Chapter 18- Deep problem

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Sanem was sipping on a cup of banana spinach smoothie.

She was craving for a cup of brewing coffee but that was restricted in her diet till nine months and ten days.

Leila and her Baba had left for their tour a day before.

It was 9:30 pm ticking in the clock. She was gathering things for a hot bath. Her phone ticked with a reminder that she had an appointment to the gynecologist tomorrow evening.

Truthfully she was scared. She had no basic knowledge about motherhood. Had her own mother had been alive,she would have taught her a few things.

She was scared about her child's upbringing. Would she be a good mother?Was she spending a proper lifestyle for her unborn baby?

She had seen her pregnant colleagues. But they had their husband's sticking around them in the most possible time who reminded them about medicines,food,rest and what not.

Jan did the same for you yesterday.

Sanem was in a war with herself. She knew what an important place Jan lived being their baby's father. She acknowledged a father's importance. But it wasn't okay to let him in her life again just because he was mended or pretending to be mended.

He was really obsessed about their baby. And she needed a helping hand other than Leila or her father. There would be moments when you needed to speak about your insecurities,your fervent wishes,your cravings to your soulmate.  Jan was more than a soulmate to her. After his arrival in her life, she never reminisced Yigit or even if she would there wasn't a chance she would feel that same depression. It was like within a few days Jan had done a magic to treat of her past wounds.

Her eyes pooled with tears. Was it her pregnancy hormones or she was indeed pained?

The doorbell started ringing grabbing her attention. She quickly rubbed her tears sniffing a bit before going to open the door.


As soon as she opened the door,she was taken with a jolt.

Yigit was standing there with a bouquet of flower. He gave a nervous smile before thrusting it in her hand,"Hi Sanem,long time no see!"

Sanem grimaced,"Why are you here Yigit?And at this time?"

His smile faltered at her noncholant attitude. He still tried to keep up his demeanor as he spoke,"I am sorry for being an asshole to you previously. I-I just wanted to see our baby. I heard that you are pregnant and being the father I couldn't stop myself fr-"

"OUR BABY!!!!YOU MEAN YOU AND ME?!!!,"Sanem almost screamed shutting him then and there.

"Yes,Sanem what's wrong to accept the truth-"

"This isn't your baby you asshole in real sense!!!Don't make such idiotic claims!!This baby is mine and Jan's blood. How dare you utter nonsense before my eyes trying to defame me?Wait I will call the police and get you arrested. Enough of your dirty games."

She immediately punched her phone lock. Yigit fumbled sweating hard,"Sanem wait ....okay okay.....I can understand your situation your still angry on me. I am going. Don't take that stress. Please it's not good for your health."

"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE BEFORE I FILE A CASE AGAINST YOU SON OF A BITCH,"She yelled. Her neighbours came out to watch the scene going on. Yigit looked around surveying the situation that wasn't on his favour.

"Okay Sanem... I am going. But ring me up when you feel,"he said incensing her anger. He walked away disappearing from her eyesight. Sanem threw away the flower bouquet on the road and slammed the door closing it down.

But as soon as she got in,the doorbell rang again. She fumed taking the flower vase dashing at it flunging the door open,"Yigit I swear I won't spare you........"

But her words stopped then and there. The one standing before her wasn't Yigit but a businessman who at the meantime looking at her peculiarly.

She immediately brought down her attacking hand hiding the vase behind her back. "Yes,how may I help you?"

"Mam I am here to talk with Nihat Aydin. Is he there?"

"No. He is currently out on a tour. Is it something important?I am his daughter. You can tell me if it's important."

The man sighed taking out a book,"Mam Mr. Nihat Aydin had taken a hefty sum of loan for his business amounting to 13,98,428.78 lira. His business was already facing back to back losses and he still owes his investors. He was given a deadline to clear his debts which was today and he failed. That's why we have to seize his property."


This was too much for her to take in a single day. Baba never told her about his business. She knew about the initial lose but she thought he had recovered it. How could he be so irresponsible?

She brushed off the beads of sweat forming on her head,"It's okay but at this time I can't give up on our house. Please extend the deadline."

"Mam we are businessman. Not petty bargainers. We have our own hands tied with rules. Sorry to say but you have to leave the house now,"his voice came sharp and clear.

Sanem felt her world crippling down at the moment. She had no other way to deal with it. She was doing a job but even if she combined her yearly salary that won't suffice the loan. Added to it was the other debts. She would have cleared it if Baba informed her earlier. Then she would have cleared it slowly in small sums preventing it getting huge.


His voice broke her trance. "Yes..... please wait a sec,"she said before rushing inside the house and coming back with a photo frame. It was her late mother's picture. It was her only prized possession at the moment. Other things included her bag,phone and wallet. She was on the roads now. She watched him sealing their lovely house before her eyes. She wasn't going to forgive her father that soon.

But the most important question was,where was she going to spend the night?She looked at her watch which showed past ten. She wasn't going to get a rent.

She called up her bestfriend Aiyhan. But to her disappointment Aiyhan informed her that she was out of town. Sanem tried calling a few of her colleagues. Some of them evaded her request with an excuse and others were out.

She was terrified. It was getting darker. She was pregnant. What was she going to do?

She cried at her plight. Her finger scrolled through her contacts in search of someone who could help her.

There was her last resolution.

Only hope.

She dialled a number,"Hello?"

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