42 | Blood moon

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Note: I'm sorry for this chapter, i kinda mixed it up but still this is all what i have come up. The next chapter will be a little bit —uh. Let's just say, spicy.


Waking up due to the drug wasn't as great as it seems. Y/n groan as her head aches from the doze that Sanzu have given to her. She scan the room and noticed herself being chained up in a bed, only her left arm is chained while the other is free, but nevertheless, she can't escape.

"Y/n, i made food" that's the first words that she heard and looked to see Sanzu, holding a tray that filled with her favorite food which is omelette. She didn't stated a word as Sanzu came to her bed and sat down on the edge of the mattress.

"I made it extra special sinc—" "why are you being like this?" She asked, tears flowing down her cheeks as she started crying. Sanzu put down the tray on the bedside table and try to wipe the tears that's flowing but his hand was slapped away from her figure as she glared at him.

"You change me, make me feel that I'm me that you can see right now. But—I thought wrong. Being with you, hanging out with you gives me peace but look what you did!" She shouted as Sanzu lowered his head, face buried on his palms as he filled his emotion with regret and guilt. "I'm sorry" he whispered.

"I won't forgive you. Not even in a million years"


And that leaves it here.

Y/n didn't even looked at Sanzu after her sentence. Sanzu sighed, hugging himself. "I'm sorry, I'm just protecting you" he mumbled nearly a whisper as she side eye him for a second as she stayed silent. "Is this you called protecting?" She asked in sarcasm as she scoffed.

"Yeah right, protecting me was your mission since we were kids, but this is too much. I miss haruchiyo, the boy who i wanted to be with me right now. Guess I need to forget him since he's 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥." Her words shoot arrows inside of sanzu's heart, digging the sharp edge of it deep down.

He remain silent over her words, she was right. Sanzu killed himself and drown himself with his obsession to her that he killed the only person that she loved. And that's himself.

Sanzu's mouth open before his words was interrupted by the sudden ring from his phone. He sighed and stand up, reaching his phone from his pocket and looked at the number that's calling him. It was 𝘒𝘢'𝘪. Sanzu sighed and told y/n that he'll leave the house for a minute before leaving her.

When the door closes, y/n began to form some sort of plan to escape the room. She began to  look around the room with her eyes. 'Com'on there must be something' she thought before she finds a piece of thin metal under the bed. The thin metal looks like a bobby pin.

Her eyes filled with hope as she went down the bed and started reaching the pin with her free hand. When she got it, she hurriedly tried to unlock herself from the chain. She have no experience in doing so that's why she consume much time until it was unlocked.

She didn't waste anytime and breaks the window with the chair that's sitting beside the door. The glass shattered unser her feet as she took a deep breath. She stepped on the glass, cutting her feet, she aches but she continue and try to avoid the pain in her feet as she climbed out of the window and jumped without hesitation.

She run and run until she got tired. She slumped down the dirt, confusion feeling her mind before it goes silent and her mind blurring before she closed her eyes, but before she fully closed her eyes, a pair of feet was seen approaching her.

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