6. The Book Open

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During the trip to school, they were silent, especially war who usually very noisy.  Several times yin looked at him with a frown.  The silence of war gives a big question mark in his head ?

Likewise, when in class, war also does not move much or disturbs him at all.  He doesn't know what he's thinking right now.  Yin turned his head and watched him intently, watching his back from the corner of the class.

He watched his movements until the bell rang, Yin was about to approach him and take him to the cafeteria when war stood up and walked out of the classroom in a hurry.

"yin! oyy yin!!"

  Yin woke up from his daze when someone shouted his name.  He turned his head to find Bonz standing beside him.

"what is it?"  Yin asked in his always cold tone.

"Um... you were called by the teacher to the office room." 

Yin looked at him confused.  Bonz sighed and hissed, "Don't look at me like that?! I don't know! You think I know everything huh?!"

  Yin raised an eyebrow, "Don't you always know everything? You're the king of gossip, right?" 

bonz snorted at his reply so sarcastically but could only shake his head.  "Whatever! anyway I just convey this message to you!"

  Yin sighed and finally lifted his lazy feet into the office.  When he got there, he saw the room already filled with many people.  They said the school is going to have a sports arts festival next weekend and he was asked to join the basketball team, because they were short of people.  Even if yin doesn't want to, he cant refuse it since they literally begging him to join!  After all he actually doesnt have any other activity, he cant make a reason out of it.

Yin was upset and annoyed that he had to be stuck here, even after lunch time they didn't let him go. They just let everyone go after a long discussion about the sports arts festival event and starting tomorrow he will start joining the practice with the other basketball members.

He go back to his class, he check his phone when he got a new message. As soon as his eyes read it, he can feel the blood rushing tru his body ready to be explode.

He can feel his body resist but his mind cant. He took his bag and without caring everyone he walks out from the class, at least the teacher was still not there.

That, doesnt go unnoticed by war.


“You are dead to me”, war hissed as soon as he saw bonz chasing him when he run from the class.

“Why? What did I do? I was just saying that you need to go to the infimary room, war. But you dont listen. Now you are in hurry, are you trying to run away from me huh!?”

"I said, im fine. How many times i should tell you?!"

“Unbelievable”, bonz sighed in exasperation as he reach war hands and face, "this is fine, huh?" Bonz hissed, "you cant fool me! Look at your condition, war!!"

"Im fine, bonz. I will just take a rest at home. This - he paused and look at his new faintly bruised hand, "wont stay for long. I believe it will gone soon."

“why are you always defending off, war?! He always hurts you. You should report to the teacher or -”

War glance at him curiously, "or what?"

"Tell yin that-

“bon, keep your mouth shut or I swear, I will burn you.”

“Oh relax, will you? Im just sayin.”

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