Chapter 16

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They landed on Ildar a few minutes later to find the battle raging between the armies of the Republic and the Separatists. The clones held their ground and protected their base as best they could. When the Jedi arrived, they immediately jumped into action and pushed the opposing lines back without much difficulty. When they realised that they had no chance of taking Ildar with this strategy, the Separatists withdrew, and the fight was over.

The battle was easily won, but everyone knew that the separatists would come back with twice the number of troops and much better weapons. The soldiers were still able to rest during the night and the Jedi met in a tent in the camp that had been set up near the battlefield. But Obi-Wan was in no mood to chat with the clones and other Jedi. So, he decided to walk under the stars, taking advantage of the quiet to think about all Koral's revelations. As he wandered around, he found a lively and colourful village where the population continued to live normally, unaware of the battle between the separatists and the republic, who were trying to take over this peaceful planet. He found a bar where a band was playing and decided to go for a drink to take his mind off things. A mysterious person had been following him from the camp and he hoped to discover their identity when they entered the bar after him.

He sat down at a table and waited. After only a few minutes, a person in a long royal blue cloak entered and looked around. Their head was covered by a large hood and in the shadows Obi-Wan could not make out their face. But the person came and sat down in front of him. She removed her hood with a graceful movement, and Obi-Wan discovered that she was a beautiful woman with big blue eyes and long brown hair. She had a porcelain complexion, full lips, a straight nose, and her eyes, so beautiful and expressive, were the same as... He had the sudden impression of knowing this woman. She looked like someone he knew, but he couldn't remember who it was.

-You look like a Jedi to me," she said in a soft voice.

-I might be...

-I'm looking for a Jedi named Nova.

Ah yes, Nova was the one she reminded him of. Wherever he went, she was always there to haunt him...

-Who are you?


There were about twenty of them in the tent, laughing together and playing board games. Koral and Maoya had just returned from the strategy meeting where they had worked out the plan that would defeat all the separatist offensives. It was a pleasant, relaxing time of conversation between Jedis and clones. Suddenly, Jakoda Alaric said:

-By the way Koral, do you know where Kenobi is?

-I have no idea," she replied, realizing that Obi-Wan was indeed not present.

-We saw Master Kenobi in the village," one of the clones informed her.

-Yes, he was at a bar with a young woman," another said.

-In the middle of a mission..." Koral sighed. I'm going after him, we can't let him tarnish the reputation of our team.

She stood up and left without anyone having time to say anything back. Obi-Wan's behaviour was seriously starting to piss her off. It wasn't right for a Jedi to go around hitting on every bar in the area, especially when he'd been sent on a mission by the Council. She found her way around easily and entered the first establishment she saw. There she found Obi-Wan talking to a young woman with a serious look on his face. She walked over to their table and said with authority.

-Kenobi, does the Jedi code mean anything to you? Return to camp immediately, we're here on a mission, not to have a good time.

-Koral! You must listen to what this young woman has to say!

Koral raised a doubtful eyebrow but turned to the woman in blue anyway, too curious to learn what had Obi-Wan so upset.

-Master Nova... she breathed. My name is Estheral Nova.

The Jedi didn't answer but continued to stare in surprise at her interlocutor.

-I imagine there are many Nova's in the galaxy," she finally said. Do you have anything else to tell me or can I go?

-After hearing about a Jedi who fought so valiantly for the Republic in the Clone Wars, my sister and I told our parents and they confirmed that we did have a sister who had been taken by the Jedi Order as a child. You don't remember me, but I'm related to you! You also have a little sister Thales.

-Well, I... It's nice to meet you. But that doesn't change anything. Jedi are not supposed to know their family, to avoid any attachment. I'm very happy to know that you and your sister exist, but my duty forbids me to associate with you.

-I did not seek you out so that I could be your friend, Master Nova. I need your help. Only you can help me.

-Do you use your contacts to obtain favours?

-Yes?" she hesitated.

-I'm fine with that. What can I do for you?

-My little sister, our little sister, Thales... She disappeared a month ago and no one has been able to find her. I thought a Jedi might be able to help me.

-That's right. When this mission is over, I'll find an excuse not to return to Coruscant. Wait for me here, same time tomorrow," Koral said before leaving.

Obi-Wan followed her, waving furtively at the young woman. He caught up with Koral outside and called out to him.

-Koral! You're not seriously thinking of helping this girl?

-She is my sister.

-She has no proof of that.

-You're not going to tell me she doesn't look like me?

-Yes, but... We're at war, the council needs you. The republic. And your mission!

-You'll be perfectly capable of replacing me on the council. And besides, a Jedi running away from her responsibilities to help her sister is bound to attract the attention of a Sith, if he's really looking for an apprentice among the Jedi.

-I can't let you go off on your own with a girl you don't even know and who just pretends to be your sister! Besides, what excuse are you going to make up to disappear after this mission?

-You're right..." Koral gasped. I have to leave now! You can cover for me, you just have to say that I was there throughout the mission, and the others will manage perfectly well without me to solve this separatist problem.

The girl was just coming out of the bar, still hidden under her hood.

-Estheral!" called Koral.

She joined them, looking a little confused.

-We're leaving now," the Jedi decreed.

-Wait," Obi-Wan interrupted. This is a crazy idea. You're just going to get yourself killed if you make decisions in less than two minutes like this. I forbid you to go off alone with that girl.

-You may finally be a Jedi master, but you don't outrank me, Obi-Wan. You don't have to give me orders.

-He's right," Estheral said.

Koral looked at her in surprise, waiting for an explanation.

-These people who took Thales, they're dangerous. I'm not saying you can't handle it yourself, Master Nova. But another Jedi would be a great help.

-But we need an alibi, so no one knows we left the planet.

-Maoya. I just need to send her a message now. She trusts me, so there's no need to explain why we must leave.

-And we can leave now then..." Obi-Wan added, following up on Koral's thought.

-That would drastically increase the chances of finding Thales alive," Estheral agreed.

-Do you have a ship?" Koral asked.

-Yes, I do. It's not in very good shape, but we'll be more discreet than with a Jedi fighter.

-All right let's go.

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