7. PAGE 1 : Soft dream

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war offered his hand and helped off to his feet.

"Sorry, war. We can talk later. I have to go now." off hastily wiped his tears.

"hey off what's happen?" war called, off turned and shook his head but war wont let him go till he know whats happen. How could war be silent after seeing him cry like that. "tell me off!" warily approached and touched his shoulder, "you can tell me." tears fell back down off's cheeks profusely, "my mother is in the emergency room now. her condition is critical now." said off in between his tears.

"alright. Let's go to the hospital, I will accompany you."

off shook his head, "no, just go. I can go myself-"

"are you sure?" war cuts him off and looks at him seriously then he sighs and pulls off to go with him.

It took about 20 minutes until they arrived at the hospital. They sat in the waiting room anxiously.

The situation was very quiet, each of them just stood still and waited anxiously until someone called off loudly and in an angry tone. War's eyes trembled when he saw a big, aged, thick mustache man standing in front of them and then dragging off into the corner of the hospital corridor very roughly.

War squeezed his hands which were suddenly cold and turned his head towards them. He remember that the man is off's father and- his father too.

"You stupid! I told you to take good care of your mother! I just gave you a simple task and you fuckin mess it up!! "

war's eyes bulged when he saw him hitting off mercilessly, kicking his leg until he fell down on his knees but his father's gaze didn't care at all even though off was looking at him with a pleading look. While off was just silent, biting the corner of his lips so as not to make the slightest sound until his father was satisfied and finished hitting him and then just walked away.

with weak knees and shaking war ran towards off and pulled him to stand up and hugged him, war was not aware but he was already battling sobbing on off's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, off."

Who would have thought that Off experienced something like this, War's eyes stung from tears and his chest was tight. He shook his head and wept loudly. Off, who had been silent before, now hugged him back and cried together.

War's body trembled as his memories opened up the old wounds he had painstakingly removed. No, this won't happen again. He thought when suddenly the figure of his former stepfather appeared in his mind. Those screams, cries and pain of the past will never happen again. Feeling war's strangeness, Off loosened his hug and looked at War questioningly? Here, war looks more hurt and in pain, so it makes off very confused.

off then brought War back to sit but he turned sharply when War said, "My stepfather used to be someone who used to do domestic violence to my mother and me." he said, his head lowered, his hands pressed against his chest, and the tears still streaming down his cheeks. Off pondered for a moment before he stroked war's back until he calmed down.

"Are you okay now?" Off asked, still stroking war's back.

War chuckled as he wiped his tears and snot. "This is so awkward. I shouldnt crying like this. This is so embarrassing, you must be so confused right?" Off shook his head and exhaled heavily.

"Nah, its fine", he smiled at war while he took his handkerchief and wiped the tears that were still left on war's face. "Are you alright?"

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