03 | Mitsuya Y/n

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As Sanzu talked with y/n on the phone. He can't help but remember the past he have with the girl, on how they met. He can't forget that memory nor even want to forget it, it's like his little treasure that's forever be in his head.

               ⟦☂⸽  𝙁𝙇𝘼𝙎𝙃𝘽𝘼𝘾𝙆  ⸽☂⟧

It was a rainy afternoon when things happen. Y/n is digging for her book in her bag when suddenly she noticed a different notebook on her backpack, pulling it out to read a page seeing her brother's name on them. "Oh, I must've mistake it as my notebook and put it inside my backpack" she muttered, closing her backpack and went out the room.

Going to her brother's classroom to give it to him, it was lunch time still but that wasn't the case. Y/n knock on the door of the classroom where his brother's in and look around after pushing the door.

"Nii-chan, I mistook you notebook for mine" she smiled at her brother who look at her, she hands him the notebook and ear a pat in her head.

"Sigh… thank you, Sis." Takashi smiled at her. Y/n soon excusing herself to leave as Takashi nod and watch her walked over to the door and exit the door of the classroom.

Y/n went on as she stroll around, passing by a halfway closed classroom door. Out of curiosity if someone is around the room, y/n peek inside and saw a boy, around a year older than her having white haired and blue eyes and having long eyelashes; looking out the window.

Y/n zipped through the half open door and went to him, the boy noticed the presence of someone—looking over to see a girl with light purple hair and pinkish lavender eyes and around a year younger than him. Looking away in shyness the boy look over to his lap, finding his lap more interesting than anything.

"Why are you here all alone?" Y/n speak you, going in his front and sat down on the chair that's in front of him and smiled—facing the white haired boy. "Uhm" the boy can't even form words at her sudden question nor even have any vocals to say anything.

Y/n tilted her head when she didn't get any answer from the boy. "You seemed lonely where are your friends?" Y/n asked again, making the boy look up to meet her eyes.

"I don't have any" he said making y/n frown, "No one wants to make friends with me" he sadly added with a sigh escaping his lips. "Then I'll be your friend!" Y/n blurted out as she extended her hand to him.

"I'm Mitsuya Y/n, it's a pleasure to meet you" looking at the boy, the boy shakes her hand. "A-Akashi, Haruchiyo Akashi" his voice held happiness although it was hidden by his stutters.

Y/n chuckle and smiled. "Then it's nice to meet you, Haru-kun wait Am I allowed to call you Haru-kun?" Y/n received a low nod from Haruchiyo.  His blunt expression changing to a smile, he's smiling so genuinely.

"I'll see you tomorrow at lunchtime, Haru-kun bye-bye!" Y/n bidded goodbye to her new friend as she slide open the classroom door, waving at Haruchiyo who waved back before she disappeared from his sight.

A week or so, y/n and Haruchiyo become more close to one another. Of course a lot of y/n's friends invite her to play with them but she often refuse and play with Haruchiyo.

       ⟦☂⸽ 𝙀𝙉𝘿 𝙊𝙁 𝙁𝙇𝘼𝙎𝙃𝘽𝘼𝘾𝙆  ⸽☂⟧

"Sanzu?" Snapping out of Sanzu's thoughts, Sanzu chuckled. "I'm sorry, my mind just wondered off by itself, by the way what is it?" He asked over the phone, fiddling with the hem of his pillow that he's currently hugging.

"Nothing… oh! By the way.... I wanna hang out with you tomorrow, but..... A friend of mine invite me to go to Roppongi"

Sanzu only nod even though the girl can't see it. "Okay, hang with them for a while. Me and some  toman members have something to take care of anyways" Sanzu replied as he flopped his body to the soft bed.

"But I wanna be with Hassan~" Y/n giggled after her words. Sanzu humming. "Okay, okay… I know what it means when you hum..
Bye now, Hassan! I'll see you at school tomorrow!" Sanzu bid a short goodbye before ending the call.

Putting his phone to his chest, a blush is all he have on his face. Looking, no staring at the pictures that's on his walls. "Sigh… how much more time will you notice, Mitsuya Y/n?" Sanzu asked himself. Blushing like a madman before he heard his 𝘣𝘪𝘨 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 call him.

Standing up from the bed with a scowl on his face. Sanzu made his way towards the living room. "Mucho is here" that's the only words Takeomi said making Sanzu tched and put on his shirt that's hanging on the sofa and went to the door. Opening it to see his captain, having a smile on his dominant face.


"Did Mikey summon me?" Sanzu cutted closing the door behind him as he walked passed the man. "Yeah, he have something for you to do" Mucho stated, watching Sanzu stand still by his car.

"Okay, then..." Sanzu said as he put on his mask. Mucho smiled at him and open the passenger seat and get inside. "You drive" he said to Sanzu making Sanzu nod and open the door of the driver seat and got inside.

Putting his seatbelt on before starting the engine. "Where?" Sanzu asked, glancing over at the man. "To Shibuya ****/*****/**" nodding Sanzu started driving towards the destination where his captain said.

Getting there was a hassle, but they manage to got to the destination safely. Sanzu step outside the car door and went to the side to open Mucho door. Mucho got out of the car, smiling widely at Sanzu.

"Thank you" he said. Sanzu only nod and smiled behind his mask. "Okay, let's go" Mucho said as he walked inside the building. "about this, Sanzu. You seemed to be lively all of a sudden" Mucho pointed out as he glace at the boy, averting it when he didn't get an answer.

'No talking, huh? You like the silent reply, Sanzu'

Upon arriving at the room where Mikey was is, hearing faint footsteps from behind making Sanzu be alerted by it. Seeing two members of Toman. "Okay, chill" Mucho said as he motion for Sanzu to follow as the two other members walked behind them.

'I hate how they just walked with us' Sanzu thought side eyeing the mens behind.


a/n; y'all don't hate me I accidentally wrote Mochizuki's name than Mucho's and I'm crying about it I really hate myself because I was thinking about Bonten right now🙃 how cool is my life?🙂

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