Chapter 10

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Camila and George spent their week hanging out at George's apartment and walking around the park. Today the others arrived. They were going to be staying in an air bnb while they were here. They were only here for another week.

"George! We are gonna be late!" Camila yelled through the apartment as she held the keys to the rental car she had bought.

"Hold on!" George yelled back, stumbling out of his room and to her.

"Let's go!" Camila grinned.

The two got into the rental car and Camila drove to the airport.

"Wilbur, Tommy, Violet, and Tubbo’s train just arrived." George told her.

"Got it. Is Eret bringing his girlfriend?" Camila asked.

"Willow? I don't think so. She had classes I believe." George responded, texting someone back.

(Willow and Eret = Next book btw.)

"Shame, she seems cool." Camila frowned, pulling into the airport.

"Yeah. Something seems up there." George agreed.

Camila shrugged, parking and stopping the car. She and George got out and waited for the planes with their friends to land.

They waited for 30 minutes before the two were tackled by Dream and Sapnap. Quackity and Karl were following behind them.

They stayed that way for about 10 minutes before they got up, laughing. Phil had arrived as well with his car.

The group had their little reunion thing and then Phil drove the new arrivals to the airbnb. George and Camila stayed behind to wait for Schlatt and Eret.

They arrived an hour later. The four drove to the bnb and met up with the others. Camila was ecstatic to meet them in person.

Camila found that she clicked with Ranboo, Wilbur, and Tommy the most out of all of them.

"Guys, we should give them a tour of london!" Violet suggested.

"Yes!" Tubbo cheered in agreement, only to be called a simp by Tommy.

So they did. The group all walked around London, the British folk showing them the way so they didn't get lost.

"There's a festival this Wednesday. We should go to it." Philza told the group.

"Yes!! That would be so fun!" Violet cheered.
Camila, Wilbur, and Ranboo were walking behind the group.

"Wanna mess with them?" Wilbur asked the two.

"Absolutely." They responded together.

"Follow me." Wilbur grinned.

Ranboo and Camila looked at eachother, a grin forming on their faces as they followed after Wilbur. The others were oblivious to them leaving.

"So where to?" Wilbur asked.

"Where’s somewhere they wouldn't think to look for us?" Camila asked.

"Who cares about hiding? Let's have fun with this. If they find us, we go with them until they forget about it and we disappear again." Wilbur explained.

"We should have a group chat. And not have all three of us go each time so they expected it less." Camila continued.

"Made a group chat. Let's go get ice cream!" Ranboo announced.

"Ice cream it is!" Wilbur agreed, leading the way.

Their game lasted for 2 hours before they were found in the park watching Wilbur try to be a mime. It was a funny sight to see.

"We were looking everywhere for you! Do you not check your phones?!" Dream told them.

"Wilbur has my phone." Camila said.

"Camila has my phone." Ranboo continued.

"Ranboo had my phone." Wilbur grinned.

"Why did you switch phones?!" Sapnap asked, exasperated.

"It was funny." Camila shrugged.

After a stern talking to from Dream, the group set off once more. The three looked at each other, nodded, and walked away from the group after 10 minutes. This happened many more times before the group finally decided to go back to their airbnb for the day.

RanbooLive = Boo
Wilbur Soot = Oo
Camila Lopez = Aa

Boo: We are doing this all week, right?
Oo: Most definitely
Aa: they hated it
Boo: good
Aa: should we include anyone else?
Oo: Uhhh probably should tell Phil what's happening when we do it
Aa: add Phil

Boo has added Philza to the group!
Oo changed Philza to Hillza


illza: what in the world is this
Aa: prank
Boo: we are telling a responsible adult
Oo: who we trust not to tell the others
Hillza: okay. sure
Boo: wait really?
Hillza: just don't die.
Aa: philza is the only man ever
Oo: ^^
Boo: ^^

"Camila? Wilbur? Ranboo? You guys listening?" Tommy asked.

"Nope." Ranboo nodded.

"Camila sent us a funny meme " Wilbur told them.

"I did." Camila agreed.

They were skeptical but dropped it. Eventually they went to bed. Camila added Jack to their group chat. He appreciated it.

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