Chapter 24

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Obi-Wan thought for a moment about what he was supposed to say to that.

-It's not exactly the answer that... he stopped talking as he noticed that he had lost Koral's attention.

She was staring towards the back of the bar and Obi-Wan followed her gaze.

-What's so interesting?" he asked.

-Do you remember the people I heard talking about a droid factory?

-Is that them? The ones who are about to leave?

-Yeah. And we're going to follow them.

-I'm not sure that's a very good idea.

-But I didn't ask for your opinion," she replied.

She put on her wool coat and rushed after the group that had just left the bar. The streets were still as crowded as they had been an hour before, but Koral managed to keep the individuals in sight. At the intersection of two avenues, a man left the rest of the group.

-Who are we following?

-That's who I heard talking. I'm sure of it," said Koral, turning in the same direction as the man who was now alone.

-Are you even sober?" Obi-Wan asked.

-I'm... moderately functional," the young woman replied.

-I'll take that as a no.

-We'll be fine, even if he attacks us. We're two Jedi, we're perfectly safe," she tried to reassure her friend. Besides, it's your fault I drank so much, so you can't complain about it.

-My fault?! I didn't make you finish all those drinks!

-You didn't stop me either.

He was about to say something, when Koral stopped him by placing his index finger over Obi-Wan's mouth. He then noticed that the individual had stopped in the middle of the street. The man suddenly turned around and Koral had the reflex to run into an alley between two buildings they were walking along, taking Obi-Wan with her. They pressed themselves against the wall and she looked as quietly as she could to see if the man had gone back the way he came.

-He's coming this way," she said, sticking to the wall as if she wanted to disappear.

Obi-Wan drew his weapon slowly.

-Why did you bring your lightsaber?" Koral asked, a little surprised.

-Why didn't you bring your lightsaber?" Obi-Wan asked, glaring at her.

-We were just supposed to go get a drink! Not following people down the street!

-There's always trouble ahead! Perhaps, you were the one who wanted to follow him!

The man reached the alley, but before he could make a move, Obi-Wan cut off his blaster.

-Carrying weapons is forbidden on Coruscant," Koral said.

-And swords are not weapons?" he replied.

-It's not a sword, it was a lightsaber!

-We represent the law, and you are under arrest.

-For carrying a weapon? You could arrest everyone in the city then.

-Nah, we don't care about guns," Koral admitted. But I find you suspicious and I can do whatever I want so you'll kindly follow us.

Obi-Wan moved towards their prisoner so he could take him back to the Jedi temple, but as he emerged from the shadows and the streetlights could illuminate his face, the man shouted:

-Obi-Wan? Obi-Wan Kenobi?!

-Uh... Yes, that's my name.

-But it's me! Keal! We were Jedi apprentices at the same time!

-That's right, Keal! I remember you.

-I can't believe I finally met you. All this time I've been waiting for my revenge...

-Your what?

-My revenge! You beat me in a duel when I was 12, so I didn't become a Padawan, and I thought I'd blame you. Logically, it's the Jedi Order that put me on a remote planet to farm, but it's too strong an institution for me to single-handedly destroy. You, on the other hand, I can easily beat in combat.

-I agree, it's far to easy to beat him. He has no fighting skills," Koral said.

-You're supposed to be supporting me!" cried Obi-Wan at Koral's words.

-Sorry, excuse me for being an objective person," she grumbled. Mister Keal, as you may have guessed, the Jedi don't have time to duel every person who has a grudge against them. So, I'm going to ask you to follow us quietly back to the Jedi Temple, where you can settle your misunderstandings with Master Kenobi in good spirits.

-No," he replied.

-Just no?

-Just no.

Koral sighed and Obi-Wan moved towards Keal so he could force him away. But before he could make a move to defend himself, the Jedi was disarmed, and his enemy held the lightsaber proudly. With force, he threw Obi-Wan against the wall and Obi-Wan was knocked unconscious by the impact. Koral now watched the man facing her with interest. She had rarely seen anyone as fast as he was, but she was not worried, rather exhilarated by the opportunity to face an opponent of her stature. Only, she had no weapon, and her own speed was based more on kinetic energy than on her musculature. It was therefore necessary for her to take the sword from Keal's hands as soon as possible, to hope to beat him. The latter noticed that the young woman was looking at his weapon and his confidence grew when he understood that she would not be able to beat him without a weapon.

-You don't look like a Jedi to me, miss," he simpered.

-Would you like some tea before we start the fight? You look like you want to talk.

-The fight? I wouldn't think it fair to fight someone who doesn't have the Force.

Koral glanced over at Obi-Wan to make sure he was still passed out. She hadn't told anyone she didn't have the Force, and she didn't want anyone to know, lest they forbid her to return to the mission.

-And I take it from the look you just gave Kenobi that you didn't tell anyone you didn't have the Force. Or rather, no longer have the Force.

She didn't answer and concentrated on her expressions to prevent Keal from reaching any more conclusions that might harm her. If she let on that she was hurt, he might find her weakness to attack her, and she wouldn't have much to defend herself with.

-I don't need the Force to defeat you," she said at last, noticing a piece of wood left between two pallets against a wall.

-We'll see about that," he said, twirling Obi-Wan's lightsaber in his hand.

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