08 | Information report

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Takashi is now waiting for his sister, y/n reassuring hed brother that she'll walk with Sanzu. Takashi only nodded and tell Sanzu to protect his sister for him which to Sanzu have promised his sister's safety.

Takashi went away from them afterwards, leaving the two alone on the side of the school road. Y/n look up at Sanzu and smiled. "Let's go? We need to go and see the sunset!" Y/n grabbed his wrist and pull him alone with her.

But that wasn't the case Sanzu insist of walking y/n home, it's not the sunset watching but something else. He have felt this day, unlike the days before; he felt that someone is watching them, observing them or getting to know them in a distance. It was creepy to think but Sanzu never really like it.

Y/n is to oblivious; like that help. Sanzu keep an eye in thier back, as y/n keep on blubbering about something Sanzu didn't really catch up on.

"Are you okay, Hassan?" Y/n asked seeing Sanzu keeps on looking at thier back which to she look at. "No, nothing" Sanzu said in the softest way and asked the girl about the sunset viewing.

Looking at the setting sun was a satisfaction. Y/n felt the soft wind brushes through her hair making it sway as she and Sanzu are sitting on the grassy ground of the field that they always go to just to relax some nerves out.

"Sigh… this is satisfying" y/n sighed out leaning her head to Sanzu's side who look at her with a soft smile plastered on his face, he took off his mask since y/n never really like it when he hide his scars. Looking at the river in front of them, Sanzu saw how it shined under the shining sun that's setting before them.

Y/n closed her eyes, feeling the wind blows. Humming a melody match with the soft breeze of the air above them. Y/n keep her eyes closed she softly hummed. "Your humming is quite beautiful, y/n" hearing Sanzu's soft voice make her open her eyes, lifting herself back to being in her body as she look at Sanzu with a smile forming on her lips.

"Thank you, Hassan" she smiled. "Why you keep on calling me that?" He asked sighing as lay down on the grass, looking over at the red-orange sky.

"Because I thought that would suit you, I mean It's too formal if I keep on calling you Haru-kun... Since I know someone is calling you that, I wanna change it and call you to a nickname I'm willing to make just to call you that.—" She explained, cutting herself off when she heard Sanzu chuckled.

"I don't mind, call me whatever you like. As long as you only call me with the nickname and never mistook me as someone else then that's fine" y/n look at Sanzu upon hearing his voice. Y/n smiled and lay down beside him.

"Okay then, Hassan"

The moment lasted not long after, y/n and Sanzu made it to the apartment where Y/n is living. Sanzu bidding goodbye to the light purple haired girl as Takashi invite him to eat dinner with them but Sanzu refuse.

"No! Come and eat!" Luna and Mana grabbed Sanzu's hand and pull him inside the apartment, Takashi reassuring him that it's fine.

Mrs. Mitsuya was home, and cooking dinner for them. "Ma, a friend of mine is here!" Y/n shouted to let her mom know as she instructed for Sanzu to take a seat on the living room sofa and he obliged her order. Luna and Mana is talking to him to keep him company. As the others helped out making dinner. Sanzu stand up to help but Takashi shakes his head and tell him to just sat down.

A sigh only escaped on Sanzu's lips.


On the other side of the story was the Haitanis, Rindou and Ran are listening to the information that is reported to them by one of thier eye. "So her address is in Tokyo. Shibuya ***/*** huh?" Ran mumbled out the address that's on the paper that is hand to them.

Ran look at Rindou and sighed. "You going—"
"No" Rindou stand up from the seat that he's sitting on before walking to the door. Ran watched him as he exit his room, shaking his head before looking back at the paper.

"More information about the girl my brother has a crush on, I'm sure he'll get the idea of her being with his rival for most of the time" Ran mumbled out to himself, seemingly talking to himself as he look at the closed door of his room.

A sigh escaped Ran's lips, hearing the muffled voices of his brother when he's in front of the door of his little brother's room. "Rindou, I'm sure things might go as planned" Ran reassured his brother.

Why did things end up in a way that make Rindou like this? Well, here's the deal. Rindou and Ran never really thought at she's a sister of one of the Toman's captains. Being a gang opponent of the Gang is far more difficult as it is.

Rindou, the youngest Haitani shouted to his brother to leave; telling him that he's going to take a bath. Ran obliged his brother's orders and went to his own room. Rindou faintly heard the fainting footsteps of his brother make him sigh.

Looking out the window of thier house, Rindou shift his arms and fold them in front of his chest. "What is a world when you aren't around me, Mitsuya y/n?" He asked himself, his purple eyes gloomily look out the window, seeing the already setting sun as he sighed out. Turning his heel as he went to the bathroom to take a long bath.

He need a warm and cozy bath right now, his head is full of things he didn't even wanna remember. Some girls on his school failed to impress him in the time being nor he even want to impress them.

He only keeps his 𝘢𝘤𝘵 to get his mind out of the light purple haired girl. Although, even himself is disappointed at himself; never in his life that he felt so in love to a girl. He only think of them as 𝘵𝘰𝘺𝘴 or 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘴𝘩 but now he still see them as that but not the light purple haired girl.

He felt like they're meant to be together, imagining himself marrying her in the future makes him excited for the future to come.

Although, Rindou knew he needs to do something—to make her like him. He'll risk anything to get her, even his life.


A/n: hello guys! It's me the author. I know that I said I'll be updating more often well, actually I'll just see if I'm free then I'll published the chapters, I'm also having trouble with my first book so yeah.... and you guys can just call RED...

I hope you enjoy this!

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