44 | Hospital

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While being out for a while, y/n find herself resting on Rindo's arms. Her breathing stopped for a second as she take off his arm from her. 'Why am i with him?' she asked, remembering what happened, she suddenly gulped and try to escape but before she can put her feet to the floor, a hand grabbed hers.

She looked back and saw Rindo groaning as he sat up from the bed. "You can't run away, my love. We're not in Japan anymore" y/n was shocked hearing this from the boy.

"Where the fuck are we?" Rindo laughed. "I knew you have another side of you, not just the cute, sweet and innocent side. I even thought you've changed" he stated, laughing as he shake his head. "I'm not joking around, Haitani" Rindo smiled.

"And I'm also not. We're in Paris, well kinda. We're at our resort and yes we're at France" Rindo stood up from the bed, grunting for a short moment before looking back at the girl who's sitting on the bed. "Don't worry though, unlike what Sanzu did. I won't handcuff you and force you to love me unless you try to escape then that'll be the way for me to be more.....harsh" he stated catching the attention of the girl.

Y/n gritted her teeth, stopping herself from crying. She doesn't want to end up like this, she felt like she's a doll that's been throwing from left to right, she doesn't want to be like this. She hate this side of her, she remembered everything that changed her to be like this. All she want was peace and the presence of her family. But i guess she can't see them now.

A week later, Rindo is becoming more and more possessive towards her. He's pushing her too hard that she became sick of this kind of layout of her life.

And one day. She just snap. "Rindo, let me go!" She shouted, the chains that's preventing her from harming somebody is making a sound as she struggles. Rindo watch and crouch down, catching her eyes in his. He smiled. "Let me love you, my love. I promise that no one will ever hurt you" he stated in a more sweet tone as he placed a hand on top of her face, a sadistic smile present in his handsome face.

"Why would i even let you love me just for you to use me!" Y/n shouted in front of his face. Rindo chuckled and kissed her, she moved away which to lead them to part. Rindo angrily placed a hand behind her head, forcing her for another kiss.

Parting, Rindo gritted his teeth. "You will love me. You have no choice—" "I have a choice!" Y/n fought with words as she continues to struggle. Angry, Rindo stand up and smiled. "Alright then, I won't let you eat nor drink until you love me" he stated and walked away.

Y/n was left with tears in her eyes. Afraid and lost around the darkness of the room. Lost in her thoughts that's running around like a train, loud and unorganized.

She was left there for how many days without Rindo checking out for her. She's hungry and thirsty but she keep on fighting and not letting things to give up on her. Not until, the door opened and she have hoped swooshing to her when she saw military mens looking at her and a military women went to her and crouched down to help her.

By the lack of food and drink, her bones was showing her skin is dry and she looked unwell. The women helped her and she was brought outside but on the way she passed out. Y/n woke up to a beeping sound of the heart monitor right beside her hospital bed. Her eyes darted around the room and find Naoto and Mitsuya sleeping with thier heads placed on the edge of her bed.

A smile placed on her face, eyes are tearing up. She didn't know that it will work, that her plan worked. She placed her skin-boned hand on top of Naoto's head which to him waking up. He looked at the girl, smiling with tears flowing down his cheeks all of the sudden.

He hugged her, crying on her shoulder. "I'm glad you're awake" he mumbled between his heartfully cry.

Waking up, mitsuya saw his sister looking at him. He smiled before hugging her. A moment passed, the rest came to cheek y/n. Naoto is crying still. "I'm glad you sent us the location on time. But how did you sent it to us?" Mitsuya asked. "Well, my necklace have a tracking system that's connected on you guys phones" y/n explained the details of the kidnapping and such that happen.

Unlike Sanzu, Rindo is a rather calm person and only wants to be with her. But the upside part is, he's possessive and more violent.

"Then when did Shiro gave you the necklace and where is it now?" Mitsuya asked, placing a hand over y/n's to ease her feelings. "He got me the necklace around after the day we find out about the stalking thing" "And when was it?" Mikey asked, worried for the girl.

Y/n look down and sighed deeply. "Around the night he was murdered" everyone except y/n look at each other before looking back at y/n who's still looking at the sheets that's covering her lower body.

"I see...."

"Do you mind, going to LA? Until we solve this problem and for you to heal" y/n nodded. "Sure." She said. As the time run by, y/n and Mitsuya is left with thier two sisters who's sleeping on the waiting area of the room. Takashi sighed and placed his jacket over the two little girls before hearing y/n's sleeping voice. He turned around and saw her sleeping, she smiled and check the time. 10:00pm.

He shake his head when he heard y/n sleeping and dreaming about something. "I want this food—" y/n sleep talk. Takashi giggled and walked towards the door, opening it before walking out the room, leaving the door closed as his footsteps fade with each step he take.

"Sanzu" that's the last word y/n stated before the air silently whispers with only the sound of the curtain softly hitting the edge of the bed with it's soft breeze.


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