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The time was 3:45 am
Kai couldn't sleep
He got out of bed and went downstairs
Namjoon was watching TV
"Sir..." Kai said
Namjoon was the only one downstairs because everyone was asleep
"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Namjoon asked
"I wanna do it now.." Kai said
"Now? I think you'll have enough energy in the morning. Just go back to bed." Namjoon said
"Hyung the energy won't leave my body until I get this done..." Kai told him
Namjoon looked at Kai
He looked wide awake
In fact he looked refreshed like he slept already
Namjoon checked this watch
"Okay." He said and turned off the tv
"Wait really?" Kai asked surprised
Namjoon nodded
"You wanna do this then let's do this, we are doing this for you anyways so you are leading this shit show." Namjoon said as he got up
He put his fingers to his mouth and whistled loudly
Kai walked down and stood next to him
Namjoon looked at him and ruffled his hair
Soon everyone came walking out their rooms
"It's almost 4 am... what?" Yoongi asked with attitude
"Get ready, we are leaving in 15 minutes." Namjoon said
"For what?" Soobin asked as he rubbed his eyes
"Do I have to spell it out? You are gonna assassinate Kep1er." Namjoon told them
"Now? I thought we were doing it later.." Sunoo whined
"Nope you are doing it now, now go get ready you have 15 minutes." Namjoon repeated himself and watched everyone walk away to get ready
Namjoon was still dressed
"Go get ready." Namjoon told Kai
Kai nodded then ran upstairs

{15 minutes later}

They were all dressed and ready
"Soobin you'll drive your group and three members of enhypen. The others will come with me, Hoseok and Jungkook." Namjoon said
"Eomma, Mr. Taehyung and Mr. Min aren't coming?" Niki asked
"No but we'll be waiting for you guys to come home!" Jin smiled
"Let us know when you are coming home so we can cook for you." Tae told the oldest boys and they nodded
"Enhypen you ready?" Yoongi asked
"Yes we are prepared and not scared!" Jungwon smiled and the rest of the members nodded
Yoongi smiled
"Great~ good luck TXT and Enhypen." Yoongi said
"Who are you taking in your car?" Hoseok asked Soobin
Soobin looked at Enhypen
"Heeseung, Jay and Sunghoon. Let's go."
The boys all reacted
"What?!" Sunghoon said shocked
"Nooo" Jay whined and hugged Jungwon
"Nice~" Heeseung smiled and back hugged Kai
"Stop whining and let's go." Soobin said sternly
The two sighed and followed TXT
Jungwon and Jake nervously laughed
"Come on you four." Namjoon said and went to leave

{10 Minutes Into The Drive}

(In Namjoon's Car)

Niki fell asleep on Sunoo's shoulder
His head started to slip but Sunoo caught him by his chin
Niki opened his eyes slightly
Sunoo was blushing
"cute.." Niki said tiredly then went back to sleep on Sunoo
Sunoo covered his mouth because he was embarrassed
Jake and Jungwon were smirking at Sunoo
Jake was in the way back with Jungkook
Namjoon was in the passenger seat and Hoseok was driving
"How far are we?" Jungkook asked
"25 minutes." Namjoon said

{In TXT's Car}

Jay and Sunghoon were sitting in the back of the car
Kai was on top of Heeseung's lap
Taehyun was in the middle seat and Yeonjun was by the other window
Soobin was driving and Beomgyu was in the passenger seat
Kai whispered into Heeseung's ear
"I feel guilty..."
"For what?" Heeseung asked
"She's still my sister... I don't know... I'm gonna go through with it but is it okay to have these feelings?" Kai asked
"Of course it is, you can have all types of feelings about this and it still be okay. As long as you won't regret it." Heeseung said
Kai shook his head
"No, I won't."
Heeseung smiled
Kai kissed Heeseung
"Can you not?" Sunghoon said and glared at Heeseung
"Ya some of us aren't with our boyfriends like you." Jay glared as well
Heeseung chuckled
"Sucks to suck losers~" he teased

{At Kep1er's House}

The groups pulled up and parked across the street
They all got out
Niki stretched
"Now I'm ready!"
Namjoon chuckled
Hoseok had his computer on the hood of the car
He was hacking
"They have security cameras in the house..." Hoseok said
They all walked over to him
He smirked
"They made this easy~" Hoseok said
"Why?" Yeonjun asked
"They are all in the living room watching a movie." Hoseok said
He showed the computer and they were all there
"Grab your weapons." Jungkook said as he popped open the trunk showing all the weapons
The boys grabbed what they thought was good for them
Niki looked at Namjoon
"Are you guys not coming with us?" He asked
"No but we'll be watching making sure everything goes right." Namjoon said and pointed at the computer
"Have any of you ever broken down a door before?" Hoseok asked
All of them shook their heads no
"I'll go with you to break down the door but you'll rush in past me so I can go back to the car." Jungkook told them
They all agreed
"Good luck" Namjoon told them all but was looking at Kai
"Heeseung Hyung can you do me a favor?" Kai asked his boyfriend
"Sure what is it?" Heeseung asked
"I'm not going straight for Bahiyyih, just corner her, do whatever you must do just don't kill her." Kai said
Heeseung nodded
Jungkook started to head to the house
Namjoon and Hoseok got back into the car and put the computer on the dash to watch it properly
The two groups plus Jungkook walked up to the door
Jungkook signaled for them to move back a little
The boys listened
Jungkook backed up then rushed the door foot first and kicked open the door
The girls all screamed from the sudden action
TXT and Enhypen rushed in
"ITS A RAID!!" Yujin screamed
Jungkook booked it back to the car
The girls were all getting up
Kai went straight for Dayeon because she was reaching for something
He grabbed her by her hair and threw her back
Soobin went for Yujin
He hit her with his gun
She fell straight for the floor
Sunghoon was face to face with Hikaru
She was holding a glass bottle
Sunghoon had brass knuckles with blades at the end of them
"What's a fucking bottle gonna do?" Sunghoon asked
She slammed the bottle against the table beside her and now she had somewhat of a shank
"Don't underestimate me!" She barked
Sunghoon scoffed
Taehyun tackled Chaehyun
"STAY DOWN YOU PINK HAIR BITCH!" He yelled as she tried reaching for anything
"GET THE HELL OFF ME!!" She screamed
Bahiyyih was about to run but Heeseung grabbed her by her hair and threw her to the ground
"AH!" She screamed
Heeseung dropped his knee into her stomach and held his gun to her throat without his finger on the trigger
She was reaching for something and grabbed a piece of glass
She slashed Heeseung on the forearm
"FUCK!" He yelled
He hit her with his gun in the nose
She screamed and dropped the glass
Sunoo was against Youngeun
Sunoo had a knife
She was backed into a corner
"NO! NO! NO!" She panicked
Sunoo didn't waste time
He put the knife directly into her throat
She gasped
She was staring at Sunoo as blood started to come out her mouth
Sunoo stepped back and watched her fall to the floor
"Youngeun!!!" Yeseo screamed
She tried running to her but Niki tripped her
He kicked her directly in the face
She screamed
Niki kept kicking her until she was against a wall
"STOP!!" She screamed
Niki kept kicking and her head was bouncing off the wall and soon enough she went limp
The impact was too hard and too much she died
"Awe my shoes are white!!" Niki whined
Jungwon saw Kai and Dayeon wrestling
He ran over to them and shoved Dayeon off Kai and jumped on top of her
He put his gun to her temple
"NO! NO! PLEASE!!" She begged but Jungwon fired his gun killing her
No one had time to stop and look
Jungwon and Kai looked at each other
Jay saw hikaru swinging her shank at Sunghoon
Sunghoon dodged her multiple times and has sliced her on the face and the arms but she never reacts
Jay creeped up behind her and wrapped his arm around her throat and put his pocket knife directly to her throat
She gasped and froze
"P-Please! I'm a girl!" She pleaded
"You think I give a fuck?" Jay growled into her ear
She whimpered
Jay pressed the button to his knife and it released directly into her throat
She was staring at Sunghoon with wide eyes
Sunghoon was smirking
"I guess she was a challenge"
Jay took out his knife
Blood spewed onto the floor
He removed his arm and they watched her drop to the floor
Sunghoon high fived Jay
Xiaoting was about to run out the front door but Beomgyu pulled out his gun and shot her three times
She was dead before she hit the floor

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