Chapter 19- Always there for you

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Jan was stuck in a meeting for hours he couldn't conclude. He was feeling an uneasy tension in his heart for Sanem. Like something bad was going to happen. He thought what was he actually doing in that meeting when Emre could have done it too. But his mother pushed him saying he was much needed in the office. He was planning to open another branch of their hotel in Turkey. This way it was easier for him.

The meeting finished when he decided to meet Sanem. She was staying alone. He couldn't believe how stubborn she was. But time was rather not good for him. An employee was sick and he had to drive him to the hospital. Things were worst because he was called up to attend Fikri Harika's annual show. A party was thrown and he had to attend it in absence of his father.

He was still in the party when his phone rang. He checked it and for his surprise it was Sanem's number. He immediately accepted the call.

"Oh seems like I have to check from which side the sun has risen,"he said intending to  tease her but there was no answer from that side. He could hear her breathe rapidly. What's wrong?


Her voice came shaking. He was immediately alerted. Something was definitely wrong.

His brows furrowed,"What happened Sanem?"

"Jan....... plea-se com-e.....I-I....nee-"

She couldn't finish her sentence before she broke down.

Sanem was surprised when Jan disconnected the call on her face. Finally even he was showing his true colours? Or he disliked her tears?Almost collapsing on the road she cuddled into a ball resting her head between her legs sobbing on her condition. She stopped feeling a light flashing over her and turned up her head to see a car standing at a distance. The cars flashlight falling on her. A figure landed from the vehicle advancing towards her. She gasped thinking it to be an intruder but when the shadow neared by her she discovered he was none other than Jan.

He rushed at her picking her up from the ground. "Are you fine?Why are you sitting on the freaking road instead of your house?And why were you crying?"

He wrapped his jacket around her as he asked her. Sanem was observing him. She wasn't expecting him to show up. A warm feeling broke out in her heart.

"My house is seized by the bankers."

"But why?"

She irritatedly replied,"I don't know. I don't have the least idea. Only baba can explain it."

Jan nodded grasping a partial idea of what could have happened. But that wasn't important. He would see out it for later. For now,his first priority was protecting Sanem. He noticed she was shivering with his jacket still on her. He chained it up as she looked at him.

"Lets go."


"To our home?,"he replied making it obvious.


Mrs. Huma wasn't expecting unexpected guests. When she saw Jan bringing a lady with him,she was quite excited thinking he was over with Sanem. But when she discovered that lady was Sanem herself ,she was
blinded by rage. But she kept it hidden
under her facade as usual.

"Aj Jan I see you have brought Sanem along!I am so pleased. We will have a good time together but my bad it's getting late and you can't stay for a prolong time?,"She asked keeping up with a blank face.

Jan was helping her bring her luggage inside,"Mom,she is staying over here. You will have plenty of time to talk with her don't worry."

Huma gasped in her mind.

'There is no way I am letting this lowlife stay in our house.'

"But her father must be alone worrying about her health."

"Mom her father is out in a tour. Their house is seized by the bankers."

'Oh is that so?Her father can spend money for a tour but his house is seized?Or wait he arranged for a tour in exchange for his house and knowingly left his daughter back here so that she can use him?Those lowlives can do anything for their greed.'

"Mom earth calling you!!!"

She fumbled back in track to notice Jan and Sanem looking back at her,"Yes-s?"

"Mom, please help Sanem. Take her to my room. Meanwhile I will prepare something for her to eat,"he said.

'Yes yes why not!Now she isn't feeling her so called self-respect when she has to stay with Jan? Everything is just a drama. What can you expect from them?Bloody lowlife!!!!'

She faked a smile,"Evet. You go bring something for her to eat. Poor girl just see her face. Terrible......I will help her to back in room."

As soon as they entered in his room,her demeanor changed. She grabbed Sanem's hand twisting it hard making her whine in pain. Sanem shockingly looked at her face which was screaming cruelty.

"Listen girl.......I will never accept you in Jan's life. People like you are scumbags. You can do anything to get our money but this isn't happening when I am alive. I will get Jan married with a girl I choose who is equal in his standards."

Sanem couldn't believe Huma could drop so low. She had a feeling this woman was no good for her and that came to be true.

"What are you saying?I don't need your money."

"Stop acting like a saint.  Very soon you are exiting his life with this child you are carrying in you and don't lay back an eye at Jan. And if you love your baby,then don't dare to reveal a word about this to Jan,"Huma rasped and pushed her away leaving Sanem in pain. Her hand had red bruises where she was grasped. Tears appeared in her eyes. She bite down her lips to prevent a sound escaping her lips. Everything was okay but there was no need to physically hurt her like that when she was in a delicate state. Why were people so cruel?She was never interested in Jan's wealth. She fell for him because he was a crack head who made her laugh when she felt like crying and made her cry when she felt like laughing.

Jan barged in his room with a plate of hot, steaming chicken soup and vegetable salad.

"I brought you dinner,"he sang placing it in the bed where she was sitting with her head buried between her legs. When she looked up he saw tears trickling down her beautiful eyes.

"What happened? Aren't you feeling well?"

"You don't know Jan,that house is too much important for me. My mother brought it and decorated the whole house by her own hands. She poured all her last savings and love on that house. I have so many memories attached with it. When I stay there, I feel her presence everywhere. How can I just let it go like that?,"her voice choked.

His face softened rubbed them off saying,"You are such a crybaby. Don't worry everything will be fine."

He said caressing her back while rocking her back and forth in his arms. She let him handle her emotions for a while. Forgetting everything that happened between them for a moment while wetting his shirt with tears.

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