Chapter 17

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Estheral had a small ship, which she had left just outside the village, in which they found numerous green plants covering almost every wall.

-It's a jungle in here," Obi-Wan remarked as they entered the ship.

-It saves me from buying oxygen. We can't really afford to go from planet to planet, Thales and me.

Koral and Obi-Wan said nothing. The Jedi Order covered all their expenses, including expensive ships like the one Koral had bought a few years earlier. They couldn't imagine how difficult it was to live without money. Looking at Koral for a moment, Obi-Wan knew that she was already planning to give everything she had to those two girls who claimed to be her sisters. He didn't quite trust Estheral, the whole thing seemed too strange to be true, but the resemblance between her and Koral was so striking that he couldn't help but believe her. He decided to trust Koral, despite the persistent idea that they were walking into a trap.

They took off in the direction of the base where Thales Nova was last seen. Obi-Wan remained in the back of the ship while Koral and Estheral were at the controls. He wanted to give them a chance to talk alone about their family, the third sister, and all the things he would probably never know. He hated flying anyway. He decided to close his eyes for a few hours, until they arrived, but he couldn't seem to get any sleep. He was strangely curious to hear the answers to Koral's questions, who was also not very convinced that Estheral was telling the truth.

-Why now?" Koral suddenly asked. I've been living in the Jedi Temple for almost twenty years. Why didn't you contact me before? Why did you wait all these years?

-Our parents never mentioned it. I don't think they appreciated the event. When we found out, they made us swear never to meet you, because Jedi are not allowed to have emotions. But now they are dead, and Thales is gone... You are my last family Master Nova, and I need your help. So even though attachment is forbidden, and you must suppress all emotions to uphold the Jedi code, only you can help me.

Koral laughed wryly.

-Of course... The Jedi Code. Everyone's heard of it. What do you know about the Jedi, Ms. Nova?

Obi-Wan was amused to hear them call each other by their names when they had the same one. He didn't really feel sorry for listening so intently to a private conversation he shouldn't have heard, but he was far too curious to stop.

-I know that emotions are forbidden to you. I know that a Council, of which you are a part, decides of every move the Jedi make. You are not as mysterious as you think. Everyone knows that the Jedi Order is the toughest institution in the galaxy; that you must be exceptionally talented to get in, and that serving the Jedi requires sacrifices that most people aren't willing to make.

-Yes, you're right, that's what everyone knows. What no one knows is that it's all wrong. Half of the Jedi are in relationships or married. And absolutely no one can follow the Jedi Code to the letter. Because as you say, it requires sacrifices that no one is willing to make. "There is no emotion, there is only peace. There is no ignorance, there is only knowledge. There is no passion, there is only serenity. There is no chaos, there is only harmony. There is no death, there is only strength". That's just... Utopian. It's impossible to live by those phrases.

-You should leave the Jedi Order. Come travel the galaxy with Thales and me. You'll never have to think about the rules of the Jedi Order again.

-You misunderstand me. We may not live by the Jedi Code as we should, but life as a Jedi is still exciting and... We have fun.

-You're very lucky then," Estheral replied with a smile. It's not an easy life travelling from planet to planet hoping to find a job on each one to buy enough food.

-Why do you do it then?

-I think it's a quest for freedom. We can go wherever we want and discover places that are as different as each other. It's not much fun but it's certainly as exciting as being a Jedi.

-I still wish I had proof that you are my sister," sighed Koral.

-I have no proof, Master Nova, but I beg you to believe me and trust me.

-I would like to believe you but... I have this nagging feeling that I'm walking into a trap. And it doesn't help that Obi-Wan is coming. I'm going to put him in danger again for nothing.

Obi-Wan, who was beginning to doze off, was awakened by the sound of his name. He reached out to hear what was being said about him.

-Master Nova... Estheral hesitated.

-Call me Koral," she cut her off. We're both Nova, it's too weird to keep calling each other by our names when we have the same one.

-Very well, Koral. You and Master Kenobi are... A couple?

-What?! No! Of course not! What would make you think that?

-I don't know, I had the impression...

-No! You're totally wrong!" interrupted Koral.

-I see," replied Estheral, laughing. You should go to sleep; you've been fighting the separatists all day if I'm not mistaken.

-Oh yeah... A Jedi's daily routine.

-Sleep well, Mast... uh... Koral.

-Thank you, Estheral.

Obi-Wan pretended to sleep as Koral joined him in the back of the ship. He had been surprised not to hear Koral mention her hatred for him. Perhaps this was the beginning of a reconciliation.

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