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y/n felt uncomfortable, more than normal.

the tension in the room was so thick she felt like she might suffocate.

"g-good morning, jotaro!" she forced a smile as she approached the boy seated at his desk.

the words that came of his mouth next made her heart drop.

"leave me alone, don't fucking bother me ever again." he responded coldly, his eyes avoiding hers.

y/n felt a sharp pain in her chest, like someone reached into her chest and grabbed onto her heart and squeezed mercilessly. the whole class fell into stone cold silence, all eyes were on her. jotaro's fangirls began whispering amongst eachother, a few giggles passed around.

"ah. okay." her voice was barely above a whisper as she turned around, walking out of the classroom. feeling the intense burn of eyes on her back.


what just happened?'

indeed, what just happened? let's take it back a few hours before...

y/n had arrived at school pretty early that morning, smiling happily as she saw kakyoin and shelly waiting by the gate for her.

"gooooood morning gorgeous!" shelly chirped as she enveloped y/n in a tight hug, "good morning pretty girl." y/n said through giggles as she hugged her friend back.

"morning y/n." kakyoin smiled down softly at the girl, "hey there cherry boy." she responded cheekily, kakyoin's eyes widened as he visibly flushed pink, "c-cherry boy?!"

"you heard her, cherry boy!" shelly chuckled as she flicked one of his cherry earrings playfully, kakyoin stumbled back in embarrassment as the two girls laughed.

the three chatted happily, catching up on life and their upcoming assessments as they made their way through the courtyard.

"oh yeah aren't we missing a certain piece of grumpy shit?" shelly elbowed y/n playfully as she asked, y/n looked away as she felt herself get somewhat flustered at the thought of him.

"i haven't seen him yet, he's probably held back by traffic." kakyoin replied as he mockingly made a few high pitched squeals.

shelly sighed dramatically,"oh jotaro senpai~ so hot and sexy!" she batted her eyelashes before pretending to faint.

y/n and kakyoin laughed at her impression as they cracked a few more stupid jokes.

"oh- speaking of the devil," kakyoin turned his head as a tall figure emerged from the crowd of students, "jojo!" he called out, waving a arm to get his attention.

the trio stopped to wait for jotaro to catch up, y/n quickly pulled out the paper bag neatly tucked in her messenger bag. the now washed and clean clothing she had borrowed from holly, she wanted to return them in person to thank holly but returning it through jotaro will be just fine for now.

instead of approaching them like usual, jotaro walked in another direction. not before sending one of his infamous glares their way.

"okay well fuck you too." shelly muttered, she turned to kakyoin and the two shared a look of confusion. "i get he always acts like he's stepped in dogshit but does he usually do that?" shelly asked him in a annoyed tone. kakyoin furrowed his brows, "no, he's never ignored greeting me like that before..." he trailed off.

shelly groaned. "dude, i can't with this moody bitch. what is his problem?" she exclaimed in frustration, her attention turned to her friend who had been way too quiet. y/n looked troubled, shifting awkwardly on the spot.

"did anything else happen?" shelly as in a hushed tone as she quickly leaned in closer to y/n while kakyoin was looking away.

"not that i am aware of." y/n responded quickly, her hands fiddled with the straps of the paper bag. she felt so uneasy with the way jotaro had looked at them, no her. she knew as he looked directly into her eyes, like a dear in-front of the headlights of a truck. his eyes felt so foreign, so far away and so so cold. he had never glared at her that way.

shelly observed her friend carefully, before slinging a arm over her shoulders and forced a laugh out. "ahh~ don't worry! he's just probably having one of his mood swings again! he will come around again."

y/n nodded and smiled to lighten the mood too, "yeah, i think you're right."

something felt wrong and they all knew it.

the calm before the storm.

back to the present.

y/n splashed her face with cold water from the sink. her heart and mind was still in overdrive, she didn't know how to fell. a part of her wanted to burst out screaming, she was so fucking confused.

leave me alone, don't fucking bother me ever again.

his last words echoed through her mind, replaying like a broken record.

after that night, what went wrong?

his voice was usually calm yet laced with so much venom and disgust.

what about the apologies? what about their friendship, was that all nothing?

hot tears threatened to fall, y/n blinked furiously.

all she wanted to do was quickly return the clothing before classes officially started, not to be called out so shamefully.

"are you done with your little pity party in here yet?" a voice purred.

y/n snapped her head in the direction of the voice, only the meet eyes with a smug looking honzawa.

seeing her face again ignited so much fury within y/n, she clenched her jaw tightly as she remained quiet.

"see," honzawa began fixing her hair in the mirror, "you have no place being here, im not sure what you were trying to achieve hanging around jotaro like a pesky little fly. he felt bad for the poor little exchange student and hung out with your sorry-self, until he had enough of you leaching off him like the pest you are." she giggled as she looked at y/n through the reflection of the mirror.

"i've been friends with him since birth, i know him the best. you will never be anything more than a pest in the eyes of him." she continued as she began reapplying some lipgloss.

y/n remained quiet, staring down at the running water. her face emotionless even though she felt like all her current emotions were going to erupt and overflow at any moment now.

"are you done in here? could you give me some peace to get ready? your presence is stinking up this whole place." honzawa scrunched her face up in disgust as she spoke.

y/n turned the tap off, picked up her bag.

before she left, she turned to honzawa and stared into her eyes.

"when i first i saw you,  you were one of the most beautiful girls i've ever seen." y/n finally spoke, "turns out my eyes really did deceive me, honzawa you are such an ugly human. your heart is filled with so much hate.

you have an ugly heart."

doin a lil' trollin!

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