Chapter 15

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The next day was stressful for everyone involved. Camila, trying to be there in time. Wilbur, Jack, and Tubbo trying to stay out of sight.

Camila arrived and George was already there, sitting next to the fountain.

"George!" Camila greeted, sitting next to him.

"Cami! What's up? Why did you wanna meet here?" George asked.

"I wanted to tell you something important. It might affect our friendship but it might not." Camila started.

"Oh? What is it?" George asked, turning his whole body to him.

Camila took a moment, attempting to word it right.

"It's no secret that I flirt with you all the time. I do that with everyone. Only, with you it's real. It's genuine flirting because I like you more than a best friend." Camila rambled.

George didn't say anything. He looked like he was thinking. He took a moment before smiling at her just a bit.

"Camila. I like you more than a best friend. I always have.. I think. I'm not good at feeling and emotions." George laughed a bit.

"That's okay. I'm patient. We don't have to become anything right away or anything." Camila smiled.

"No, no. Camila, will you be my girlfriend? I want no one else to have a chance with you." George decided.

"Of course I will be." Camila wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a hug.

Cheers came from the other side of the fountain. The two looked over to see Wilbur, Jack, and Tubbo cheering for them.

"Camila?" George asked, laughing a bit.

"They are my love advisors." Camila laughed, waving at them.

"Wasn't Wilbur that for Violet and Tubbo?" George asked.

"I think so." Camila nodded.

"Seems he's good at it. I'm glad you came back to London to tell me." George smiled.

"I do have to go back sometime this week." Camila told him.

"Well, I may happen to be moving in with Dream and Sapnap within the next few months." George told her.

"Really?" Camila grinned.


"I think Ranboo is going to move in with me. So he can be closer to the group."

"Yeah a bunch of us are going to Florida at some point."

Camila hugged George again, kissing his cheek and getting up.

"Ready for a new adventure, Georgie?"

"With you? Always, Cami."

Weeks passed and George had finally moved in with Sapnap and Dream. Ranboo had moved in with Camila and Damon had moved out and into the neighboring house to Camila. He wanted his own space. George and Camila had yet to announce their partnership to Dream and Sapnap. They had told them that Camila chickened out of telling him anything.

Today the two houses were having a group dinner at Camila and Ranboo's. Camila and Ranboo streamed making dinner and then ended as the Dream team came over to the house.

Towards the end of the meal, Camila kicked George's leg from under the table, earning a nod. Camila then kicked Ranboo who glared slightly but pulled his phone out to record.

"I have an announcement." Camila started, standing up.

"I do as well." George also stood up.

"Well I had one first." Camila argued.

"Why don't you say it at the same time?" Ranboo suggested.

"Fine, fine." Camila sighed, smiling.

Dream and Sapnap looked at each other, confused.

"We are dating." Camila and George said at the same time.

Dream and Sapnap froze. Sapnap grinned while Dream groaned.

"You owe me 20 bucks." Sapnap told him.

"Fuck you." Dream sighed, giving Sapnap a 20.

"Wait, you bet on if we were or not?" Camila asked, sitting down.

"Yes. Obviously." Sapnap sassed her.

The group laughed after that. Camila looked around the room, smiling. She couldn't wait until this was all of her friends at a dinner table together. It would be chaotic but good. Plus she had an amazing boyfriend to support her. That was all she needed.

She was so glad to tell him that she loved him by the water fountain.

Water Fountain//GeorgeNotFound x OcWhere stories live. Discover now