40 | bloody hell

558 33 1

Hello everyone! It's me ©svajone_red. I would like to announce that this book will only have 13 more chapters until it's finish! My writing became more and more shitty but still thank you for the support! This book is nearing to its end but I have a book that i wanna write. It was called "BLOODY KISS" which indicates will, bloody love. But that's all. Thank you for 100 followers! I love y'all!


When y/n went home, she was meet by her mother who look so worried for her. "I heard what happened" her mother stated, hugging her. Y/n got examined by her mother with the same worried expression on her face. "Mom, I don't understand" she said, walking passed her mother who closed the door before following her to the living room.

Sitting her bag, y/n sighed. "If you're tired. You can rest, and if you don't want to attend that school again, or if there are cases that it will shut down, I'll let you pick your school —"

"I want to be with Rindo" y/n cut her mother's words, closing her eyes as she take another breath to look at her mother in the eye. "I want to rest on him" her mother sighed, walking towards her as she gently hold her shoulders, looking at straight on her eyes.

"Okay, but in one condition"

"Sanzu, will be going to drop you off and bring you back home" y/n nodded to the condition, smiling as she hugged her mother. The door open, an indication that Takashi have arrived home. "Big bro!" Y/n hugged her brother. "I heard what happened at your school, is everything alright? Are you okay?" Nodding y/n smiled. She lean her face to the hand that's placed on her cheek as Takashi give a relief smile.

"Mom said if the school shut down, I'll be transferring to Rindo's school" y/n stated as her mother walked behind her. Takashi look at his parent, seeing her smile, he sighed and nodded. "Okay" he said. "But—"

"Hassan will take me home. And drop me to school" takashi look at y/n. "And he's okay with it?" He asked, unsure. Y/n shake her head. "I haven't told yet. But—mom said that's her condition" takashi nodded. "Work for me" Takashi patted his mother's shoulder before walking off. Looking at her daughter, y/n's mother smiled and told her that she can go and change.

Y/n nodded and went to her room, seeing her room, she felt a aura she never felt before. She didn't mind it and went to the closet to grab some clothes, mostly onesies that Rindo and Sanzu have bought for her.

She picked the dino one and put it on. She went to the windowsill, sitting on it as she watch as the moon shined brightly. "I should call him" she mumbled, standing up again to picked up her phone from her cardigan that's hanged behind her door.

She dialed sanzu's number. The nickname "Hassanshi" was written down on the screen as the call rings. It didn't take 3 rings when Sanzu picked up. "𝗛𝗲𝘆, 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴?" Sanzu asked from the other line. "No, not really. I just wanna tell you something" y/n replied, sitting back down to the windowsill. "𝗢𝗸𝗮𝘆? 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘁?" Y/n took a breath. "If the school shut down, where are you going to attend?" There's a few seconds silence from the other side though y/n can hear a faint whine from the other line but completely ignored it. "𝗜𝘁'𝘀 𝘂𝗽 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂. 𝗔𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗽𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗜'𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲" y/n smiled. "Then, it is decided" after a few conversation, y/n was called for dinner. She bid goodbye fo Sanzu and end the call, running to the dining room where her family is in.

On the other side, sanzu and Rindo are on a same room, with a man they kidnapped. "What are we going to do with thus guy?" Rindo asked, looking at sanzu who put down his phone and put it on his pocket. "What else?" Sanzu asked. "You asked me to kidnap one by one of y/n's perverted teachers and her boy classmates. It's your job to execute them" Rindo rolled his eyes..

"I only worked with you, for her." Sanzu shrugged. "We have the same ambition. Might as well work together, right?" Sanzu smirked which Rindo scoffed at. Pointing the gun that he was holding, Rindo tilted his head to the side. "Amy last words?" He asked to the man as Sanzu took off the sock that's on the hostage's head. Walking beside Rindo, Sanzu smiled, lifting his leg up and placed it on top of the man's head.

"I already warned you, Mr. Kiyimasha, but you never listen" sanzu stated, grinning like a child as the man look at him in terror. "I'll take care of this" sanzu turned his attention to rindo and nodded, stepping away from them he stand under the shadow at the dim room.

Sanzu still have that grin with his eyes growing as Rindo put on his mask and hoodie, turning on the chainsaw. The man scream under the clothes that's on his mouth as Rindo slice his legs into two. Blood spilled all over the room even splashing some on Rindo's clothes. Rindo's eyes narrowed as he continue.

The screams of the man became more and more horrific as he keep on slicing his stomach, his intestines was show, bones cracking as the man's voice become quite, eyes looking up.

Rindo's turned off the chainsaw, wiping the blood off his face after taking off his face mask. Sanzu came to him, smiling. "Nice job, now let's take care of this" Sanzu went to a section of the room, dragging a sock. He put on gloves before touching the body that's currently on pieces.

After putting the pieces of body on the sock, Sanzu tie it in a knot before he called for the men that's under him. The man took the sock away, as Sanzu smiled at Rindo. Rindo smiled back though behind it lies a disguise.

The two of them went out of the house after showering and changing thier clothes. The man is one of their victims due to being a perv and try to touch thier one and only. "Don't think that i like you" sanzu stated to Rindo who look at him, scoffing. "Don't worry, i won't even think that way" Sanzu rolled his eyes before walking away.

Rindo grinned like he have a bird under his trap, as he went home Rindo keep on glancing on the phone that's on his hand.

Upon entering his home, he was meet with Ran that's inside his room. "Bro" Rindo called earning ran's attention. "Hey, what's up?" Ran asked, turning his attention to his little brother. "We killed him. And also, are we still doing the plan?" Ran nodded. "Yup, i already have it under my finger. Now that y/n and him will transfer to our school, it'll be less hassle as it is" Rindo raised a brow.

"What do you mean?" Ran smiled. "They're transferring to our school, due to the accident that Ka'i did." Rindo's eyes widened hearing the name of the boy. "Ka'i? Isn't he—" Ran nodded. "Haruchiyo sanzu's step brother" Rindo smiled as he sat on the bed.

The two of them talked about the plan. Ran did put an effort on planning it. It's organized and well, good. Before bedtime, y/n texted.

Hey, Rin-Rin. I'll be transferring to your school this weekend.

For real?

Yessssss! Me and Hassan!

The smile that grows on Rindo's face shadowed upon seeing the text and his brother's words flashed back to him. 'How did he know that they're transferring?' he asked to himself, typing something to reply to her.

𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘺𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨.....

Tilting her head, y/n look at her window. "Is it a bad idea that I told him?" She asked herself, humming. "What do you think, Ka'i?" Turning around, a semi black haired boy smiled at him.

"It depends on the boy


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