07 | Plushie

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After class, Sanzu went home after dropping y/n home. Sanzu meet Takashi who thank for his kindness to drop his sister. Y/n inviting him but he refused and just went home.

He's now in his room sitting on the bed, in front of him was the red box that the girl hand him; wanting to see what's inside. Grabbing it in a soft way, opening it gently and pull out what's on the red bag.

It was a cute little pink haired plushie, it was holding a purple heart in front of the dolls chest. It was small around 5 inches in height but Haruchiyo can't help but to smile.

"She really know how to make me smile" he mumbled to himself, standing up from the bed as he walked to a drawer; putting the little plushie inside with his other collection of y/n's gifts for him.

When he's about to close the drawer, he look inside the drawer again; battling with himself but he eventually pick up the plushie he recently received before going to the bed as he lay down on the bed, hugging the little plushie as he felt warmth from it. It's like 5 in the afternoon but here Sanzu is, sleeping like he haven't slept in years.


Y/n on the other side received a call from Aji, Aji invited her to go to Roppongi again. Only 4 days to go but y/n check if she doesn't have any plans around that day.

Y/n smiled seeing nothing on her schedule and tell Aji about it. Y/n could hear Aji's excitement from the other side of the phone. She bid goodbye when she heard her big brother calling her, y/n soon end the call before facing her brother that's now on the entrance of the kitchen.

"What is it?" She asked, she heard Mana crying as Luna keep on calming her down. "What happened?" Y/n asked in worry, couching down as she pick up Mana and rock her body as she rub Mana's back.

"She got a C in her quiz" Luna said, as she lift the paper that's on her hand; the paper is named by Mana's name and the Letter C was seen in red ink.

A smile is placed on Takashi and Y/n's faces. "Mana, C is alright. Me when I was on kindergarten, I got a F ya know" y/n said as reassurance to the little girl, with an awkward smile on her. Mana lift her head to look at her sister, not believing what she just said.

"But you're so smart—"

"But oblivious" Luna cutted bluntly as she excuse herself to go to her shared room and change into something comfortable. Mana looking at y/n and smile.

"Okay, I'll do my best next time!" She stated in determination as y/n put her to her feet and she run to the room and change into something comfortable, as Luna went to the living room; coloring some pictures on her coloring book.

Takashi and Y/n smiled to one another as they walked to the living room, sitting on the sofa. "Oh, Aji invite me again 4 days from now. She said we're going shopping at a nail polish store in Roppongi and meet some of her friends there." Y/n tell her bother Takashi can't even said no and just nodded.

"Fine.... You can call me if something happened okay?" Y/n only nodded at her brother's words before she talked with Luna.

Takashi sighed and stand up from the sofa, telling his sister that he's going to the Gang. Y/n only nodded at what he said before going to her room, feeling herself sleepy all of a sudden.

When she pushed her door y/n didn't felt the presence that she felt yesterday night. Making her sigh in relief.


The next day, y/n felt like Sanzu is becoming more and more protective to her. Everyday, Sanzu keep insisting that he'll drop the light purple haired girl but y/n often refuse not wanting to be a bother to her friend.

Y/n is now on the school garden, beside her was Sanzu mumbling out some words that she thought just some things for school. Noticing the plushie that she gave yesterday, y/n smiled.

"I'm glad you love the gift I gave you, Hassan" y/n stated, looking up to the sky filled with white cloud that's slowly passing by the wind that's pushing them. Sanzu blushed and look at y/n, he wanna say something but he can't even utter a word.

"Thank you" he finally said, looking down. Y/n look at him with raised brow. "For everything" Sanzu added after seconds that he become silent.

Y/n smiled and hugged him. "Of course, you're my friend after all" Right when did the word 'friend' hurt him much more than being the second choice? When was it?

Sanzu nodded as he smiled, his masked was taking off his face; y/n could see his smile she's to oblivious to see what's behind it.

After moments, the school bell rang signaling for the end of lunch. Takashi is by the balcony before it rang, watching the two from his floor. Watching as his sister pull Sanzu towards the gates of the garden exiting with bright smiles. A smile is plastered on Takashi's face, slowly turning his heel and went to his classroom.

He was out of detention this day. One of the teacher have proclaimed his priority as a school president to take care of the students. Takashi stated that he saw the other boy about his misbehaviour and try to report it but when he's about to do the report, his mind burst when the other boy have said about his sister's name.

Him being a brother protecting the name of his sister is his top priority and this trigger his delinquent side to have come up.

So, Takashi is out of detention but promise to not do what he did again.

As Takashi walked towards his room, he bump into the vice president of the school. Smiling at the other, the white haired boy greeted him with a smile and a bow. "Hello, Mr. Mitsuya" the white haired boy said as he flashed the lilac haired boy a smile.

Takashi halted from his walk and smiled back to the boy in front of him. "Hello to you too, Mr. Mirari" Takashi greeted back as he excuse himself to go to class. Mirari nodded and walked passed the boy as Takashi went to his classroom.

𐃇☁⸺☀𐃘 𝙈𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙧𝙞 𝙈𝙖𝙚𝙡: ᴍɪʀᴀʀɪ ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ᴠɪᴄᴇ ᴘʀᴇsɪᴅᴇɴᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ sᴄʜᴏᴏʟ. ᴀɴ ɪɴᴅᴇᴘᴇɴᴅᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴀɴ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ʙʀɪɢʜᴛ ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀ. 𐃇☁⸺☀𐃘


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