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The following days passed and you received news that your wedding with Prince Han was going to be in the next month. Your heart beats in excitement as you were informed by your mother that you will be trying on wedding dresses.

Your mind drifts off as you help yourself to look for the perfect dress for the event. You can not believe that it has been confirmed already. Your head was spinning but it was because you'd been running all over the place for the wedding.

"Next month? Wow, that's fast." You exclaim in excitement at the news from your maid. She smiles alongside you as you celebrate with her, in your residence.

You begin to dance in the spaces of your main hall as your maid watch in awe of your excitement.

"Princess, why don't we prepare a gift? I'm sure you must want to celebrate this exciting news with His Highness, right?"

You turn around, "Yes, indeed, I should prepare him a gift." You begin to look around your room for ideas but found none that is until your mind drifts to the golden thread the Queen had gifted you. The maid watched in silence, her eyes traveling to the box you received not too long ago and she hurries over to retrieve it for you. You grab the box carefully and open it.

The golden threads lay in there alongside the hairpin your father worked hard on and you begin to think to yourself what you should do with this.

You, "Do we have red threads? Any red fabrics?"

The maid shakes her head, "We don't often use the color red, Princess but we could stop by the market if you'd like? Should I go fetch us a carriage and a few men?"

You shake your head, "I can go alone. You wait for me here, I'll come back when I find the right fabric."

The maid blinked but before she could stop you, you have already left the residence.


You walk alone, a cloak on your figure to hide your identity, as you scan the market of your city. The Kingdom folks were lively as you had expected and you wish for the best that they remain like this even after the news with the Rival Kingdom.

Your eyes glance around the stands of nicely sown pouches along with the delicate tassel made by hand. Your eyes rummage around the market in silence until you notice a familiar figure.

You hide in front of the stand selling jewelry as you try to blend in with the folks.

The figure walks alone with a man by his side as he has his hands behind his back. His gold and white robe hang nicely on his figure, flowing smoothly behind him as he walks down the aisle.

You look away when you notice the long hair hanging on his shoulder, a white ribbon ties his hair back, with a cloak hanging on his shoulder.

His elegant appearance beams through the city of common people and you hope that he and his men do not spot you.

Prince Hwang stops behind you and you mentally sigh and pray that he does not call you out. He steps over to your side to look at the jewels.

"Your Highness, are you perhaps looking for something rare to gift to Her Highness?" Your heart stops and Hyunjin remains silent as he inspects the stand.

He smiles, "I was hoping to find a gift for a friend actually. I've received some news recently, to show my respect, I want to ask if you have anything you believe I can gift to this friend of mine for her upcoming marriage."

You pause to listen and when you don't move, Hyunjin notices the aura. He furrows his brows lightly at you but you walk away from his tall figure.

"I believe these are the rarest gem we have. This new style of forehead band was recently made by a merchant, I'm sure any ladies who received this from a handsome fellow like you will love it, Your Highness."

The Red Wedding - Han Jisung ✔️Where stories live. Discover now