18 | Kill the Killer

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When Sanzu got home, he waited for the time to reached 12PM. Sanzu get everything he needs before sneaking out of the house.

Getting on the bus as he sat down on one of the seats near the window, Sanzu look at his phone that's lit up and a map is leading him to his main target.

After getting off the bus, Sanzu walked further as he trailed the map. The map leads him to a forest near Shibuya and Roppongi, actually it's just between the two cities.

"Okay, so this is the stop" Sanzu mumbled out. Crouching down as he hide himself from the sight of anyone who could passed by, looking at where he's going and check if there's any traps around.

"Okay" he sighed out seeing that there's nothing on sight. He climbed up to the balcony, reminding himself that he needs to hide. Peeking from the glass window, he saw a girl; playing with herself.

Backing away a bit, Sanzu went to the other side of the house; mentally noting about shit around the house. "There's an opening here" he said, getting inside by an open window. Sanzu look around and noticed that it was the kitchen.

He walked towards the room where he peeked at earlier, pressing his ear to the door. He heard the muffled moans of the girl which disgust him the most.

A open door caught his attention, walking to it as he carefully tiptoed to get to the door. Sanzu open the door and there's stairs going down. Half of the stairs is shined by the light that that's on the hallway but the lower half of the stairs is pitched black. You could see nothing down there, but Sanzu went down anyway. He was holding a lit up flashlight as he shined the area where he is.

It was a room, there's a chair on the center of the room, a table at the side field with gross stuff. Sanzu didn't even noticed that a girl with only her black undergarments swing a metal pipe on his head. Even if he's a delinquent he didn't endure the pain, resulting for his early blocked out.

Waking up, Sanzu realized he was tied up and a girl he knew is playing with his hard cock. "OhA~ you're already awake~" the girl purred as she licked the tip of his dick. Sanzu tched and break the rope that's on his hands, grabbing the girl as he pushed her. "The fuck-?!" Sanzu pointed the knife that he grabbed on the girl's face after putting on his lower clothes.

Sanzu lured her to the wall, pressing her there to keep her from doing anything.

"Yuu, You fucker. Why the fuck you kill Aji!?" Sanzu asked, pressing the knife over her neck, Yuu's neck bleeds but she kind of like it. "Because she's a fucking whore, a bastard!" Yuu answered glaring at him.

She grabbed Sanzu's hand that's holding the knife and press the knife more to her. "I know you want it, you can use me for pleasure or anything. I'll do anything for you" Sanzu bluntly look at the girl, who's slowly going down to her knees.

Yuu glance up at him, smiling to herself as she slowly zipped down the zipper that's on Sanzu's jeans. Rubbing her face into it. "Do you want it?" She asked, Sanzu got out of his trance and nods. He didn't see that it was Yuu, he sees y/n asking him that.

Yuu continued with what she's doing, licking and sucking on his tip as she played with his base. Sanzu let out small moans.

At this point his going crazy thinking about y/n, he grabbed Yuu's head and fuck her throat; not even thinking a second thought of doing it. Second by second the girl feel fire on her throat but loving it in a way that she wants more.

After Sanzu take his release, he stopped and glance at the girl below him; Yuu takes out his cock with some cum on the side of her lips. She's smirking in victory but when she look up, Sanzu is staring daggers at her.

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