Chapter 3

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The week went by fairly quickly. Camila was currently getting ready to go to Sapnap's. She had put on a simple outfit of shorts and a blue t-shirt with her swimsuit underneath. Once she was ready, Damon drove her to Sapnap's where she was immediately tackled by a small child who was around 14. The blonde smiled up at the brunette, earning a hair ruffle and a hug as Damon drove off.

"I missed you!" The girl exclaimed with a grin.

"I missed you too, where is your brother?" Camila asked.

"In Sapnap's room." She laughed.

"Sounds good. We can hang out later, yea?" Camila smiled.

"We better!"

"Will do, bye Drista!" Camila called as she went up the stairs to Sapnap's bedroom where she opened the door to see Dream and Sapnap trying to wrestle over the TV remote on Sapnap's bed.

"What the fuck?" Camila laughed as she shut the door behind her.

"Cam! Tell him to give me the remote!" Dream said, huffing in annoyance at not getting the remote.

"Sapnap." Cam started, earning a groan from Sapnap and a cheer from Dream.

"Give me the remote." Camila held her hand out as Dream deflated with a frown on his face while Sapnap laughed, handing her the remote.

"Why are you two being antisocial up here?" Camila asked as she sat on the bed.

"Could ask you the same thing." Sapnap tried to counter.

"I'm socializing with you losers." Camila frowned.

"You are the loser." Dream huffed again.

"Yeah yeah, come on. I wanna have fun! Not sit in Sapnap's room that still smells like it did when he was 15." Camila cringed as she stood up, setting the TV remote on the bed after turning the TV off.

"It does not!" Sapnap gasped, mildly offended by his friend.

"Come on, Sap. Let's go swimming or something." Dream suggested earning a nod of approval from Camila.

"Ugh, fine. Get out so I can change into swim shorts or whatever." Sapnap rolled his eyes.

Camila grinned as she and Dream left the room and went downstairs.

"We are going to just fuck with him, right?" Dream asked as he pulled his hoodie off and set it with Camila's things.

"Oh entirely. Until he gets butthurt and tattles to his mom." Camila laughed, taking the shirt and shorts off that were over her swimsuit.

"If he gets butthurt we should just take him to get ice cream."

"We should do that either way."

"I'm down. Are you staying here tonight? Or headed back to yours?"

"I can probably stay. Then we can hang out tomorrow as well."

"Sapnap and I should just come stay at your place till we head back."

"I wouldn't mind. I think you would have to bring that up with Damon though."

"We ready to swim, fuckers?" Sapnap called as he came down the stairs in a pair of swim shorts and a black t-shirt.

"Let's gooooo!" Dream grinned as he took off to the pool in Sapnap's backyard.

Sapnap grinned as he ran after Dream, Camila following behind.

The trio had ended up being the only ones in the pool because the children were all either on the playset or inside on the xbox in the living room. Sapnap's mom had taken a few videos of the chaotic three and their time in the pool before they got out to get food that Sapnap's father had grilled.

Video 1: Sapnap is a Wet Dog

Dream and Camila looked at eachother, grins forming on their faces as they slowly swam toward Sapnap who was floating on his back with his eyes closed.

"Do the honors?" Camila smiled at Dream who gladly pushed Sapnap under the water, causing him to come up soon after looking confused and mildly offended.

"The fuck?!" Sapnap shouted at the two who were simply just laughing.

"You look like a wet dog!" Camila said through laughter.

Sapnap's hair had ended up in his face, covering it almost completely aside from the part he pushed out of his eyes.

"Fuck you!" Sapnap shouted, jumping toward Camila and bringing her under the water as Dream wheezed.

Video 2: Chicken

Drista had gotten in at this point, swimming around, talking to Camila occasionally when Sapnap decided they should play a game of chicken. Drista ended up on Dream's shoulders while Camila ended up on Sapnaps.

Camila was a competitive person.. But, fucking Sapnap over was just so much funnier.

"You're going down." Sapnap grinned confidently while Camila bit back a grin that caused a huff of a laugh from Dream.

"Be careful!" Sapnap's mom called.

"Ready... set... go!" Drista counted down and then it was on.

The two girls were messing around, not making much progress to knock the other off when Sapnap and Dream decided to fight each other to help. Drista and Camila had their hands on each other's shoulders. Until Camila winked at the younger girl and made herself fall off Sapnap's shoulders.

"No! Cam!" Sapnap frowned while Camila resurfaced, a grin on her face as Dream and Drista laughed.

"Drista is just so good at this!" Camila laughed.

"It's like the third impostering in Among us!" Dream called from the other side of the pool.

"Camila! Did you purposefully lose?" Sapnap asked, slowly moving towards her.

"Uh... no? Dream protect me!" Camila yelled as she tried to go to Dream only for Sapnap to pick her up instead.

"No!! Put me down you loser!" Camila shouted.

"You got it!" Sapnap then dropped her in the water.

Video 3: Float buddies

Camila and Drista were just talking while swimming around when they noticed that the boys had gone quiet.

"Dream? Sap?" Camila asked, looking around to see the two boys next to each other, floating on their backs.

Drista laughed before looking at Camila.

"Float buddies?" Camila asked.

"Float buddies." Drista confirmed before the two went over to the boys and then began to float on their backs as well.

Wholesomeness <3


Word Count: 1004

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