5. Speculation

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[Yin’s POV]

I looked at myself in the mirror as I prepared for school, my mind drifting back to last night’s. It makes my heart heavy, to be quite honest. Perhaps because I still think about his condition and all. I shook my head somberly and decided to just leave early.

I was already heading out when I noticed something at the kitchen. There was a brown bag on top of the dining table and it certainly wasn’t there last night. I retraced my steps and went to the table. When I opened the brown bag, a smile broke on my lips when I saw a packed lunch.  I know grandma prepare this for me since she needs to go to check up with aunty nadeer at hospital.

I immediately bolted out of the house and headed towards the school, weirdly feeling abit gloomy. I was already in school, I just roamed aimlessly at the school hallway, feeling utterly tired. Then suddenly someone bump at me.

I look down, to see war looking awkward and nervous. I was about to say something when he walk away, literally ignore me.


I try to reach his hand but he push me away. I sigh and shook my head.

I'll just let him be.  I know he needs some alone time.  I know last night's events must have weighed on his mind.  I never saw him fight or even raise his voice, but last night, I could see how angry he was.  I could see how red his face because he was holding back his anger.

I remember that night he cried, his tears fell but he hid it by lowering his head, looking down, but his hands never stopped wiping the tears from his eyes.

It was a big fight between him and his mother.

I don't know if it was good for me to leave him alone or not, I looked back at his back which was walking away with his weak steps.  Then my hand unconsciously look at the brown bag that I was carrying, I was silent for a moment before I ran after war.

"follow me."  I said as I grabbed his hand and led him running through the halls of the classroom. 

"Yin, what's wrong?"  he asked while keeping up with my speed.

A few minutes later we arrived.  I put down the brown bag containing the foods and threw my bag to the ground.

"hey, what are you going to do?"  war was a little panicked and hysterical when he saw me take off my jacket.  I calmly looked at him then laid the jacket on the ground and tidied it up.

"sit."  I said. 

He blinked confused?  while I already sitting leaning against the tree behind the classroom, my favorite place.

"Sit down and eat."

I glued my eyes on him and waited for him to sit. When I heard a little murmurs from him,  I tilted my head and peered at him, only to find out that he was silently crying.

“war?” I jerked back in surprise when I see that.

“I am alright.  I'm not crying.?” he said then sit down.

"I didn't say anything though"  he looked up and pouted as he quickly wiped his tears away.

"Hurry up and eat! I'm very bad at reconciliation but they said food can change a person's mood."

  he looked at the brown bag and opened it, a smile appearing. He looked at me and mumbled "this must be grandma's cooking, right?"

I snorted "of course. You didn't think I prepared it, did you?"

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