Chapter 20- His care and affection

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Leila couldn't help but choke on her food when Emre was telling him about last night mishap.

If she was sure,this thing wasn't included in their plan to get Jan and Sanem together.

She immediately dialled up Sanem whose phone rang for a few seconds before being declined.

She knew Sanem was fine. That Jan bey was taking care of her. She was assured of her safety with that man around Sanem like a shield.

But Sanem wasn't going to forgive them that easily. They shouldn't have left her behind.

She went to Nihat who was busy watering a weird looking plant,"Uncle!!!Do you have the slightest idea of what's going on earth?"

"Not a bit. Why?What happened?,"He asked looking at her while adjusting his glasses on his nose.

Leila rolled her eyes huffing in disappointment. "Sanem was kicked out last night from the house. Bankers had came to seize it over because YOU failed to clear the money!"


She slowly and steadily told him everything that happened and how Jan came to save her.

The water can fell from his hand. His precious little daughter was forced to leave their house all because of him when he was enjoying here!

Sanem was trying to sleep underneath the warm blanket moving back here and there. New places,new people and above all Huma's life threatening speech displaying her pointy hatred for the unborn baby. Her phone rang once again as she tried to ignore it covering her ears with the pillow. But she failed. She wanted to scream on the top of her voice for her nerve was out of control due to all chaos taking place in her life.

She swiped her phone screen accepting the call,"Hello?"

She tried not to sound too rude.

"Hello, daughter-"

"Baba please am I not clear enough?I don't want to talk to you. I don't feel like talking to you is more suitable. I am clearly not forgiving you. Please don't disturb me anymore you have done enough."

She seethed in rage and pain as she switched off her phone. She was going back under blankets when her eyes finally took a clear look around Jan's room. And she was in awe when she actually saw around.

There was an attached balcony where lied a swinging chair. Her legs automatically rose up as she walked towards balcony taking a good look at the outside.

Jan was playing basketball all alone in the court. The house screamed elegance from every corner.

He had left her his room and slept somewhere she didn't knew in order to make her feel comfortable. She sighted a cute little baby dormitory. Her mind wondered if Jan had a baby brother other than Emre bey. But wasn't Huma too old for another offspring?She was old enough to fiddle with her grandchild. Well,they could get one adopted though. But then she surely would have felt a baby's presence!!!

"Good morning...... breakfast is here,"She heard a voice it certainly didn't belonged to Jan. She was right. It was brother Divit!

"Gunaydin,"she smiled at the duo who happened to be her cousin's love interest. He looked funny but assuming from Divit bloodline he must be carrying a hidden personality under his sleeves. Everyone of them had. Like she had seen Jan's deadly possessive self when she said he got no rights on her baby. She was scared to death when she saw the look in his eyes. Then there was Huma Divit. Pretending to be super sweet but was a vile fox under human skin. She narrowed her eyes at Emre. She had to check it for herself if he was right for her good-for-nothing-so-called biggy sister!

"Jan is busy in his workout session. As your brother-in-law I got the honour to make you breakfast. Taste it and I guarantee you won't be disappointed,"he said gleeful. She looked down at the plate which had tortillas with sweet potato, corn, avocado, cheese, beans and lime. Her stomach growled at its mere sight.

She took a tortilla bite and a yum sound automatically escaped her mouth cracking a smile on his face. She continued eating while the question still crossing her mind,"Do you people have a secret baby in your house?"

His face scrunched,"Why do you ask?"

"Umm....... I was curious seeing them,"she pointed at the baby room. Emre chuckled a bit before he replied,"Who do you think can have a baby with us? Counting just the four of us who can have a baby? There's lots of time for you to find out the answer.See ya till then!"

Saying he left leaving her there wondering who was having a baby until that much needed morning sickness attached her once again. She rushed to the washroom kneeling down to the toilet before vomiting out her stomachs content. She felt someone holding her hairs gentle in order to help her puke. She finished and flushed it before looking back at the person. 

Jan helped her get up on her legs. But Sanem was feeling sick. Seeing her wobble he carried her to the room before laying her there and covered her with the duvet,"Sleep."

"But-but I have an appointment to the gynecologist today. And I have to go to my work,"She said much against her will.

"That can be done if I call your gynecologist here. For now,you just sleep and eat. Then eat and sleep. I will talk with hospital authority for your pregnancy leave. Leave the rest on me."

Sanem closed her eyes. She heard clothes shuffling and footsteps with a crack of the door and she was alone again. She tried to sleep when she remembered Emre's question.

"Who do you think can have a baby with us? Counting just the four of us who can have a baby? There's lots of time for you to find out the answer.See ya till then!"

It was her!!!!!

She slapped her head for acting like a weirdo. Pregnancy had vilified her common sense. She had heard it till that but now she was experiencing it.

But for her baby,who would bring a pile of things she imagined never to afford them.

It must be Jan.

He was doing everything. Did he deserved a chance or not?Was it okay for her to forgive him?Or she should better wait and see if he changed once again?

Her phone pinged. That was a Google quote flashing on her screen.

"True love blooms when we care more about another person than we care about ourselves"
           -Jeffrey R. Holland

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