Chapter 1

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Camila Lopez woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. The brown haired female rolled over in her bed to grab the phone, accepting the call and placing it to her ear. She knew who it was already.

"George is awake for once, wake your ass up so we can squad stream before George decides he is tired and wants to take a nap." The voice of her best friend Sapnap Flame, rang through the phone.

"I hate you." Was all the girl said before she hung up and pulled the blanket off of herself.

Camila sat up with a groan, swinging her legs off her bed and getting up. She checked the time before going to her computer. It was 6 am. She trudged down the stairs to her brother's bedroom, knocking on the door a couple times before she heard the sound of something being thrown at it.

"Damon, get up! You have work in 30 minutes." She called to her brother before she went back upstairs to her bedroom where she sat at her desk and ordered herself breakfast.

Her phone began to ring again with Sapnap's caller ID. She declined the call, powering on her computer and putting her headphones on. Once her computer was on, she opened her obs and Minecraft, starting a stream. Sapnap started calling again to which she declined, joining the VC that he was in with their friends George and Dream.

"Cam! Why did you decline my calls?" Sapnap asked when she joined, faking an offended tone.

"Because I felt like ignoring you." Camila said casually as she changed her title screen to the game.

"Are you streaming, Cam?" Dream asked.

"Yea. Just started. I got to intro real quick." Camila told the group before deafening and speaking to her chat.

"Hey chat. Hope you are all doing well. For my Americans in chat, I know it's pretty early. If you are at school, pay attention to your lesson. Today we are just fucking around on Minecraft because these assholes woke me up 10 minutes ago. Enjoy the stream, I will try to read out subs and donos as we go." Camila said to chat, undeafening to George and Sapnap fighting.

"Cam, I sent you a squad stream invite." Dream told her.

"Accepting it now." Camila hummed, tabbing out to her discord so she could accept the squad stream.

"You sound tired, Cammi." George pointed out.

"Because I woke up to stream unlike someone." Camila countered, logging into Hypixel.

"She got you there, George." Sapnap laughed.

"Someone invite me to the party." Camila told the group.

Game Chat:

Dream has invited you to a party!
Accept Decline
CamilaLocas has joined the party!

"Dream, is my favorite." Camila announced.

The sound of someone joining the VC startled the girl.

"Dream is your favorite? Camila I thought we had something special mamacita!" Quackity's voice rang through the call.

"Lo siento, rey. Usted es mi favorito." Camila spoke in her thick Spanish accent.

(translation: I'm sorry, king. You are my favorite)

*Disclaimer I'm American and not very good at Spanish so I'm using Google translate*

"mucho mejor." Quackity spoke, a smile heard in his voice.

(Translation: much better)

"Ugh, they are speaking Spanish to each other again." George complained.

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