Chapter 13

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Obi-Wan woke up early and got dressed right away. It was his first day as a member of the Jedi Council and he didn't really know what to expect. He had spoken at length with Anakin the night before and had gone to bed well past his usual time. His Padawan, or former Padawan, was far more aware of the rumours and events in the Jedi Temple than Obi-Wan. So, he had turned to Anakin to learn the identity of the boy he had seen Koral with. This boy she had smiled at... She hadn't given Obi-Wan a genuine smile in five years, and he'd come to believe that she didn't smile at all. But apparently, he was wrong. It was only when he'd seen her the day before that he'd realised how much he loved that smile. Even more than five years ago. It was a kind and gentle smile, the smile of an intelligent woman with ideas. Koral was no longer a child, and Obi-Wan felt like he was caught off guard to discover her so... Attractive.

Anakin had told him that the boy's name was Lett Sha-Wyn and that he had recently become Koral's Padawan. She was his second master, the first having died in the arena on his way to rescue Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padme.

He had never realised that Jedi had actually died for them. Lett Sha-Wyn probably abhorred him. So did Koral. That was probably part of the reason why those two got along so well.

When it was time to go to the Council, he arrived first and sat down in one of the chairs, somewhat hesitantly. He waited for the others to enter, and they slowly arrived. Koral entered 10 minutes before the scheduled time, which surprised Obi-Wan. She was always late when she was younger, but time seemed to have changed her punctuality. She was not alone. Her Padawan was following closely behind her, telling her something that sounded absolutely fascinating.

Suddenly Sha-Wyn turned to him and whispered something in Koral's ear. His gaze fell on Obi-Wan, who began to panic as the two approached him. They were going to make him regret something he already regretted far too much, he didn't know what, but he knew someone would end up in tears. Probably him.

-Master Kenobi," Koral said politely. I haven't yet introduced you to my Padawan, Lett Sha-Wyn.

Keep your cool.

-Pleased to meet you," he replied as calmly as possible, hoping that something, anything, would save him from this situation before the boy started blaming him for the death of his first master.

-Master Kenobi!" he cried. I'm really very happy to meet you. I have admired you since I joined the Jedi Order. You're the first Jedi to kill a Sith after thousands of years! And you were just a Padawan!

Obi-Wan had never been so surprised. He had no idea what to say, but he didn't even have to answer anything, because Koral went straight to the point:

-At 22, like you, Lett.

-My master wouldn't let me go with him when the clone army came to free you and Skywalker in the arena. He thought it was too dangerous. I didn't want to believe him at the time, but it turned out he was right... You see, he didn't survive.

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