Chapter 2

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Around the time it hit 3 pm, the taller Lopez sibling walked into the house. Damon had dark brown hair and green eyes whilst his sister had light brown hair and blue eyes. The two had similar facial structure however. That and their mannerisms were mainly the only way that the two were seen as siblings.

When Damon came home, Camila had been laying on the couch with her phone in her hands, scrolling through tik tok while texting Dream and Sapnap about 4th of July.

"Went shopping?" Damon asked as he lifted his sister's legs off the couch and sat where they had been, putting her legs back down onto his lap.

"Yeah, I got some snacks too." Camila told him, setting her phone on her chest so she could see her brother.

"Wasn't too bad?" Damon raised an eyebrow as he turned on a random youtube video from Dream's channel.

"Not really. I actually ran into Dream and Sapnap while I was there."

"I thought they lived in Florida?"

The two stared at each other in silence. Silence that was broken by a famous line at the beginning of Dream's videos.

"In this video we coded it so-" Video Dream spoke, causing the siblings to burst into laughter.

"How was work, asshole?"

"Same as always. Finally put my two weeks in though."

"That's good."

"Wanna go to the park?" Damon asked.

"Nah. Let's just watch this and then keep packing. I wanna finish this before Saturday." Camila told him, sitting up and moving her legs off him.

"Why Saturday?" He asked.

"Sapnap's parents are hosting their yearly 4th of July party. Sap, invited me earlier." Camila explained as she got up, getting the candy and chips that she had bought.

"So we have four days?"

"Pretty much."

"Call them after this. I want to bully Sapnap.. And I guess I'll meet this Dream guy." Damon chuckled.

"You have to meet George too. He's great. You'd love him." Camila grinned.

"As much as you seem to?" Damon raised an eyebrow.

For some reason, this comment made Camila's cheeks heat up. Damon obviously meant as friends. Camila just chuckled, nodding.

"Sure. Now. Let's see what Dream coded in this video." Camila laughed.

Damon nodded, smiling at his sister and turning his attention to the TV.

The two siblings watched the video before doing as they said they would, packing while on the phone with the girl's friends. The latter was more difficult then they had believed it was going to be however. George was asleep, Sapnap was at his mom's, Dream was walking his fish. The Dream one made Camila yell at him slightly because you can't walk your fish, plus he doesn't even own a fish.

So Camila called Quackity. The three of them were talking and making jokes, mainly talking in Spanish as that's where the siblings were born and mostly raised. It was their first language. After a while, Sapnap joined the call to three voices yelling at each other in a language he couldn't understand. The group ended up bursting to laughter as Sapnap spoke up with the most fearful tone Camila had ever heard from him.

After more time of joking and such, the whole dream team, Quackity, and Wilbur for some reason, we're on a call just hanging out. This was Wilbur's first time meeting Camila and they were enjoying each other's company so far. They were even messaging on twitter while the others argued about who was the best Minecraft player, not including Dream.

(Wilbur Soot and CamilaLocas)

Wilbur Soot: you and George flirting is so painful

CamilaLocas: oi it's mainly him

Wilbur Soot: So you admit that you're flirting?

CamilaLocas: Is the sky blue?

Wilbur Soot: fuck off im trying to help

CamilaLocas: you aren't helping well smh

Wilbur Soot: i hate you

CamilaLocas: yeah yeah

Camila shook her head, looking up at her computer where some of her friends had their cameras on. Camila hugged her brother before smiling and going to the kitchen to make food for herself and Damon. She made something small since they were going to go out and get food later. Once she finished Camila brought it back to her room where Damon was talking to her friends.

"I brought food loser!" Camila announced as she set the food in front of Damon who smiled at her.

"Thanks idiot." Damon chuckled.

"Where's mine?" George pouted, earning a smile and a laugh from the faceless female.

"None for you, ya british fuck." Camila laughed, sitting next to Damon.

"Get fucked." Sapnap laughed as well.

The group laughed, continuing their conversation and enjoying themselves. The night came quicker than expected and Camila was now asleep on Damon's shoulder while he spoke to Dream and Sapnap. The others had left a while ago because of timezones.

Motivation go brrrrrr 


Word Count: 779

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