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Mature Content! (There will be a warning line so you may skip it and proceed when you found the continuing line!)

A few evenings afterward Prince Han was invited to your Kingdom for dinner. Jisung came as soon as he was invited as it was the first he was directly called by the King himself.

That night at the dinner table as you guys were discussing the exciting news, your father showed interesting traits and an interesting side you don't expect to see.

The King was smiling and he appears relaxed and thankful about the treaty that is about to happen, which you thank the lord again for the blessings.

Your Father smiles as he chuckles. Laying a hand on your Fiance's shoulder he said, "I wish you the best for the Han Kingdom, Prince Han. May the Han Kingdom be in peace after this Marriage."

Jisung smiles, "Thank you, Your Majesty. Thank you so much for giving me the honor to marry your daughter. I promise to always take care of her and together may both of our kingdoms become friends and forever prosper!"

You giggle at his cheekiness. Jisung sent you a wink and you roll your eyes at his tease. Your Father chuckles again. Your mother laughs along with you guys as you enjoy the dinner they've prepared before the counting days will come.

Days turns to weeks and soon your wedding was coming. Since the night of the dinner Jisung had been very busy with preparations and so were you. Both King and Queens have been instructing people to set up everything neatly and they've already instructed a list of dishes for the upcoming event which you were sure the people of the Kingdoms and outside the Kingdoms had received the lovely news already.

"It's getting late, what brings you here?" You ask Prince Jisung, he turns around to face you the moment you appear by his side. The two of you were meeting at late hours due to his busy schedule at home and somehow he still manage to come here without being caught.

There were two more days before the wedding. Why would he appear now? Could he not wait until the wedding?

The answer was obvious, Han Jisung couldn't wait.

"I came to see you," Jisung steps closer to your figure, Jisung places a soft kiss on your forehead.

Dressed in a ruby silk nightdress, you tilt your head, "I'm afraid meeting in the middle of the night like this isn't appropriate, Your Highness."

Jisung chuckles softly, grabbing your hand with his, he smiles sending a rush of heat up your cheeks. You look away but Jisung pulls your face closer with his spare hand. You blink in surprise.

Jisung takes in a deep breath as he let the heavy silence between you speaks on both of your behalf.

"I've been busy with my Princely duties that I miss you so much I must come to see you before the sun rises," He smirks and you roll your eyes at his cheekiness. There he goes again.

You lightly smack him and he returns a small laugh, "Alright then what am I supposed to say? I don't need an excuse to say that I miss you. I wanted to see you that's all, like I said," Jisung follows you down the hallway where you came and you shake your head at his attempts to keep you up longer with him.

Jisung steps in front of you, stopping you in your tracks and you gulp at the close contacts. No matter how close you guys are and despite the fact that you are engaged to him already and had done more sinful things beyond the shadows, Prince Jisung always has his charms on you and it works every time.

"Look, I know you're tired and I should have informed you beforehand but I have somewhere special I want to take you." Jisung takes your hand again caressing the back of your hand with care, in hopes to persuade you into following him outside of your residence.

The Red Wedding - Han Jisung ✔️Where stories live. Discover now