31 | Locker

898 52 13

"Or later" Sanzu sighed, he look himself in the mirror, something is watching him, and he knew it.

'A reflection of my past, a naïve boy is watching, how pathetic' Sanzu lift a hand and line his fingers to blurred out his face on the mirror.

Sanzu sighed before a knock was heard from the door. He open the door and find y/n standing in front of it. "Hassan, someone is looki—" Sanzu grabbed y/n's hand and told her to run.

'Those men, those men are part of that dudes I fucking killed' Sanzu turned to a corner as three men chase them. Y/n keep on running, feeling her lungs burn with every breath she take, she's not good at running.

Sanzu open a door and pull y/n inside. Sanzu open a locker and got inside, pulling y/n in with him.

Thier position cause them to heat up.

(Only a reference)

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(Only a reference)

Soon the door open and footsteps was heard inside the locker room. "Oi! Go and search on a different area, I'm sure they're here somewhere" the leader spoke before leaving the room. Sanzu sighed in relief before opening the door and got out, helping y/n as he did so.

"I'm sorry for this, probably someone wanna ruin Toman" Sanzu lied an explanation as y/n dusted her skirt and nod.

"I see..... Let's go to Nee-san I'm sure he can talked to them" y/n is about to open the locker room door when Sanzu grabbed her wrist. Y/n look up at him and jumped when Sanzu pull her and pin her to the door.

(This is only a reference of what I think it'll look like)

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(This is only a reference of what I think it'll look like)

"If I kiss you, will you tell me about what you feel about it?" Y/n blushed. "You can't be serious, Hassan. The two of us are friends and that wouldn't change and besides where in a very serious situation right now"

Sanzu let go of her hand and step back. "I guess you're right. Go to your brother. I'll solve this out by myself" Sanzu open the door and exit it, leaving y/n on the locker room all alone.

Y/n sighed and let her head calm down as she exit the door. She did what Sanzu told her. She told her brother about what happened and Takashi has zero idea about it.

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