8. PAGE 2 : His Past

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Hello guys this is jeze!
I was abit curious for people who read this story, how long you've been stanning or knowing yinwar?

Since im new, i hope to know alot mixyor too 🥺👉👈

Anyway happy reading!
Dont forget to vote or comment na <3


[War’s POV]

Sports arts event finally took place, the situation at the school became very crowded.  Visits of students from various schools crowded the school.

in the right corner filled with students watching volleyball matches, in the north area there is a futsal field that is equally crowded with students, and in the middle, in the large main field a basketball match is being held which seen almost all students from outside and inside schools were filled all the bleachers, cheering and supporting the basketball team.

“hey so many handsome boy in basketball team!”


“lets go!!!”

I immediately backed away and ran to the stairs. Avoiding the students from others school. I've collided with a lot of people.  They seem too excited to not care about running around and bumping into people.

As I reached the upper floor, I slowed my pace and breathed a sigh of relief. Safe! I smiled triumphantly and walked in the hallway while tightly hugging my books.

As I was walking a different route towards my next class, my mind wandered to the events that happened last sunday. I’ve been replaying it in my head a hundred times that it now seems surreal. Did yin kiss my neck that night? It’s quite unlikely but I saw him and I felt it! Or perhaps I accidentally moved my body and since his lips were conveniently situated behind my neck, he accidentally kissed it? Gah! I don’t know! If it was not accidental, then what does that mean? I’ve been searching ‘kiss on neck’ via google and it only contaminated my mind. It was a landmine of perverted anecdotes.

I haven’t seen yin since then, he was busy preparing for the event and today of course is the D day but I guess it’s a good thing because I was able to think things over. Heaven knows what might have happened if I see him a day before that ‘incident’.

I’m still mulling over things as I was nearing my classroom when i recieved a message from yin.

I frown and I look up and that’s when I saw yin standing in front of my class with his arms across his chest, he was wearing his basket jersey. Ignoring all other murmurs around, he just standing like he is waiting for me- someone.

Why he is doing here? He supposed to be on the court right now?

And why he looks so friggin hot like that? I was standing still watching him that i didnt notice everyone around me also gawking at him and his hotness aura.

Without uttering a word, i walk towards him. I tried to meet his eyes but it unnerves me. To be honest, after what happened last sunday, I pictured us getting a bit closer when we meet each other at school. I mean, even if the kiss is just figment of my imagination, he did hug me from behind to keep me warm. That’s something, right? But being in front of him right now reminded me of the invisible line between us that, I’m quite certain, he will never cross.

My heart almost stopped when he moved then whisper to me, "i'll see you there." only to realize that he’s already walking away. I turned around and watched as he slowly walked without glancing back. And just like that, he’s gone.

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