19 | Birthday News

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When Ran got to the club, he saw his brother talking to a boy. Then suddenly, his brother lift the boy up by his collar and challenge him for a fight.

Ran came to his brother's side and hold him down. "Rin-rin don't fight" he said as he hold his brother's arms from attacking the boy. "The fuck did I do to you, you mother fucker!?" The boy asked, as Rindou gritted his teeth together; glaring daggers at the boy in front of him.

Rindou shake Ran before punching the boy on his face. "Bro!" Ran shouted before a guard hold down the boy as Ran hold down his brother. "Rin, calm down..." Ran told his brother but Rindou shake him off. "Shut up bro, I'll kill him." Rindou said with pure hatred.

"I know bro, but you need to calm down." Ran said as he dragged his brother out of the club when the guard said they need to leave before things go crazy.

Ran dragged Rindou back to thier house, Ran is facing back and forth as Rindou sat down on Ran's bed. "The fuck is wrong with you? You know that you killed those men but brother, why the fuck did you wanna kill someone, again!?" Ran scolded as he halted and look at Rindou. "He's the boy, that's being rude to her..... I wanna kill him for—" Rindou cutted his words when a light slap sent to his cheek.

"Bruh, what the fuck—" "Rindou, fucking get yourself together; what if she found out then you're fucking dead, right?" Ran grabbed his brother's shoulders as he shakes him a bit.

Rindou sighed and nodded. "You're right, bro" he said, Ran huffed a proud smile as he said "I know I'm the best" Rindou look at him with a weird expression. "Sure you are"


On the Mitsuyas side well let's just say, chaotic.

The kitchen is all a mess, y/n sighed seeing the sight of his brother and two little sisters baking a cake with a messy kitchen. It's y/n's birthday!
𝗙𝗘𝗕𝗨𝗔𝗥𝗬 21, 1991 and her siblings are trying thier best to make it special for her.

Sanzu is beside the girl, holding a red box full of y/n's favorite pastry with another light purple bag that held his present for the girl.

Y/n sighed and smiled, walking over to her siblings. "Nii, I'll take care of this" she said, putting on an apron as the other Mitsuyas frown. "But it's you birthday" Luna sadly said, y/n look at her sister and smiled.

"I'll help" Sanzu said as he put the red box on the kitchen table and the the light purple bag on top of the red box.

Sanzu helped with preparing the cake as the other's done what's needs to be done. It's just a little party but y/n wished it to be more special because all of her friends are going to be there, well not all of them. "𝙎𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙮, 𝙄'𝙡𝙡 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖 𝙜𝙞𝙛𝙩 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙞 𝙘𝙖𝙣'𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚" that's right, Rindou can't. "Okay, be safe going to where you're going. Thank you for telling me and be safe" y/n end the call.


That's right, Rindou can't go to her party because of him going after that man whom he wanted to kill. He tied his brother and lock him on the house to keep him from chasing him. He just can't go on and let that bastard be, he just can't.

As Rindou drive through the rainy  night, he stopped his engine when he saw a glimpse of the boy he wanted to murder. Rindou hopped out of his motorbike as the rain continues to fall from his head to his body.

Rindou approach the boy, it's the perfect timing to say the least; there's no one around except for him and the boy. The location is located in a uninhabited place. Rindou didn't know who the boy is and what he's doing in that place but in his mind he didn't really care.

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