33 | Peck of a kiss

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It's now Friday and the day of the party at Mikey's house. Like Sanzu said to the Mitsuyas, he stayed on thier apartment to keep an eye of the girls.

Nothing happened two days ago, just Sanzu finding the house of a male named Haitani Rindou. But Sanzu also talked to Takashi at school yesterday.


Sanzu was in his classroom, when the door open and the familiar voice of the male Mitsuya was heard. "Sanzu, can we talk?" Sanzu look at the door and seen the lilac haired boy, he nod and stand up. The light purple haired girl wasn't at the room that time, she was on her favorite spot, the canteen.

Sanzu followed Mitsuya until they reached the rooftop. The wind make it's way to his hair making it sway as he stand behind the male.

"I'm afraid to get my sister in any kind of trouble" Takashi started as he turned around to face the male behind him.

"Now that I realized this, Baji is acting a little strange lately. Do you noticed?" He asked the male who nod. "Yes, I have. He kind of planning something" Sanzu replied.

"I know Baji for a long time now, he may be stupid but he knew his way around. If he's planning something, I'm sure that it's against his will." Mitsuya stated. "What do you mean by that?" Sanzu asked in confusion, his mask hiding the fact that he can't understand what the male is trying to say.

"What I mean is, if he do think that something is going to happen, he should have told us, right?" Sanzu nod "But he didn't" Sanzu added to his words.

"Maybe, we should trust him" Takashi nods.

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Sanzu sighed and let Luna style his hair. He keep on thinking of the black haired male. If he knew something or not.

"Don't overthink too much, my brother already told you that Baji-san is a nice man" y/n said to the male as she put the tray that she's holding on the coffee table.

The two kids run to it and get the cookies. "Yes, but I have a feeling that it's going to be a bad situation" he said to the girl.

"Maybe you guys are just overthinking stuff, Baji-san even though his a little stupid he trusted the Gang way too much. If something is going to happen, it's for the sake of the Gang that he love, you know"

Sanzu sighed and nodded. "I guess you're right". Luna came to the duo and hand Sanzu a cookie. "Thank you" Sanzu smiled and take a bite of the cookie that is handed to him. "Who made your scars?" Mana asked noticing the diamond shaped scars on each side of his lips.

Sanzu hummed softly, not saying anything. Y/n felt that Sanzu is uncomfortable about the question so she tried to speak to change the topic but Sanzu speak, stopping her from changing it.

"A friend"

Luna and Mana frowned at what he answered. "You know, scars won't heal if you don't forgive" Mana said making Luna look at him. "Since when did you become smart?" She asked to her younger sister who hit her lightly.

"Hey! I'm smart! Smarter than Nee-san!" Mana defended making y/n pout. "Hassan? Why is your hair like that?" Y/n asked pointing at his hair. Sanzu touched his hair and chuckled.

"They forced me to be the princess, I guess" y/n giggled and went to her room. She came out after two minutes with a blue dress on her hands. "A princess isn't a princess without a dress" she said, holding her laughter as she hand the dress to the male.

"No way" Sanzu pushed her hand away. Sanzu stand up and told them that he's going to check the doors and windows. "Don't worry Hassan, I already did and everything is secured" y/n said making him stopped and look at her as he nod.

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