Chapter 1

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Coruscant - 43BBY

As Master Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn were away on an important mission, Obi-Wan had been asked to teach the apprentices. There was nothing more frustrating to the young padawan. Not only, did he feel left out, being forbidden to help on this mission, that was judged too dangerous for him, but he also had totake care of the little ones, with absolutely no idea of activities to make them practice.

Sighing once more, he put his long brown cape on and left his room. He was walking fast. His cloak fluttered in the wind behind him, forming graceful waves, and his footsteps echoed in the corridors, which were a little too empty for his taste. The Jedi Temple was always eerily quiet in the morning. Obi-Wan never liked to leave his home so early. Perhaps his fear was ridiculous. "Fear leads to the dark side", Yoda had often said. Remembering these words, Obi-Wan walked to the classroom, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

The shouts and laughter of the apprentices mingled in a joyful cacophony, though silence fell in an instant upon Obi-Wan's arrival, as a few paper planes slowly ended their trajectory hitting the walls or landing lightly on the floor. Every student was staring at the Padawan, who, for just a second, felt like his presence was unasked for.

-Hello, Padawan Kenobi", they recited in chorus.

Obi-Wan greeted them in turn, suddenly reassured that he didn't have to introduce himself.

He walked to the centre of the room and looked around awkwardly.

-Is everyone here?" he asked.

-Yes," the apprentices answered in one voice.

A hand went up, asking to speak. Obi-Wan turned and noticed a little girl, smaller and frailer than the others as if she were younger. She stared at him, her piercing eyes a very light colour, between blue and grey. Her skin was pale, and her long light brown hair fell gracefully down her back. She had a serious and mature air, surprising for someone her age.

-Yes?", he questioned her in a confident tone.

-Are you planning on making us do something?", the girl asked. If it turns out that you don't, you can release us and let us go home."

Obi-Wan was offended. Of course, he could have told the truth and admitted that he didn't know what he was supposed to do, but he felt that the girl was talking down to him, which bothered him greatly.

-Well, you'll be disappointed to know that I have plenty of exercises planned," Obi-Wan lied.

The girl frowned. Obi-Wan, as he looked at her, a winning smile on his face, was desperate to find work for the apprentices, without letting his panic show. His gaze wandered from the offended girl to the visored helmets, which had the distinction of preventing the apprentices from seeing what was shooting at them. A classic.

He handed out the helmets, briefly explained what he was expecting from them, and the course could begin. The kids stopped the lasers fired by the flying training bullets as best as they could. Obi-Wan passed between them, spouting pieces of advice he had been told when he was still an apprentice. Often, lasers would lodge in the walls, fired by clumsy students. By one in particular. The young padawan tried to explain to the less gifted how to improve while watching the arrogant little girl from the beginning of class. He would have loved to tell her that what she was doing wasn't good enough, but that would have been a lie. Instead, her every move was perfectly controlled. She moved her lightsaber gracefully, avoiding exaggerated movements so she wouldn't have to strain herself too much.

Obi-Wan watched the girl, disappointed that he could not fault her. He crossed his arms and continued to watch her from across the room.

-I know you're watching me, Kenobi," she said, feeling his gaze on her.

Obi-Wan was surprised and embarrassed. He looked away and blushed. But his attention was soon drawn back to the girl, the other apprentices being far too boring. She turned to her bag behind her, continuing to protect herself from the training ball with her laser sword. She pulled out a treat, sat down on the floor, and began to eat with one hand, busy defending herself with the other. Obi-Wan let out a chuckle as he remembered how bored he had been with these exercises when he was that age. He, too, enjoyed other activities during those times, but he had to admit that he had never shown the same dexterity and that his lack of concentration had always led to unnecessary burns. He came out of his thoughts when he suddenly felt something burning his arm.

-Be careful!" he cried, turning to the apprentice who had clumsily deflected the shot at the young Padawan.

The latter heard the girl laughing in the background. She was probably angry at him for making her do such a boring exercise, but you had to admit that the girl's classmates were in need of some training.

Obi-Wan looked away and saw the clumsy apprentice deflect another shot. But this time it wasn't at Obi-Wan, but at a vase that Yoda held dear, which he had placed next to a window for decoration.

-No!" he shouted, knowing that the Jedi Master would be very angry with him if anything happened to the vase.

But the shot did not hit the vase. It was stopped not far ahead. Obi-Wan noticed the girl again. She had a hand out, which she closed and the laser shot disappeared in sparks. She removed her helmet and looked at the Padawan.

-I think Yoda likes this vase," she said quietly.

-Thank you," he breathed, still in surprise.

That evening, Qui-Gon and Yoda returned. Their mission had gone well, and they had returned home without any problems. The next day, Obi-Wan was summoned to the council to summarise the progress of his course.

He waited outside the closed door, accompanied by Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon had told him that he would not be accompanying him inside. The Padawan was apprehensive about being told to enter: he had never been to the council alone, yet he knew each and every one of the Jedi Masters on the council, and he was not afraid of any of them. But being alone, in front of all these great Jedi, was strangely frightening.

Obi-Wan was invited in. He looked at Qui-Gon with a worried expression, and Qui-Gon put a hand on his Padawan's shoulder to reassure him.

Obi-Wan sighed and opened the door. He walked to the centre of the room and turned to Masters Windu and Yoda.

-How did your class go?" asked the little green man.

-Very well, Master Yoda. There were no problems.

-Good," commented Windu.

-However," Obi-Wan continued, "I noticed an apprentice, smaller than the others, who has a great sensitivity to the force. I was wondering if she could become a Padawan?

-Koral Nova, you have met," Yoda said.

-Why are you so certain she has the level to become a Padawan?" asked Master Windu.

-She feels everything that happens around her with the force. I had them fight a little bit, so I could get a better sense of her level. And even though she's by far the best in the class, she would progress much faster with a master.

-Interesting, are your arguments but free, is no Jedi master.

-I thought Master Lenn was looking for a Padawan," Obi-Wan insisted.

-I've given up the search!" the woman behind him said.

Master Lenn was a short woman in her thirties. Her long, dark brown hair, close to black, fell over her muscular shoulders. She had large black eyes shining with mischief and her air lacked, as always, seriousness.

-Please, Master Lenn, at least go and see her. I'm sure you'll like her. She looks too young to be a Padawan, but she's not.

Maoya Lenn sighed:

-So be it... I'll go see her.

-Thank you, Master Lenn!" the young Padawan exclaimed.

The council allowed him to leave and Obi-Wan joined his master, smiling. He had done it. Koral Nova was going to be a Padawan.  

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