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Yin has just been released from juvenile rehabilitation prison.  No one picked him up, apart from his private driver and black sedan.  He stood at the gate after setting foot on freedom, taking a deep breath of air.  He pulled his beanie down, looked up, looked up at the blue sky that afternoon.

"Ah.. this is how it feels to breathe the air of freedom?"

He pause for a moment, thinking, contemplating the many possibilities but did not find an answer, instead various questions were now attacking him.

 "Young master, let me take you home." he turned his head when the sound woke him up but he didn't argue and walked into the car.

On the way, it only took him a few minutes before he realized that the "home" his personal driver said was a different "home".

"Big Master, have everything prepared-"

"Did he finally decide to send me to the end of the world?" he cut in.

The driver was silent for a moment before replying, "to your grandmother's house, young master."

- and yin knew, her father and mother had really dumped him, their only child.


It was Sunday morning when he saw his neighbor's house the arrival of a quite luxurious car. 

For a while he watched while he was busy watering the grass in his yard.  This is a rare sight, considering that the neighbor's house is only filled with an old granny and one maid.

Then without him knowing the car door opened and someone got out of the car.  His gaze fell on a rather tall man, dressed only in a simple hoodie and jeans.  He didn't really see what he looked like because the man was wearing a beanie on his head.  But when he chose to look away, in slow motion he saw the man take off his beanied and his eyes stopped and sharpened when they met his.

Curiosity invaded his mind, but when he began to take an interest in getting to know him, the man had already looked away from him arrogantly.

war never knew it was a bad start for him.
Since then, War has gather three pieces of information. 

First, he got a new neighbor. 

second, the new neighbor did not want to be friends or even know or associate with him in the slightest

and third, it turned out that the new neighbor was the same age as him and attended the same school.


As soon as yin arrived, his grandma pull him into a tight hug.

"Im sorry, son. Im sorry." his grandma crying, maybe, the only one who truly care for him.

"I like it, nothing change much here."

“I’m glad you like it,”

"Your room is upstairs."

It took only one trip to get all his stuff upstairs. Upper floor only have one room and its only a bedroom that faced out over the front yard, which having a nice small balcony. Also he has his own small but nice bathroom here. The whole room was familiar; its really designed for him since grandma really adore him. So the whole idea of this room was for him, when he visit here i want anan to be comfortable so he feels home —  these were all a part of his childhood. The only changes was only the color of the wall.

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