9. PG 3 : Wrong promise

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War hesitantly knocked on the door but he didn't hear the slightest response from inside. Cautiously he opened the door and peeked inside, after seeing yin's empty bed he then went inside while looking for him confused. But then he became nervous when he saw yin coming out of the toilet and without looking at him he walked towards his study table.

War just stood awkwardly in the middle of Yin's room, not knowing what to do or say. He awkwardly looked at the front window, he walked over there and realized it was the door to the balcony. Without hesitation he walked over there, slowly opened the window and closed it.

War stared at the dark night and the dark sky. He glanced sideways, finding his dark house. He sighed wearily, why did everything seem so dark and heavy as if there was no oxygen around here, its suffocating him. War looked up and pondering something, his hands stretched out as if he was trying to reach for something.

War reached for his cell phone when it rang, but the call immediately disconnected itself. He frowned when he found it was off, he hurriedly called back but no one picked up. War was ready to send a message to him before a new message came to him and it was off saying, sorry, I accidentally pressed it. War sighed and went back to daydreaming, silently staring at the starless dark sky.

Then without realizing it, someone was standing behind him, staring at his back in silence. War took a deep breath and let it out limply.

"what are you thinking?"

"Huh?" war was surprised and turned around to found yin there, standing with his usual cold face and both hands that he put in his pants pocket.

"You've been sighing all this time! What are you thinking about?"

war looked back to the front, he didn't answer anything and let them sink into silence again. however it didn't last long when war's eyes found something below.

he stiffened, his body reflexively retreated with his hands starting to tremble. Someone had walked into his house and war clearly know who, it was his stepfather.

war continued to back away anxiously until he finally bumped into someone. yin grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him to look at him.

"Whats wrong?" Yin asked but war only shook his head repeatedly. Panic and fear could be clearly seen on his face.

"war, hey...war..." Yin called as war continued to stare left and right in panic. When war's eyes met yin's, his tears fell he couldn't hold back. he was crying, his hands hastily covered his mouth trying to stop his sobs but yin pulled his hand away and hugged him instead. Put war's head on his chest while his hands safely embraced war's body, one hand moved to caress his head, then he let war cry in his arms.

After a while war cries finally subsided. Yin's shirt is wet with his tears, but Yin doesn't care at all.

"Are you calm now, war?" he asked as he loosened his hug and cupped war's face for him to look at yin. His fingers gently wiped war tears, "Are you calm now?" He repeats, when war nodded he pulled war's hand, "lets go inside, its getting cold here."

Yin closed the window door tightly and locked it. he glanced at war who was still just standing with a blank face.

"I won't force you to tell-

"he's here." war cut him off, looking at yin seriously. "My stepfather is back home. how dare he! he's so shameless!" war clenched his fists, his face tightened again.

Yin sighed and pulled him to sit on the edge of the bed. "What is he doing there?" Yin asked in a cautious voice.

"I don't know! maybe he is looking for the house certificate again! he only thinks about money and money after torturing my mother. I will kill him! i will kill-

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