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, "I'm war wanarat," the man introduce himself.

Yin look out of the window then breath the sigh of relief. He look at him then raised an eyebrow.

"Who cares," yin said then walk away.

War stay for awhile, till the reality hits him that the bus already stop at his school. He hurry go out from the bus.


[Yin's POV]

I kept my face pulled back into my hood as I walked to the sidewalk, crowded with teenagers. My plain grey jacket didn't stand out, I noticed with relief.

I was walking to the academic section room and finish my administrative file. As soon as i left the room, they brief me a little about the school condition, my class and other stuff that i dont need to listen.

I walk to the class following a teacher who will do the cliche as to introduce me to the class. And its not surprising that people already gwaking at me, since i move from big city and rumours fly faster in this little town. I expect the least but people seem to put alot interest on me. It was harder for me finish my class when people staring at me in the back, but somehow, i managed. I kept my eyes down, i mastered the way to ignore people and be calm but this person,

"So Your name is Yin anan?" i look up, those curious pair eyes again, i sigh. "yin," I corrected. Everyone within a three-seat radius turned to look at me.

I stares up at him one more time, and i believe he regretted it. I was glaring, his black eyes trembled as he flinched away from me, the phrase if looks could kill suddenly ran through my mind. Yeah, that was my intention.

To shoo him away. I dont need hospitality or friends. I appreciate the silence and my time alone.

"HELLO!!!! Do you hear me??" i whipped my head sideward and saw him still standing there with a playful smile.


"I'm war wanarat, ", he beamed at me, his cheeks pushing up and his tiny eyes squinting.

"I dont-

"even though you don't seem to like human existence, sadly, you will continue to keep in touch with me because I am the class president and as class president I have to guide you and stick to you for a while." He cuts me.

"No, thanks. I dont need that." As i said that he raised an eyebrow.

"Listen," he pull a chair and sit beside me. I was flabbergasted when he start to explaining some weird stuff.

"Every place have some rules, this place is not different. Theres something you cant do and can do, and actin arrogant is not helping you."


I can feel the mother of all headaches threatening to split my skull open as I try to understand the quantum physics behind everything he explain.

"Eventho this town is located in this little city but its not different with other city. Theres so many dirty and bad stuff here. And its even worse here. Because this town is small thats why we could see who have power and status and who just a regular", he looked at me and continued, "You have just staying here for a day, thats why you wont see and feel it."

Is he really concern or he just plain stupid?

"we also have gangs, the bad one and the school turning a blind eye on all these gangs ?" He chukled, " of course, the school can't turn away students because the school needs the money. I mean, this is a small town," he continued.

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