4. Not a coincidence

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[ Yin's POV]

"Hey there, new student!” someone shouted and started walking in my direction.

It was at this time, where teacher needs to go to some meeting that the class are free and the timing is so fuck up, because this should be my free time to sit and relax listening to my spotify playlist when they come in, barge in to my class.

They arent really unfamiliar, instead i kinda remember them so clear! My brain even put a special place for them ?! Arrogant bastard who thinks just becos he has money, he can bully everyone he wants!

Why is he and his gangs approaching me?!

" I’m Off jumpol. You might not know but I’m known as a boss around here”, he said. “You’re Yin Anan, right?”

“ya”, I simply said and didn’t even bother saying anything else. When I glanced tentatively at his fuming gangs member standing at the back, I can almost feel the laser beams shooting from their eyes.

“Some people are saying that you’re war's boyfriend. Is that true?”

I stay silent.

"So, you are gay?" Other exclaimed then follow by big laughter.

"Ah, maybe this is why you came and took him away when I was - ekhem - talking to him with my gang?"

"Aww if we know that  war is your boyfriend, we definitely won't bother him anymore .." someone added while giggling.

"Don't worry, we definitely won't bother him anymore hahaha..." said another.

“i dont think you have other thing to talk so i will go!” i interjected.

“No!” he exclaimed, push me to sit back on my seat. People within 3 radius were rigid and terified as they trying to move away, some even in panic mode and crying to ask someone to call the teacher while im still confused, as i scanning the class, i noticed war was not here.

“What is it?” i pressed while looking at him calmly, "you can say now before i need to go to cafetaria."

He was frowning, his expression is weird but im not in the mood to guess nor care enough to think about him.

"Like i said, im the leader here, im the boss here. Do you want to joi-

“No”, I cut in just as the bell rang. "I'll go to the cafetaria."

I left them speechless. I dont know what their intention but i also dont care, but i didnt expect them to follow me. I was in hurry to reach cafetaria when someone yank me.

“You’re new here! You need to know your fucking place,” i raised my eyebrow when off raised his voice.

"You should mind your own bussiness then, why you barge in and disturb our bussiness," Someone pull me and then push me hard, i stumbled a little but i hurriedly stand firmly, still putting my cold and unbother expression.

Then suddenly Off pulling the collar of my uniform roughly, this is so disgusting and pathetic. 

"Can you let me go?"  I still speak nicely without trying to stir up a fuss but this guy doesn't seem to understand at all.  He still feels superior to me and feels a boss to me.  His arrogant gaze pierced my eyes, I want to hit him in the face so bad. 

Off smirked and throw my body, "well, my gang and I- we will forgive you if you join us. You look pretty good so you're pretty good with us, if it's a matter of money.. don't worry we have a lot."  I want to laugh at his stupidity.  his arrogance amuses me.

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