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One bright sunny morning came when you were sleeping peacefully in the hammock of your greenhouse. The little glasshouse, filled with flower pots and bushes decorated the side beautifully as a small water fountain was built in the middle of the greenhouse. As the small bugs and butterflies danced lightly in the air during the morning dew.

"Princess, you have a visitor," Twelve-year-old, you wave your hand away to the maid, not caring to open your eyes due to tiredness from the late-night studies your Mother had put onto you.

The maid looks to the side, "I'm afraid it's a young Prince your age." The maid continues, "He's here to visit you for the first time because he's heard quite a lot about you. However, this Prince isn't a normal visitor as the previous ones."

You furrow your brows in your sleep, clearly, you heard her, but sleep is what you needed currently.

"Let him do whatever he wants. Entertain him, I'm tired." You answer nonchalantly, turning your back towards her, and the maid sighs.

She couldn't argue with you however how can she tell you otherwise that this wasn't so Princessly of you to be sleeping in open daylight during this time. If your parents knew of this, they will be furious, and you can get into huge trouble for slacking off.

The maid stands up and walks away to inform the visitor.

After a few good long minutes, a few small footsteps had entered the glass floral house. His attention wanders around the place in amazement at the beauty it holds and he carefully pokes the tiny rosebud as it was almost about to bloom.

You can hear the steps of the visitor making their way near your sleeping figure and you wonder if they've left already after not finding you. Where you slept wasn't unnoticeable however as a Princess in the current Kingdom, no one dares to touch you or wake you up, at least you thought.

The footsteps came to halt and you stopped swinging in your hammock. Confused and creeped out you open your eyes to inspect the visitor but turns out he was a lot closer than you had thought.

The moment you opened your eyes, his hand was already close to your face. Bending on his knees to your height, he stared at you with wide eyes the moment you guys make eye contact. Almost like he was about to push back the small strands of hair behind your ears, in your sleep.

You blink and his mouth gapes open slightly.

A small blush creeps up to his face and he looks away.

Your ears burn red at the sudden close up from a handsome Prince you never expect to come to meet you during this time.

You observe him from head to toe and notice his dark hair was neatly fixed, parted perfectly showing off parts of his forehead. A jeweled forehead band decorated his forehead with fine golden leaves. His dark ruby robe hung above his knees as he had one sleeve of his robe off his shoulder.

For a Prince, he didn't seem to like to dress appropriately, or so to you. However, it seems to be a part of his style. What a rare way of dressing up. You giggle at the thought, making him look back at you puzzled.

"What are you laughing at?" He finally speaks. His voice was almost like soft bright honey. You shake your head and wave both hands to assure him.

"Sorry, I just thought the way you dressed was weird but I guess it's not that bad actually. You look very good in this attire for a first impression."

His eyes widen again and this time his ears burn red as he clears his throat to speak.

You tilt your head to get a better look at him and he notices you right away.

He leans in startling you again. The corner of his lips curve, "So, you think I look good in this?"

You furrow your brows. You were getting the energy from a typical arrogant Prince. He may dresses differently from the usual however his attitude didn't seem any different from the other Prince you've met during events.

You scrunch your nose in disgust and disappointment. There they go again, you thought.

"Don't flatter yourself, I've seen better ones that dress better than you," Fixing your Royal blue dress, you stand up from your hammock but before you slip your shoes back on, the troublesome Prince had already swept it up from the floors. You glare.

He raises an eyebrow. You sigh.

"Give me back my shoes and let's call it a day," You said to him but he was persistent for some odd reason.

The Prince, "I've heard quite interesting things about you so why not hang out a bit before leaving?" You chuckle at his words, making him confused.

You tilt your head again, "I don't talk to those who put themselves above others. Now give me back my shoes and go find yourself another Princess to get to know. I'm still young but busy."

You wonder who was he to have the audacity to pick on you in your space like this. As you were bout to walk away from him, he steps in front of you. You try to go around him but he quickly gets in front of you again making your nerves on fire as he smirks in the satisfaction that he had annoyed you for once.

You lift your head to look at him but instead of the same mischievous smirk you had expected to see on every Prince you've met, you were met with a pair of curious eyes filled with something you've never seen before.

His Highness blink for a few second and your eyes widen at the close distance between you two.

He gulps slightly and then he sets his arm down. The strange Prince bend down on his knees and carefully grab your foot at a time. You flinch at the sudden contact.

Never once had a Prince ever touched your bare feet nor a part of your skin before. You don't even allow them to kiss the back of your palm because you find it creepy. However, the moment this stranger Prince came out of nowhere you don't seem to care what he does to you.

It is like he had charmed you the moment you open your eyes to him.

He slips the shoes back onto your feet and stands up to look at you. A small smile tugs his lips as he speaks, "Let me introduce myself properly, Princess Y/N."

He takes your hand and just as you had expected it, he kisses the back of it very so gently, his eyes never leaving yours. You froze there as you feel his soft eyes on you with sincerity.

A strange thing you don't usually find in the boys you've met.

"I am Prince Jisung of the Han Kingdom. I hope you do not mind my sudden intrusion. I came here in peace therefore I hope you will do me the honor to get to know you."

You couldn't see it for yourself but the corner of your lips curve at the way he had spoken to you so gently. You chuckle slightly, "I see. So you're the Prince of Han..." You realize his confirmation and crack a smile as best as you can.

Such a handsome young fellow but what a disappointment it was that he had to be a Prince from your Enemy Kingdom.

The Hans had competed against your Kingdom for many years in land expansions and in winning the favors of the plain folks. They have excellent sword skills and it was almost impossible to not dislike them when they've taken every victory that your Kingdom was supposed to achieve.

Your Father will be displeased if he knew of this.

"Nice to meet you Prince Han but I hope this'll be the last time we see each other."

First chapter woohoo!

Honestly I'm thinking whether I should publish everything and complete it with a check in stead of making you guys wait but we will see.

I wrote this story during the evening and late hours so if there's any error or grammar issue I was probably high—- I mean tired.

Thank you!

The Red Wedding - Han Jisung ✔️Where stories live. Discover now