Chapter 1- Unplanned meeting

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"Yes baba, I have landed safely there and I am currently going towards my hotel room. Yeah,I will be fine. Take care,love you."

Sanem sniffed back her tears she was holding for so long as soon as she disconnected the call. She took out the engagement ring and aimed it for the dustbin. But her eyes landed on the hotel service girl sweeping the floors.

"Hey,come here for once!"
She called out for her. As the girl walked towards her,she handed her the diamond ring."You can have it."

The girl's eyes shone brightly. Sanem was happy to do something for a needy person instead of just wasting her precious money on that cheater fiancee. Being a motherless child,Sanem was a little bit angsty whenever she interacted with someone. She tried to find that motherly tender through her grandmother who passed away when she turned 15. Life wasn't easy on her.  Her baba faced tremendous amount of loss in his business. She took it upon her nestling her emotions inside her tiny heart. She studied all through those nights when her inside craved for some motherly affection. She never despised her baba for ignoring her and focusing more on building his business. It wasn't his fault for desiring a comfortable life for his daughter. She was bullied back in school,by her cousins and lastly she found Yigit when she turned 24. By then,she was a famous cardiologist. Her family finance was back on path. Her Baba trying to find a suitable groom to hand over his daughter as well his business. Sanem pursued him to meet Yigit. He was a lovely guy who complimented her tiny nose for which she was bullied all through the years. She was deeply in love with him. Everything was right until Yigit ditched her on their very engagement. He was sleeping with her bestfriend Deren behind her back and impregnated her. Sanem stayed sealed and backed off with a shattered heart. Yet that bastard put all the blame on her calling her a damn cheater and spreading rumours of Sanem secretly carrying a baby of an unknown guy. Sanem felt into depression.

She looked out for a physiotherapist who consulted her for a change. Some fresh air and wild nights would do it for her. She was indeed trying to flee from that damn place. Upon the chance,she took the ticket to Dubai.

For god's sake she was to do anything except to trust a man!

She was left confused by Yigit. Why do people tend to cheat?What was not in their relationship?Or it lost its 'spice' as termed by Yigit?

She swiped the card and barged in her room. Resting on the bed for a second before she decided to move to her next plan. She was going to the beach to have plenty of flirts and vitamin-D. She wasn't going to waste anymore of her tears on whats gone. She took out the hottest pair of lingeries she had and started getting ready.

Once she was done,she took a good look at herself on the mirror. Giving herself an appreciating gaze,she went out for the beach. Many people swarmed there enjoying out. She took a coconut drink seeping it peacefully by the poolside when her eyes landed on a couple who were playing in the water. They reminded her of her past with Yigit. They had planned to spend a day like this in their honeymoon which unfortunately couldn't happen. She felt her eyes brimming at the memory and she took on the Google's to hid her tears. She won't be showing to people she was a vulnerable, depressed,dumped woman. She was weaving out how things when a voice broke her trance.

"Pardon,but I think I know you?"

A deep, muscular voice attracted her gaze. She turned as her eyes landed on the finest specimen on earth. A well sculpted Greek god standing before her. She was drown to his eyes when he spoke,"I guess I have seen you Miss. Oh yes, aren't you Miss Sanem? Weren't you to be engaged with Yigit? I am his friend. I am sorry for whatever happened that day. Yi-"

"Sorry but I think I don't know anyone by that name and please excuse me,you have got the wrong person."

Her voice sharply cutting him between his sentence. He was taken aback by her rude interaction as she walked away paying him no another look.

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