36 | Challenge

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Hello everyone, I'm sorry for not being able to update these couple of months (?) Because of my sturdiest. There's also a little change in the main anime and this book since I don't want to copy everything that's on the manga and on the anime. Please don't kill me for doing such thing. And thank you for reading.

Now, let's start shall we?

On the Haitanis side.. Rindou is phasing back and forth inside his room, thinking of a way to beat Sanzu. Ran is on the same room as him, sitting on his bed. "Will you chill? You know that you can't kill him right?" Rindou halted and look at his brother after Ran said those words.

"Who's you with, huh? Him or me"

"You of course —"

"Then why are you saying that I can't kill him?" Rindou asked, grabbing his brother's shoulder and clenching his palms on them. Ran didn't show that his brother is hurting him, not wanting to make his brother more mad he explained himself.

"Because, if you kill him. Y/n will be depressed, she's with him ever since they were little and I know for sure that they're close. If you wanna challenge him, don't kill each other. Or don't even try to challenge him. It's a win win situation if you two are not bloody. The two of you are special to her. See how happy she is when he's with her and see how happy she is when she's with you? You can't see the difference about it.

So, brother. Just talked it out with Sanzu, for now. If it's time to kill, then kill but now's not the time for that. Time soon will come, and it will never end if you don't decide." Ran felt the loss on Rindou's grip, making him lift a hand to pat his brother's head.

"I'm always be here to help you, and when the time comes that she's in your side. Don't even try to harm her"

"I won't harm her. Never in my life will I do that to her, Ran-nii" Ran smile and stand up when he's brother step two steps backwards.

"Why don't we eat? It's still too early for party party" Ran asked as he smiled at his brother. "No thank you, I don't have any energy to eat" Ran frowned and nodded.

"If you need me, I'll be on the kitchen" Rindou nod as Ran walked out of the room. Rindou sighed and flopped his body to the bed. "What kind of challenge?" He asked himself, not knowing that to do on that day.


On the other side, Sanzu is on the cafe's bathroom. He's staring at his reflection as he lean on the sink, his palms are pressed on the sides of the sink as he stare at the mirror.

"That bitch, Rindou. I can't kill him without making my princess cry. They've gotten close. What kind of challenge should I do with that chicken? What?" Sanzu is whispering to himself before a knock on the door caught his attention.

He sighed and went to the door and open it, he got out of the door without a word walking passed the man that knock on the door and went back to the group that's chattering to one another while sitting on a large round table.

"Sanzu, you good?" Kazutora asked Sanzu who just got inside of the room and nod. "This cafe is very huge, huh? They even have this room" Emma said as she look around.

"Yeah, it's cool" the girls agreed.

Sanzu sat down in between y/n and Takashi and stabbed the strawberry with a fork that he picked up from the side of the plate.

"What did you and Rindou talked about?" Y/n asked, eating her shortcake as Senju sneakily picked up one of the strawberry that's on top of the cake while the light purple haired girl wasn't looking and shove it on her mouth.

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