9. PAGE 3 : Sleep over

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Bonz just had a very unlucky day. His life is not that better compare to war at all but he know how not to bother his friend because each of them already having problem itself.

He really didn't want to go home right now, no, when he got that damn message from his stepmother again. He walked aimlessly after coming home from school. He plugged in his headphones, turned on his music playlist and looked up at the dim sky. He turned up the volume and walked down the street before he realized someone was shouting at him,



a bicycle hit him and two bodies were thrown onto the asphalt very hard.

bonz groaned in pain, he held his aching waist, buttocks and legs. He also saw his hands were scratched and blood was there. He looked up when he saw someone standing in front of him then crouched down before finally sitting beside him.

Bonz noticed that, not much different from himself, that person also had some wounds.

"You should be walking looking ahead, I warned you but you didn't hear at all..." he said and move his headphone but Bonz sighed not saying much.

"Give me your hand", the man said, and bonz complied silently.

the person then opened his bag and looked for something. He took a bottle of water and washed his wound and bonz's wound. Bonz turned to him and watched him as he put band aid on his wound, then realized that the person was at the same school as him, but Bonz didn't really know him.

"Hey, you're in the same school as me?" the man looked at bonz and furrowed his brows "you just noticed?" his reply sounded sarcastic. "You can call me win, your upperclassman." he continued. bonz stared in shock, then he hurriedly introduce himself.

"Oh .. yeah, my name is bonz."

"I know.. rumours bring your name to me though." Just like that, bonz saw win's smile appeared.

"By the way, the rumours is half correct, half wrong. what people saw is not my sugar mommy or sugar daddy, that was my parent", bonz replied while lowering his head chuckling.

"I see. Rumors got you", win said quietly.

"Yeah. It sucks."

"Have you been receiving something weird since then?" He asked when bonz didnt say anything else.

"I dont know, i dont really care", bonz chuckled bitterly. "But i have a good friend, so everything was good."

Win smirk then smile, "good. Dont make the rumours eat you and if you dont have friend, i can be your friend too."


"Lets go home!" Yin asked sincerely.

War's eyes glared at him, realizing that all this time yin had already known that he had not returned home and was running away. War shook his head and pushed Yin away. War walked in a hurry to avoid yin who's trying to take him home.

Coincidentally the bus came, he hurriedly got on and sat in the back seat, unaware that of course yin was following him.

During the journey, War ignores Yin and refuses to look at him. When war got off the bus, yin also got off. When they arrived in front of war's rented house, yin grabbed his hand and pulled him to look at yin.

"War..." Yin called in a deep voice. "You go home, yin!" War said cutting him off. "I want to take a rest." war continued and rushed to open the door, but it wouldn't be yin if he couldn't make it inside before war could close the door.

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