~Public School Pt.5~

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It was finally Friday
Niki was getting ready with the help of Sunoo
It was time for him to go
He grabbed his phone
Sunoo grabbed him and kissed him before he left the room
Niki trotted down the stairs and walked towards the door
Namjoon walked out with him
"I'm sorry..." Namjoon apologized
"Sorry? For what?" Niki asked as they walked to the car that was already started because Kai was in it already
"For making you do the last day but it's gonna take me a whole day to get you both back into online school so I just need you to do this last day and I promise no more public school after.." Namjoon said remorsefully
"It's okay I understand I was just upset in the moment but I wasn't mad I just... really... really.. don't like public school.." Niki told him
"I know..."
Namjoon and him got in the car
Kai was dancing to music he put on
"TELL ME!! TELL ME!! T-T-T-T-TELL ME!!" Kai sang passionately as he danced in his seat
Namjoon and Niki laughed

{At School}

The boys walked in
It was dress down day so Niki was wearing black jeans and a black hoodie with a white T-shirt
Kai was wearing gray sweats and a black hoodie with a random design
He was in a great mood because he had Yoongi's coffee which is... very... strong
Kai had his earbuds in as he lowly sang to his music
"Huening kai! Mr. Kai!" A teacher shouted to get his attention
"Huh?! Ah! Yes ma'am?!" Kai said to one of his teachers
"Please come with me I wanna discuss the assignment from yesterday with you. I saw you were struggling a bit more than usual." She told him
"Ah okay." He looked at Niki
"Will you be okay?"
Niki nodded
Kai nodded then left with the teacher
Niki was on his phone when someone snagged it out his hands
"Hey! Give it back!" Niki yapped at Jiyun
"Cry about it Nishimura." Jiyun said and started to look through his phone then Niki heard his text notification go off
"My Love?" Jiyun said and looked up at Niki
"Give it back!!" Niki pleaded
Jiyun took a step back
He pressed the notification
"I'm leaving the house for a... mission?? The fuck is a mission?" Jiyun looked at Niki
"Nothing!! Just give it back Jiyun!!" Niki tried reaching for his phone but Jiyun kept putting it out his reach
He then noticed photo that was for the contact
He pressed it and saw it was Niki and Sunoo
It was a photo of them from the wedding
Niki had his hands on Sunoo's waist and Sunoo had his hands on the back of Niki's neck and they were both smiling at each other
"No fucking way!! Haha!!" Jiyun laughed
Niki's heart sank
"Nishimura!! You're a fucking faggot?! Hahaha!!" He screamed
Niki looked around and saw people looking at them
Jiyun looked at the photo
"He's fucking hideous."
Niki froze
He slowly looked at Jiyun
"What?" He growled
"You fucking heard me. He's fucking hideous. Have fucking standards Nishimura you settled for the first horse that wanted you." Jiyun tsked
In Niki's head he can hear the faint sound of a twig snapping
"Give me... my phone.. now.." he growled
"Gladly if it stops me from looking at that." He tossed his phone back at him and walked away
Niki felt his hairs standing up like he was a angry animal
He texted Sunoo back to be safe then his thoughts started to race
The bell rang
People started to walk to class
Niki stood beside a building the whole time
His thoughts wouldn't stop running and he was in no condition to be in class right now
30 minutes into class
Niki sat on the floor still beside the building
He felt hot so he took off his hoodie
He looked through his backpack and saw a plethora of things
As more thoughts ran through his head he saw someone in this distance walk to the bathroom
He's been watching people walk in and out the bathroom
He squinted and saw Jiyun and he immediately started to see red
His legs and impulsive decisions started working before his common sense could
He didn't realize until he was already three fourths of a way towards the bathroom that he even left his spot by the building
Niki's heart was racing full of adrenaline
He knew it was only Jiyun in the bathroom
He didn't see Jiyun so he assumed he was in a stall
Niki closed the door to the bathroom and locked it from the inside
He hid around the corner that separated the stalls and the door
He heard the stall door open and the sink start running
He looked down at his hands and saw a knife
He doesn't know how it got in his bag but it was there
Niki heard footsteps so he knew there was no turning back
He came out from around the corner with his hand behind his back
He was to quick for Jiyun to realize it was him
He put his foot against Jiyun's stomach and kicked back
Jiyun tried grabbing the wall but hit the floor hard
"What the fuck?!"
He saw Niki
"The fuck is your problem?!" Jiyun got up
Niki's hair looked frizzy because he kept messing with it... he looks... insane
"I'm tired." Niki said
"Move before I fuck you up Nishimura." Jiyun started to walk close but Niki finally pulled out the knife
Jiyun gasped and started to step back
"I'm tired of you throwing things at my face, I'm tired of you hitting my back, I'm tired of you calling Kai Hyung a fag, I'm tired of you" Niki said as he pointed the knife at Jiyun
"Dude where the fuck did you get that?!" Jiyun panicked
Niki started laughing
He had finally snapped
He swung the knife
"Woah!" Jiyun leaned back quickly
"Hey dude I'm sorry!!" Jiyun yelled
Niki put the knife in his mouth sideways
He leaped at Jiyun and tackled him onto the floor
Niki was huffing but soon straddled him and had his knees into his arms so he really couldn't move
"GET OFF ME!!" Jiyun screamed
Niki took the knife out his mouth
He smiled at him scarily with wide eyes
"They can't hear you~"
He took out his phone
"You don't know me, you don't know what I do but I'll tell you because I have nothing to lose but you... you have everything to lose!" Niki laughed
Niki pulled out a photo of his group
"This is my group!"
"I don't care get off me!!!" Jiyun yelled
Niki ignored him and kept going
"This! Is Kai Hyung's group!" Niki showed a photo of txt
"GET OFF!!" He tried struggling
"LOOK AT THE PHOTO!!" Niki yelled
Jiyun looked at the photo
They looked familiar but he couldn't pin it
Niki smiled
"This!! Hehe~ This is my dad's group!" Niki finally showed a picture of BHM
Jiyun looked at the photo and his heart sank
"D-Dad? W-Who.." Jiyun started to tremble
Niki smiled and pointed at Namjoon
"That's my dad~" Niki smiled
"W-What kind o-of groups a-are you in?" Jiyun asked with wide eyes
Niki smiled creepily
"Mafia Groups~" Niki whispered
Jiyun's breath quickened
Niki got the knife again and put it to his throat
"Shut. Up."
Jiyun stopped but was now crying in fear
"I'll let you beat me, degrade me, ruin my project and even scar me but you crossed my line when you insulted my boyfriend." Niki growled
"I'm s-sorry I didn't mean it!" He trembled
"Ah uh~ you already said it~ no take backs~" Niki took the knife to his ear and started to twist it in
"AAAAHHHHH!!!" Jiyun screamed bloody murder
Niki finally stopped
"You are a waste of recourses... how sad.." Niki pouted
He turned the knife around where he was still holding the handle but the blade was now facing him
He slammed the bottom of the handle into Jiyun's nose
"AUH!!" He yelled
Niki broke his nose
"You gave me more than one bloody nose this whole week." Niki said
Jiyun was sobbing
"You know too much... you've seen too much... you've experienced too much" Niki told him
Niki flipped the knife around
"My boyfriend is beautiful.." he started to cut his mouth from the corners of his mouth to his ears in the shape of a smile
"My boyfriend is very kind.." Niki said as Jiyun screamed
"My boyfriend is the prettiest person in the world.." Niki told him as blood fills his ears
"Please..! Please please please stop!" He cried
Niki then sliced X's over his eyes and he cried
"I love him but your words... your words were wrong and I don't like when you talk about my boyfriend and are extremely wrong..." Niki said scarily
"He's beautiful and not hideous... that is now you~" Niki smiled as he took the knife and swung it down
He started to stab Jiyun over and over in the chest, in the face and in the throat
Jiyun cried and screamed until he finally couldn't
Niki took the final blow to the middle of his throat
He chocked on his own blood
The blood came up and out of his mouth
Niki saw as it filled up his nose slightly
Niki finally snapped out of it
"Oh no..."
He looked at his hand that was covered in blood
"No no no..."
He looked down at himself
His white shirt was no longer white
You couldn't see it on his black pants but his arms were covered
The crime scene was something horrific
He looked at Jiyun
"At school?! I had to do this at school?!" He said to himself
He got off him and grabbed the knife out of him
Niki looked up at the mirror and saw his face which was covered with blood spatter
"My god..."
Niki pulled out his phone and called Kai
"Niki? I'm in class what's wrong?"
"Please come to the bathroom... it's an emergency..." Niki said as he looked at himself in the mirror
"Okay... I'll be there in a minute.."
Niki hung up and looked around
This looks like something out a movie
Blood up against the walls and on the stall
He then heard
"Niki? The door.. it's locked.." Niki ran to the door
He unlocked it and grabbed Kai's wrist and yanked him in before he could even look at Niki
Niki closed the door and locked it again
"Niki what ha-" Kai looked at Niki and saw what he looked like and saw what he was holding
"I'm sorry..." Niki said in response
Kai slowly walked around the corner and saw the horrific scene
His eyes widened when he saw Jiyun
"He said Sunoo Hyung was hideous and then I snapped I didn't know what I was doing and I kind of blacked out but I knew what I was doing!!" Niki explained
"Okay okay calm down" Kai took the knife from Niki and took it to the closest sink and dropped it in
"Hyung..." Niki said
Kai looked at Niki
"I don't feel bad..." Niki said
"That's okay, he tortured you for a long time and you were bound to snap.. I didn't think this hard... but none the less.. you still snapped.." Kai said as he looked around
"What are we gonna do?" Niki asked
"Calm down" Kai pulled out his phone and started to FaceTime Namjoon
"Kai? Why are you FaceTiming me while you are in school?" Namjoon asked
"Okay um so Niki didn't want me telling you this but now it's necessary. Some kid has been physically and mentally abusing him this whole week and he didn't want me saying anything because he didn't want you to think lowly of him. Today this kid said something bad about Sunoo and that sent Niki over the edge and um... let me just show you what Niki looks like right now..." Kai said as he was attempting to flip the camera
"Is he crying?!" Namjoon asked in suspense
"No... not exactly..." Kai said as the camera faced the floor
He stepped away from Niki and turned to him and finally camera
"Fucking hell.." Namjoon said in response
"What happened?" Namjoon asked
"Let me show you.." Kai said then turned the camera to the horrific scene
Namjoon's tone got louder
"HOLY FUCK!" Namjoon yelled
"What happened?!" Jin asked in the back
Namjoon put the phone down and everyone came running to the phone
"Oh my god!" Jin said
"Woah" Jungkook said
"That's... that's brutal.." Soobin said
"Who even is that?" Taehyun asked
"What's going on?" Sunoo asked in the back
"Come look." Namjoon said
Eventually everyone saw
"Oh... he snapped..." Jay said
"Niki?! Is Niki okay?!" Sunoo asked
Kai panned the camera back to Niki
His eyes were closed as he leaned against the wall
"Oh wow!" Jake said
"Is it just me or does he look cool?" Beomgyu asked and then was hit by Yeonjun
"Not now!" Yeonjun told him
"Okay um give us five minutes and we'll get this done, put the knife in your bag Niki and put on your hoodie. Kai get something and wipe his fucking face." Namjoon said
"Yessir" they both said in sync
Namjoon hung up

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