, he was gonna get an F for that ugly ass project anyways" Jiyun smirked
Kai was about to sock him once Kai felt Niki tug in his pant leg
He looked at him and saw him shake his head
Kai sighed
He shoved him away from him
"Fucking asshole" Kai growled
Niki picked up the board and walked to the nearest trash bin and shoved it into the trash

{In Niki's First Period}

He walked into his history class
"Mr. Nishimura... where is your project?" She asked
"It broke ma'am..." he said and looked down
She sighed
"Do you at least have a photo to prove you did it?" She asked
"No ma'am..." Niki said as he never looked up from the floor
She wrote on a clip board
"That's an automatic F Mr. Nishimura. Did you even do the project?" She asked
"I did! I swear I did! I tripped and it broke..." Niki said
"Is that why your knee is bleeding?" She pointed her pen at his torn pant leg exposing his injured knee
"Yes ma'am.." Niki admitted
She sighed once more
"Please just sit down."

{Jump To Gym - Third Period}

Kai was in the bathroom
Niki was changing
"Wow, you had to put a stupid bandaid on it. Let's take that off." Jiyun grabbed the patches and ripped them off quickly and fast
Niki hissed as it tore at his skin
"You got dried up blood running down your leg. Have decency to fucking clean your leg." Jiyun threw the used patches at him
Niki looked down at his shirt in his hands
"You don't have room to talk about decency..." Niki said
"The fuck you say?!" Jiyun grabbed Niki by his hair
Niki hissed
"Let his hair go now." Kai growled
Jiyun smiled
"Gladly~" he slammed Niki's face against the lockers and then walked away
"Ow!!" Niki held his nose
Kai rushed to him
"Show me!!"
Niki moved his hands
It didn't look broken but there was so much blood gushing out one side of his nose
"Come on let's go to the bathroom" Kai led him to the bathroom

{Jump to lunch}

Niki was eating fruit because he wasn't really hungry
Kai and him switched pants because Kai insisted
Kai was drinking a canned coffee
Jiyun walked up to them and sat in front of them
"...what do you want." Kai asked
Niki looked down
"Nothing~ just thought Nishimura's food was missing a little salt~" he pulled out a salt shaker
He unscrewed it and dumped it all into the fruit
Niki just stared at the bowl
Kai sighed
He got up and walked over to Jiyun
"What are you gonna do? I didn't even touch him~" he smirked
"Who said I'm gonna touch you?" Kai then held his coffee out over Jiyun's head and poured it all over him
Everyone watched
Jiyun's face was total shock
Kai waited for the can to be fully empty
He then crushed it in his hand and threw it at Jiyun's face
"Asshole." Kai walked back to Niki
"Common, let's go." Kai said and grabbed his and Niki's bag
Niki just followed

{End Of School}

Kai and Niki were waiting once someone chucked a very heavy backpack at Niki making him hit the fence
Kai helped him up and grabbed the bag
He knew who threw it
He looked and saw Jiyun
"Oops, forgot to say think fast~" he smiled
Kai chucked the bag at his face without warning knocking him go the ground
"....oops... think fast... I guess." Kai said with a unimpressed face
Jiyun got up and walked up to Kai
"You keep this shit up an-" Kai cut him off
"And what? I'm gonna regret it? I already regret letting your stank ass get this close to me." He shoved him back
A car then rolled up
"Aye Im not done with you!" Jiyun yelled
Kai and Niki walked up to the car
Kai grabbed the door handle
"Well I'm done with you." Kai said and got in
"Who was that?" Namjoon asked
"Just some annoying Senior, I have like 4 classes with him." Kai said and rolled his eyes
"What happened a to your pants?" Namjoon looked at Kai's knee
"My pants got caught on something and then they ripped" he lied quickly
"Niki how was school?" Namjoon asked
"It was okay, I got a B on my project..." he lied
"B? That shit deserved an A plus, you stayed up all night breaking your back over that shit." Namjoon said as he drove home
"I know... I just didn't do enough but it's okay..." he said as he looked out the window

{At Home}

Niki ran upstairs to his room
Sunoo walked in
It was like a routine
"Any new ones?" Sunoo asked
"Just on my knee" Niki said
Sunoo pushed him onto his bed
He pushed up his pant leg and saw his knee
"Wait here." Sunoo said and walked to the bathroom
"Just two more days..." Niki said as he laid back onto the bed
Sunoo came back with the bandaid patches, rubbing alcohol and a rag
"Two more days of abuse" Sunoo said as he poured the alcohol onto his knee
Niki hissed
The pain soon went away
"It wasn't so bad today... aside my face getting slammed into a locked..." Niki said
Sunoo looked up quickly
"It just bled! That's it! It's not broken I swear! I can touch it see!!" Niki proved that it wasn't broken
Sunoo sighed
He wiped down his knee
"You worry me Niki..." Sunoo admitted
"I'm sorry.... Please don't... I come back home alive every day!" He smiled
"That's true but you also come back home hurt every day..." Sunoo said as he put the patch on his knee
"It's just two more days.." Niki said
Sunoo sighed
"Two more days..."
{A/N: I Love You All And Stay Safe 😌🤍✨}

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