Chapter 2

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Coruscant - 35BBY

Koral stormed into the council without even taking the time to knock. She did that a lot, and the Jedi masters who sat there were used to seeing her enter so suddenly. They didn't even pay her any attention when she burst into the circular room, too busy listening to the hologram of Qui-Gon Jinn, live from Callisto.

-Maoya refuses to buy me a red gem!" shouted Koral.

-Why do you want a red gem?" asked Master Windu, abandoning poor Qui-Gon.

-I lost my lightsaber on my last mission and I wanted to make a new one.

-What's wrong with that?

-Maoya refused to buy me a red gem and told me to use a blue or green one like everyone else.

-A red lightsaber, you want?" Yoda asked her, amused.

-That's a colour reserved for Siths," she muttered.

-A red gem, we will get you.

-Thank you!" cried Koral.

Maoya Lenn suddenly entered:

-Koral, I said no, it's no!!!

-It's too late, they've agreed," the Padawan replied triumphantly.


-No use arguing with an immature Padawan, there is," Yoda explained.

-You're probably right," she sighed.

-Wow. You just called me immature, there," Koral remarked.

She passed her gaze from Maoya to Yoda to Maoya to Yoda to Maoya to Yoda to Maoya to Yoda to Maoya to Yoda.

-You tried to change my mind to prove that I was mature?" she exclaimed, suddenly bursting into laughter.

Yoda sighed, disappointed that his ploy hadn't worked.

-Hiding you anything, we cannot.

-Are the gems there?" she asked, pointing to a large white cabinet next to the door.

Yoda nodded and Koral went to get his gem. There was only one red one left. It was surprising that it was there since only Siths had red swords. But Koral didn't care about that and grabbed the gem, slipping it into the incomplete lightsaber hanging from her belt. Immediately, the sword lit up and the beautiful red blade came out. Smiling, the young Padawan joined her master and sat on the floor, listening with interest to what Qui-Gon -always present with his hologram- was saying.

-The mission is going very badly. We can't find the Duke, and on top of that, Obi-Wan is missing. He's not far away and he's fine, I can feel it. But we could use a little help.

-We'll send Maoya and Koral to you," Windu said.

-' Huh? But we just got back," Maoya protested.

-I agree!" cried Koral.

A few minutes later, they were off to Callisto to rescue Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. It was a small planet, covered by an ice cap a few hundred meters thick. Under the ice lived a peaceful people, whose main activity was industrial. The problem was that the heat from the factories was melting the ice. Not only was this dangerous, but it was also raining constantly. One part of the population protested and tried to close the factories, but the other part refused, fearing for the economy. A civil war broke out and two Jedi were sent to try to settle the problem and bring the northerners to their senses.

Maoya dived in and entered one of the entrances that led to the habitable sectors of the planet. They landed on the outskirts of a city, not far from another typical Jedi ship where Qui-Gon was waiting.

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