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When the day that y/n and Sanzu transfered came, Rindo was a little excited over the plan. He was the one who tour them around the campos when they arrived. "And here's the cafeteria" Rindo ended after a long moment of touring. The bell soon ring causing them to take thier separate classes.


Y/n secretly rolled her eyes and stand up, turning around and approached Sanzu. The rest of class went for a break while the two of them stayed. Y/n took a seat in front of him, Sanzu leaning on his elbows that's flatted on the desk as y/n smiled.

"What do you wanna do?" She asked a little excited, before Sanzu can even get to say something, Rindo came to the room like he owned it. "Hey" he greeted. Y/n smiled and run up to him, wrapping her arms around him as he hugged her back with one hand, looking at Sanzu with a smirk. Sanzu rolled his eyes, trying to control himself from killing Rindo on the spot.

Letting go of the girl, Rindo smiled. "Do you wanna go to the arcade?" Y/n's eyes shined hearing the fun place. Nodding in excitement Rindo patted her head. "Okay! That's settled. Go with my brother he's outside the gate. I'll just talk to sanzu for a while" nodding in understanding y/n went out of the room and rushed down to get to Ran who's standing by the gate of the school as Rindo walked towards Sanzu whom stand up and faced him, eyes are fierce and deadly.

"Hey, We have the same interest and it clicked in my head. Why don't we share her?" Rindo asked, his right palm is pressing on the desk that's beside him. Sanzu take a thought about it but in his heart it says that he shouldn't and that he's being tricked but he still thought about it, ending up nodding his head and sealing the deal.

Rindo smirked inside of him, walking beside Sanzu the two of them went to where Ran and y/n are at. 'The fun is just starting' Rindo thought as he looked at his brother and have a talk in thier eyes before nodding thier heads.

Y/n smiled and hold onto both Rindo and sanzu's arm, walking with them like a child. Ran giggled as he watch the girl being a kid. 'The plan is starting to roll' he thought. 'And non of them have realized how dangerous this is'

Upon entering the arcade, Ran was meet with the smell that's inside of it. The whole place was filled with fun activities that they can do, individually, pair, trio, quadro, and group. Y/n's eyes was set on the claw machine that's on the side. Ran look at her and look to where she was looking. "Do you wanna win that bear?" Looking at Ran, y/n nodded.

Leaving the two boys who's arguing about shitty stuff, the two went to the claw machine. Y/n's eyes where shining while watching Ran slide a coin inside the machine to operate it and skillfully play the game. The claw lowered as Ran focused on the bear. He pressed the bottom which make the claw to grabbed the bear and lifted it up to move it to claim.

Y/n crouched down and picked up the bear, looking at Ran who smiled at her. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Y/n thanked as she jumped up and down in excitement. Ran's eyes softened, lifting his hand without a thought and placed it on top of her head, y/n look at him in confusion as she tilted her head with his hands still on top of it.

Ran found it cute to be honest and smiled, patting her head before he let his hand fall to his side as y/n thanked him again before running to his brother and Sanzu who's looking at her. He watch as the two interact with the girl, while he looked at the hand he touched with her.

His eyes softened, heart beating. 'My heart never beat this beautiful before. It's soothing. But—' ran's eyes blurred with the realization that hits him. 'She's my brother's girl. I can't get her for myself, she's his not mine' shaking the thought, Ran look over to another game, trying to ease his mind from the thoughts that's circling him.

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