10. PG 4 : Stay

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War's POV

Days passed and everything gradually returned to normal. The talk about yin and ren slowly faded until the students found other random topics to focus their mouths on. Everything is back to the way it used to be.

The same cannot be said between yin and me. For reasons unknown, yin rarely go home. I seldom see him at school and when I do, he seemed to have psyched himself that I'm just a random object lying around that does not merit his attention at all. But it's fine, because I'm also doing the same thing.

The initial pain of seeing him and perth has already subsided but it still stings. The heartache is like a looming storm vying for its time, waiting for the right moment to unleash its destructive force. I don't like to experience that kind of pain again so I did what I thought would be best - I tried to push yin off my mind, hoping that doing that will push him off my heart as well.

Whatever his reason for distancing himself from me, I don't want to know. Okay, I actually have a vague idea what his 'reason' is and it goes by the name of perth, but I don't want to confirm it. I'd rather live in ignorance for now.

It took tremendous effort and tears to pick up the broken pieces of me and make myself a normal functioning human being again. Ren and bonz have been a brilliant support group, helping me focus my attention elsewhere. At night, though, my mind wanders back to the kiss that yin and I shared and in those moments, I tend to question if there's a remote chance of him liking me. That tiny flicker of hope, however, is crushed whenever I remember perth. I don't want to get in their way just because yin promised to look over my safety. And I don't want to make a complete fool of myself again by trying to pull him towards me when it's clear that he wants the line between us to exist, which must be why I haven't seen him lately.

Ren has been my constant companion when bonz isn't around. That guy is all sorts of crazy and his abundance of cheesy lines knows no end. Bonz, on the other hand, has been unusually attached to his phone. Apparently, a person called win has been occupied his day and they've been texting each other for a while now. They also meeting up so often. Whenever I ask him about win, bonz becomes a huge ball of energy that nobody can suppress. Nowadays bonz is always about win and all i know about a man who conquer bonz life is he is a basketball member like ren and yin.

I headed towards the back class and sat on the ground, pulling my book out of my bag. Reading been the thing that calms my nerves.

A few minutes after I've settled down, I felt him hiding behind the tree and slowly crawling towards me. I didn't even bother glancing back as ren swiftly hugged me from behind. "SURPRISE!" He exclaimed, seemingly pleased with himself.

"Get off me, ren", I said in a noncommittal tone. But being the koala that he is, he insisted on clinging to me. I just let him be because experience told me that arguing with ren will unleash the little devil in him and he will do all shameless things until he gets what he wants.

"wowor, do you want to be my boyfriend?" He mumbled, his breath brushing on my neck.

"Stop breathing on my neck."

"Does it get to you?"

"ren, I swear", I turned my head towards him and he immediately took advantage of it, pressing his lips on my cheek. He then moved away swiftly and knelt, raising his hands up in the air like a kid being punished.

"Stay in that position until our vacant hour ends", I said with mock anger.

"wowor..." He whined. "I just love kissing you because you look so adorable. And you're my love of my life!"

I ignored his whines and got back to what I was doing.

"Forgive me?" He asked.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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